Carnagecast 57: Gulveig


Ray flies solo this episode as he talks with Andrew Valkauskas, the designer behind Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok, about his new card game Gulveig, the future of the Fate of the Norns line, crowdfunding and more.

Gulveig is a quick, casual card game, featuring dynamic trick-taking and bluffing, with Viking clans gaining and losing supremacy over the course of the game. It’s designed to be family-friendly, with optional elements to increase the crunch factor.

The conversation turns to Pendelhaven’s success with the crowdfunding model of raising capital and future plans for the Fate of the Norns line. Depending on their success with titles like Gulveig and Vigridr, a crunchier card game now in beta testing, Fate of the Norns may expand beyond the role-playing market to become a genre-spanning game property.

Andrew and his crew will be at A Fistful of Carnage, demoing Gulveig, building interest for a tournament and, of course, running Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok adventures. Carnage-goers can look forward to being the first to try out new characters for Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok, experiencing new content from the forthcoming Denizens of the North lorebook and a brand new Mjolnir, weighing in at a svelte 109 pounds. You’ll have to listen to the episode to hear Andrew’s challenge to anyone looking to heft Mjolnir.

A Fistful of Carnage is two weeks away! Download the convention book and preregister, before time runs out!

Subscribe to Carnagecast on iTunes! Like Carnage on Facebook. Follow Carnage on Twitter: @Carnagecon. Go behind the jump for the show links.

Apologies for the rocky audio in parts. Skype couldn’t decide if it wanted to play ball with us or not. Stick with it. Andrew’s got a lot of cool stuff to share about Gulveig and Fate of the Norns!

Show Links

  • Carnagecast Extrasode 8: Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok
  • Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok
  • Gulveig Kickstarter
  • Andrew wields the new Mjolnir








