EJSpark Converstaions

Ethan Jolley
《EJSpark Converstaions》Podcast

EJ or Ethan Jolley is an everyday human just like you, there's nothing special about him. He's gone through his own peaks and valleys in his life but the one thing that has helped him through everything is his mental attitude. Passionate and curious about mental wellbeing he is sparking that conversation with people he looks up too to find out what makes them glow and go on the inside. Remember a conversation is progress so get out there and spark that conversation.

  1. Rhett Corker // You are not a burden on anyone


    Rhett Corker // You are not a burden on anyone

    I'm slowly meeting more and more Tomorrowman facilitators in this podcast and it was an absolute privilege to have Rhett on talking about his journey to being a speaker of men's health and wellbeing. Initially, when I first attended a Tomorrowman workshop I thought these blokes who are running the workshop are the bee's knees in what it is to be a man, they know their shit and have their life sorted. But as I have slowly talked to each facilitator and for that matter, all my other guests who I highly admire and look up to in every aspect and I have come realise that they are just like you and I. They all have their own story to tell, have had their own shit times which have actually taught them a lot about themselves and have gradually turned into great times. The universe is going to continue to throw challenges at you which will test you in every aspect but I want you to know that you have the power to ace that test and go onto the next level in your life. Think of it as a video game, you can't go onto the next level which may be a much more appealing level until you have consolidated your understandings and passed the test.  It's ok to sit in discomfort, this is something I have struggled with big-time but something I am embracing in my life right now. And as Rhett mentions in this conversation you sitting in that discomfort is not a burden on others. Don't be afraid to reach out to anyone.  You find out more about Tomorrowman at their website https://www.tomorrowman.com.au/ or follow them on Instagram @tomorrowman_au

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  2. Kumbi Mukaro Part 1 // Zimbabwe to Australia, cooperate stress to cooperate mindfulness


    Kumbi Mukaro Part 1 // Zimbabwe to Australia, cooperate stress to cooperate mindfulness

    EPISODE 30 is here!!! WOWEE!! This came around way to quickly and to be honest I so did not think I would be able to meet 30 different people, hear their journey through their various ups and downs and record it for the podcast. I am feeling EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for everyone that I have sat down with to have a chat, they have all taken time out of their day to chat with this random person who messaged them on Instagram or sent them an email. I am also so GRATEFUL for everyone who has tuned in to listen to my podcast. To have just 1 person listen, means the world. I am always worried when I release a new episode until the first person listens then my nerves ease up and I move on to working on the next episode.  Unintentionally for episode 30 there are two parts.  The first part is hearing Kumbi's journey where she touches on her early years of moving away from her home country to come to Australia to study. She's always prided strived for academic excellence and thought that if she excels and lands a job where she walks around with a briefcase then she would be happy. Here's a prime example of Martin's If/then mentality. If I get this, then I'll be happy. Always chasing external things to make you happy, But Kumbi noticed there was something missing on the inside of her. That's when she came across Mindfulness Mediation.  Part 2 Kumbi and I talk about some practical take away tips and advice that we can all apply straight away to lower our stress and anxiety and be the best version of ourselves.

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  3. Cass Dunn // Shifting your energy from crappy to happy


    Cass Dunn // Shifting your energy from crappy to happy

    I was so blessed to be able to sit down with Cass Dunn for an hour and have the opportunity to pick her brain on a range of topics. For those that don't know Cass is a Clinical Psychologist, mindfulness/meditation teacher, coach, author of 3 books and one of Australia's leading podcasters who has had the opportunity to speak with some inspiring people from all around the country and the world.  Honestly, this podcast journey of mine continues to blow my mind. I can't even fathom how I have managed to speak with the guests I have spoken with. The one thing that I have learnt so far is that as Oprah Winfrey says "you get in life what you have the courage to ask for". You just never know what the answer is going to be until you ask and if you get a no then you haven't lost anything.  This conversation could not come at a better time for us Victorians who are having to go back into stage 3 restrictions and experiencing stage 4 restrictions. Personally, this week I've been feeling quite flat as my Uni semester was shaping up to be an epic one full of practical trips to amazing outdoor environments with good company. But that's all been put on hold at the moment.  This week I've sat with those uncomfortable feelings, I've allowed my body to rest more than I usually do and I know that these uneasy emotions will pass. Alongside that, I have made sure that I tick off my non-negotiable everyday habits which fill up my cup.  So take some time out for you and be easy on yourself during this section season in our lives.  Please give Cass Dunn a follow on Instagram @cassdunn_xo and listen to her podcast called 'Crappy to Happy'. You can find out more about Cass and the amazing work she does on her website https://cassdunn.com/

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EJ or Ethan Jolley is an everyday human just like you, there's nothing special about him. He's gone through his own peaks and valleys in his life but the one thing that has helped him through everything is his mental attitude. Passionate and curious about mental wellbeing he is sparking that conversation with people he looks up too to find out what makes them glow and go on the inside. Remember a conversation is progress so get out there and spark that conversation.








