Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell

Susan Burrell
《Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell》Podcast

Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susan’s personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation. Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of “How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness?” The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life.

  1. 4日前

    Rays of Hope

    Ep# 291 - Rays of Hope - An Interview with author, Hope Ives Mauran   Hope Ives Mauran joins me for the latest episode of Empowering Chats. Hope is the author of “Love’s New Earth: Awakening to our Collective True Nature as Love." As I began this interview, I could feel all of my inner circuits on fire. I was tingling all over. Her book is all about bringing Love to the New Earth. I began by asking Hope to explain what the New Earth means to her? She explained it like this: It is a higher frequency Earth. An Earth where humanity is standing in an awareness of knowing who they are beyond the body. As consciousness itself. And Community, Compassion, Kindness are some of our primary values. The book begins with the awareness that we exist in a field of love. It is there for us always. And it is there to support us and remind us that Love is always the way. Hope also includes a section in the book about "The Rays of Hope," which are here to help anchor the new Earth. This particular section has a listing of teachers, tools, organizations, companies and ideas that are inspiring. These ideas of  "Love’s New Earth" keep us grounded in reality. It is there so readers can come on board and be a part of this creative path of creating a new earth. This list is there to give readers a place to start. This is the grand experiment. Exploring new ways of living, of uplifting humanity. Our challenge is to not resist change but instead to stay curious and find ways of creating a new paradigm. Hope shared this direct quote from the book, “We are creating a new earth paradigm for the highest and best good of all concerned.” Lead with Love. To learn more about Hope Ives Mauran and her book, "Love's New Earth" visit: https://www.freedomsart.com/ To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit my website: SusanBurrell.com

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  2. 9月13日

    Unshakably Well

    EP #290 - Unshakably Well - An Interview with author and psychotherapist, Rachel Kaplan   I truly love my job. I get to meet so many interesting and fascinating people.  I am thrilled to welcome Rachel Kaplan to Empowering Chats. Rachel is a psychotherapist and the author of “Feel, Heal & Let That Shit Go.” At the tender age of 14 Rachel experienced great trauma when the boy she fell in love with took his life. In her words, she became dead inside and did not know how to process her grief and trauma so she shifted into her very active brain, ignoring her emotions. Then at the age of 16 she started therapy but did not reach full -fledged healing until she reached 18. That is when she knew she wanted to be a therapist. It took her until she hit 37 before she felt like her baseline of self-love was enough. And this was after she had already been a therapist for 10 years. Rachel wrote this book in order to help others work through the necessary pieces that can make the difference between compensating for their emotional wounds and learning how to break that cycle and get to a place of well-being, so that they have a baseline of self-love. In Rachel’s words, “I did this book because I didn’t want this to take others as long as it took me.”  There is such a difference between feeling unshakably well and looking okay. Rachel feels there is a lack of understanding in the therapy world and most people at best are managing a part of themselves that feels very unlovable. According to Rachel, emotions are clusters of sensations that signal something to us, but no one really taught us how to work with those and how to let the emotions flow through our body. We were conditioned out of our feelings. And many of us eat, smoke, go shopping, distract ourselves or find other ways to not deal with our pain and our emotions. Life is for living and it includes feeling your emotions and allowing them to pass through you so you can process and move on.   To learn more about Rachel visit: TheFeelingsMovement.com   To pre-order her book,  “Feel, Heal & Let That Shit Go," which will be released on October 15, 2024 please visit: TheFeelingsMovement.com/book   To learn more about me and how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com Book will be released on Oct. 15th and can be pre-ordered on her website.

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  3. 9月6日

    Radical Innovation

    EP #289 - Radical Innovation - A Solo Show with your Host, Susan Burrell This month’s theme is Innovation, which means to introduce something new / make changes in something established. Through the chaos of what is occurring in the world around us I believe we are being introduced to something new. We are being asked to listen to what else is out there and we are being challenged by what has been established. I believe this is all happening for a reason. We need to pay attention because through this heightened awareness we are being called to align to a higher frequency. So ask you, where are you holding resistance? Perhaps in your body? Perhaps you are blocking energy that needs to be released and perhaps it is in relation to something you are resisting? Are you being asked from within, from your higher self to innovate or create a new way of managing your life? Perhaps your problems, or responsibilities or the way you view what is occurring around you needs to shift. Consider introducing something new. For several years now I have been using oracle cards as a way of tapping into my intuition. And the cards I use are called Sacred Rebel Cards by Alana Fairchild. If you’ve never worked with oracle cards, I strongly recommend this deck. Consider this. You are your own authority. You can lean into your own inner wisdom. If you find you are asking others for their opinion, or seeking answers outside of yourself then maybe, just maybe it is time to shift to your own radical innovative self and lean into your own way of being. I am personally choosing to accept the shock of the new. I am stepping into a new journey, a new path of being healthier, happier and experiencing more freedom. Where in your life can you innovate? Shift? Change? Grow? Ask and see what happens. Thank you for listening. To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit my website: https://www.susanburrell.com/about-susan To purchase or learn more about Alana Fairchild's Oracle Cards, The Sacred Rebels visit: https://www.alanafairchild.com/oracle-deck/the-sacred-rebels-oracle-new-edition/

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  4. 8月24日

    Empowered & Reckless Love

    Ep #288 - Empowered & Reckless Love - A Re-airing of a solo show from October of 2021 with your host Susan Burrell I was recently perusing my library of podcasts and exploring some of my past shows and I came across this one, which is entitled, "Empowered & Reckless Love."  Much of what I share in this podcast still holds true today. Perhaps even more so. I feel this message is timeless and many years from now it will still hold true for me, and perhaps for you too. In this chat I talk about loving yourself and going deep into the well of your being to accept yourself exactly as you are. This show first aired in October of 2021.   In this solo episode of Empowering Chats entitled, Empowered and Reckless Love, I question what it means to have low esteem and how we can find our way to empowerment by recklessly exploring the love we carry inside of ourselves. I think it’s about emptying out all the love we carry inside so that we can be filled again with love. While preparing for this episode I leaned into the Rumi poem, “Love is Reckless, Not Reason.”  And my book Live An Empowered Life, a 30-Day Journey, can be a good resource to help you fill your well of goodness with that empowered and reckless love.   The Rumi Poem – Love is Reckless Not Reason Reason seeks profit.  Love comes on strong, consuming herself, unabashed.  Yet in the midst of suffering,  Love proceeds like a millstone,  Hard surfaced and straight forward.  Having dies to self-interest, she risks everything and asks for nothing. Love gambles away every gift God bestows. To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit: SusanBurrell.com For more about my book, Live An Empowered Life, A 30-Day Journey Book visit: SusanBurrell.com/book

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  5. 8月16日

    What is Your Soul Contract?

    Ep# 287 - What is Your Soul Contract? An Interview with Akashic Records Reader and Mentor Nimesh Radia.   We are sitting in an extraordinary place in time and history. There is so much information flooding the planet. My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats is Nimesh Radia. He is a seasoned spiritual coach and mentor dedicated to helping people unlock their true potential and live a purposeful life. He does this by using the Akashic Records to gain insight into your personal journey. We had a fascinating and enlightening conversation. So, what are the Akashic Records? It is a record of everything your soul has been through. Past life, present life, future life. And according to Nimish we all have access to these records. Nimesh is a trained Akashic Record Reader with over 25 years of mentoring experience. He channels messages that are specific to an individual and these messages come through the Akashic Records and an individual’s spirit guides.  It is clear that what comes through with Nimesh as your guide is what needs to be heard at that moment in your life. Nimesh is the vessel – he is not there to filter the message, simply to deliver it. And many are not ready to hear what comes through. He informs his clients that it takes work to become aware of that which no longer serves us and work to learn how to release it and allow our light to shine. For those that are ready to step into this journey it can be transformative and help you to connect to your innate gifts and purpose. Unlocking your fullest potential. To learn more about Nimesh Radia and the work he does visit: SpiritualJourney.life To listen to his podcast visit: SpiritualJourney.life/podcast/ To learn more about me and how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

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  6. 8月10日

    A Most Extraordinary Life

    Ep #286 - A Most Extraordinary Life. An Interview with author and energy healer, Liliane Fortna. I am so honored and thrilled to welcome Liliane Fortna to Empowering Chats. Liliane is the author of the book, Winks from Above, Opening up to Signs and Synchronicities to Receive Little Miracles Each Day. We jumped right into this chat exploring where the signs and synchronicities come from. Liliane says they are all around us. Always. Which I believe too. However even though the signs are there we often don’t see them. Why? Because as Liliane puts it, we aren’t always paying attention or we become blocked. It’s about accessing our intuition and seeing beyond the veil, where the archangels reside, where our ancestors reside and where our spirit guides reside. As humans I believe we always want to feel safe. And in seeking that safety we find ways to block ourselves from that which brings on fear or the unknown. According to Liliane, by doing that we make the veil thicker and bigger to the point that we cannot see those little miracles occurring daily in our lives. She calls these miracles winks from above, hence the name of her book. She feels we all have the ability to see beyond the veil, and in her book, she talks about ways we can get that insight back. It’s about tapping into our childlike wonder about the world and all the magic it has to offer. As children we possessed that ability but as we get older and conditioned by society, our family and our peers we tend to lose it.  But it’s never really gone. We still possess it but it’s been blocked or buried. In her book, Liliane offers readers insights and practical tools to help them navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom. Liliane Fortna is an award-winning author, an energy healer and a spiritual teacher. She is grounded in the transformational work that she does and uses her knowledge and wisdom to impact the lives of those around her in a positive way.   To learn more about Liliane Fortna visit: WinksFromAbove.com/about To purchase her book, "Winks From Above," visit Amazon: https://a.co/d/9FZWs3P To learn more about me and how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

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  7. 7月26日

    The Magic of a Witchpreneur

    Ep- #284 - The Magic of a Witchpreneur - An Interview with Julie Foucht. I am delighted and honored to welcome Julie Foucht to Empowering Chats. Julie calls herself a Witchpreneur and hosts a podcast called, The Art of Feminine Business. In 2000, Julie Foucht left a 20-year abusive relationship feeling lost and broken. As a partner in her husband’s construction company, she left both her marriage and her income. She had stayed because she believed she couldn’t make enough money to support her 4 children, but was determined to find a way to create the life she dreamed of. She dove into personal development and started her study of the Energy of Money. She quickly realized that her purpose on the planet was to get more money in the hands of more women. Her business has been through many irrorations in the last 20 plus years. It started as: Life Tools Training, then morphed to Kick-Ass Biz Coaching and finally landed on The Art of Feminine Marketing and the Art of Feminine Business. In this realm she is more than a life coach she is a game-changer. Julie and her team work with women using the language of honoring the divine feminine and honoring the higher way of doing things. She encourages women to tap into their magic and use the unique tools and gifts they carry. And as part of that magic, she has been offering her Feminine Business Magic Summer Lecture Series for the last couple of years. This year’s Magic Summer Series is set for August 12-16. And I am happy to share that I will be a featured speaker, with a team of other experts, as part of this series. To learn more about the Feminine Business Magic Summer Lecture Series visit: JulieFoucht.com/fbm-summer-lecture/ To learn more about Julie Foucht visit: JulieFoucht.com To learn more about how I show up in the world visit:SusanBurrell.com

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Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susan’s personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation. Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of “How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness?” The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life.








