Ep 030: Should I turn my hobby into a business?

《Get Knit Done》Podcast

Hello lovelies,

In this week’s episode I’m talking about what to think about if you are thinking about turning your hobby into a business.  Sometimes just because someone says you should, doesn’t mean you should! : )

Things to think about:

1.     Why am I thinking about turning my hobby into a business?  Is it because I have a burning desire to do so or because I feel obliged to?

2.     Do I really want to run a business?  Running a business and having a hobby are very separate things and it’s very easy to forget about the whole running a business bit.

3.     What type of business do I actually want? And what do I want from it?

4.     What part of my hobby do I really want to turn into a business?

In next week’s episode, I’m going to look at the idea that our hobbies, particularly knitting, can in some way fix us when we aren’t very well or is it just turning knitting into snake oil!

Now my dears, I’m away to finish outlining all of the workshops and demos for the Knit School Virtual Retreat so, as always, go get knit done!

Michelle x

Oh and don’t forget to sign-up to the Knit School Virtual Retreat!  You can do that here at knitschool.co.uk/retreat (oh and it’s free which I may have forgotten to mention!)








