Final Draft - Great Conversations

2SER 107.3FM
《Final Draft - Great Conversations》Podcast

Great conversations with authors from Australia and around the world.

  1. 9月4日

    Book Club - Lisa Kenway’s All You Took From Me

    Lisa Kenway is an Australian writer and anaesthetist. Her debut novel, All You Took From Me, was longlisted for the 2020 Richell Prize When Clare wakes in a bed in the hospital where she works as an anesthetist she has only questions. When doctors inform her she was in a car accident, that it took the life of her beloved husband, she begins to realise how much she has lost. How did it come to this? Clare can’t remember a thing about the accident. Why were they on the deserted road? Why was Ray wearing chainmail armour?  As Clare struggles to pull her life back together she is tormented by a towering figure, seemingly stalking her and leaving threatening warnings. The hospital is insisting Clare must see a counselor if she wants to return to work, but it's looking to Clare like she’ll need even more drastic measures if she wants to regain her memories before what she has lost comes back to take what is left. All You Took From Me is a fascinating exploration into memory and identity. Clare embodies the unreliable narrator and the reader is invited along as she tries to discover if she can even trust herself. The novel traverses Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains so you know I enjoyed seeing my local area represented. The relative and expanse and solitude of the Mountains is used to effect as the story unfolds and we learn what Clare and her husband had been up to in the days and weeks prior to their accident. As we follow Clare in her confusion, the tension is ratcheted up by the appearance of her mysterious stalker. There is a certain inelegance to the threats that Clare is in no position to ignore. The rising tension increases the stakes to the point that Clare is willing to try some radical, even desperate means to regain her memory and control over her life. What follows is an innovative exploration of memory and how our subconscious feeds into our everyday. Clare’s journey of self discovery is suitably fraught and makes for an entertaining look into the depths contained within our seemingly everyday lives. All You Took From Me is an effective thriller and a must read for lovers of Sydney and surrounds.

    3 分鐘
  2. 8月27日

    Book Club - Max Porter’s Shy

    Max Porter is the critically acclaimed author of Grief is the Thing With Feathers and Lanny. The adults in Shy’s life might describe him as troubled, erratic, violent even. Shy himself doesn’t exactly know why these things keep happening but it’s ended him up in Last Chance, a home for wayward kids, itself on its last legs as developers converge on the property threatening its future. What does Shy care?! He’s pushed away his mum and his foster dad and now in this haunted old pile he figures he’s not worth much more than a backpack full of stones and a walk to the local pond. The events of Shy cover a mere few hours of a climactic night in Shy’s life, and yet as he sets out through the window of Last Chance and into the surrounding countryside we are taken on an expansive trip into the confusing and often chaotic world that has brought Shy up to this juncture. I called Shy’s life chaotic there and it is with style and compassion that Porter brings this chaos onto the page. Both the prose and the typeset veer wildly across the sections evoking thoughts and snatches of conversation. Shy’s confusion and spiraling into the trap of his half realized adolescent life are vividly brought to life even as Shy plods towards a seeming conclusion. I found the novel both confronting and comforting. Shy is troubled but the novel doesn’t seek to wrap his pain up into a neat bow. The possibility of transformation is elusive and Shy’s fate is a seemingly forgone conclusion; he’s writing himself off as surely as others have written him off. Shy as ‘angry young man’ let’s you stay angry yourself at the senselessness of angst ridden masculinity whilst also revealing the pathos at its empty core. This is a slim volume and if you let it, a quick read but the sense that it is reaching for something longer, more tangible is inescapable as you struggle to make sense of the life on the page.

    4 分鐘
  3. 8月22日

    Tim Ayliffe's The Wrong Man

    The Final Draft podcast is all about books, writing and literary culture. We're dedicated to exploring Australian writing, looking into the issues that drive our storytelling to discover more from the books you love. These are the stories that make us who we are. On today's show Tim Ayliffe is in conversation with the indomitable Felix Shannon "When Sydney socialite Tottie Evans is found dead at a house in Palm Beach, Detective Holly Sutton is called in to investigate. She immediately suspects the boyfriend,a millionaire property developer and ex-mercenary soldier, who refuses to cooperate with police. Across the city, old-school reporter John Bailey – still haunted by the death of his girlfriend, former cop Sharon Dexter – gets a call about a break-in. It leads to the unearthing of an old case file on a murder at the men-only Sydney Club that Dexter had been pursuing a decade earlier. Her notes reveal a link between that murder and the killing of Tottie Evans. Suddenly, John Bailey and Holly Sutton have the same mission. And for Bailey, this is a chance to finish a job for the woman who saved his life. The only problem: a serial killer is already serving a life sentence for the Sydney Club murder." Final Draft is produced and presented by Andrew Pople Want more great conversations with Australian authors? Discover this and many more conversations on Final Draft every week from 2ser. Get in touch with Andrew and Final Draft. We love to hear about what you’re reading! Twitter -  Instagram -  Facebook -

    30 分鐘



Great conversations with authors from Australia and around the world.








