Gospel Principles believe that Jesus Christ was the only begotten son of the Father.

《Faith In JESUS CHRIST Our Redemmer And Savior.》Podcast

Our Heavenly Father love each one of us from the beginning as his spirit sons and daughters.Through his son Jesus Christ He created the heavens and the earth and all things that are in them.God is the Supreme and Absolute Being in whom we believe and whom we worship.We are children of our Heavenly Father. He is not only our Ruler and Creator.He is also our Heavenly Father. We Developed Personalities and talents While We Lived in Heaven. We have different talents and abilities. A viel covers our memories of our premortal life,but our Heavenly Father knows who we are and what we did before we came here.He has chosen the time and place for each of us to be born so we can learn the lessons we personally need and do the most good with our individual talents and personalities. Our Heavenly Father Presented a plan for us to become Like Him. Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior. Jesus Christ became Our Chosen Leader and Savior .The War in Heaven. We must continue to follow Jesus Christ here on earth. Only by following Him can we return to our Heavenly home. We have the Savior's Teachings to follow. If you have questions about this you can log on to www.Come Unto Christ. Org. Sister Belmonte from the Philippines 🇵🇭








