Krunch Weekly With TK

Pint Size Media
《Krunch Weekly With TK》Podcast

A Modern and realist take on the South African social and political landscape, Krunch Weekly With TK aims to be a beacon of information about all things pop culture and politics in the South African sphere while bringing in world views or what is happening globally in current affairs. Getting the youth more engaged in having socio-political conversations making politics seem less bleak and more entertaining. Touching on trending topics on social platforms and engaging in interviews conversations with Influencers from all across the spectrum making it a lifestyle hub while including interview conversations with people in the political industry/space alike. Aim to have hard heated conversations about socio-political issues and still bring you your latest trends on lifestyle, hacks, tips and tricks for your Pop culture FIX Krunch Time With TK is a weekly podcast and we will be focusing on different issues every week from the latest trends, interviews with local designers and influencers to everything politics.


  1. 20/10/2020

    Dating in the 21st Century

    There comes a time when a generation is just too obsessed with something. In the 70s our parents wanted nothing but to be hippies and to stick it to the man, then there are the 80s the generation that had the funk and got down to groove music. Now it seems this generation and even the one before the recent is love or relationship crazed, there is nowhere you can go whether on social media or at the office relationship talk is dominating the general conversation that our social circles are having. What seems to be more frustrating is that instead of having the necessary conversation for people to grow in their relationships people are feeding each other lies and misleading people about what seems to be a healthy approach to a healthy lifestyle or relationship. I am going to take this time to add my 5 cents worth of what I would consider having or going about having a healthy relationship. 1. Having open Lines of communication, this means you and your spouse have what we call open conversation and no one feels like they can never say their peace or their opinions 2.Being Open Minded, this point is directly linked to the first point, you must not be a closed book and you only live in your head. Let your partner or spouse know what makes things interesting for you. Lastly 3. Be honest, I know it sounds cliche and something that you have already heard or read but be Honest with yourself first before you can be honest with anyone else, cause the lies we tell ourselves we end up believing and its the most dangerous. If something or someone is not for you anymore, or you have fallen out of love with a person, be honest enough with yourself to acknowledge it. whatever the case may be.

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  2. 21/09/2020

    OnlyFans Part 1 - The Next PornHub?

    This week on our podcast we are exploring OnlyFans and the people that use this app, just as we thought we living in very interesting times, people are free to post and do and be what they want without any fear of what others might think or say about them. Only Fans is a site/app that allows it's users to post graphic content whether that's video or pictures. Basically selling nudity, could it be that people are more accepting and willing to strip down for cash because of the current economy and them losing their employment or is it they've always wanted to be in this billion Dollar industry and could not get a leg in. Porn is an industry that generates so much Revenue every year however, it is somehow overlooked in the business ventures that one can take, could it be because you need to be brave and confident let alone sure this is the line of work you want to join or is it the stigma that has stopped society from accepting it as a real business. We have heard sayings like "sex sells" being used with acting, commercials etc, OnlyFans has come just to prove that! OnlyFans was on a steady growth path but what shot it to fame was the pandemic, clearly, people were locked in and wanted all sorts of content for their entertainment. This has seen many men join and use the app along with some women but widely used by man, could it be that man is selling nudity just because of money? People are suffering and losing their streams of income and this might be an easy fix to that problem.

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  3. 14/09/2020

    Toxic Masculinity

    Welcome to the 21st century, a world where the impossible is possible, holograms are a reality, technology is right at the top of our fingertips and we have truly begun to tap into the potential that people have to offer. What's interesting is that even though we have come so far we still have to subject ourselves to 19th-century mentality. Could it be that we are growing faster than what our own brains can comprehend? For hundreds of years, the roles of man and woman have always been clearly defined with lines drawn in the sand so distinctly and so prominently that they could be seen with the naked eye. Women belonged in the kitchen cooking, cleaning and raising children, a man was to go out and work "bring home the bacon" so to speak. Time went by and we had women fighting for their space and presence in the workforce and not only there but to be recognized and seen that they too have more value than just rearing children and cleaning homes, with that fight still ongoing and women fighting for equal pay and representation in the Top Management round table, I can not help but notice that as men we have regressed into this older 19th century way of what the world says a man should be much like it used to be in the early 19 hundreds. It is as if we need to be more "mucho" to certify our presence and that could not be further from the truth. As we tackle issues of gender biases and other social injustices, there has been this looming toxicness that is plaguing and has infiltrated the man of our time and that's toxic masculinity.

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A Modern and realist take on the South African social and political landscape, Krunch Weekly With TK aims to be a beacon of information about all things pop culture and politics in the South African sphere while bringing in world views or what is happening globally in current affairs. Getting the youth more engaged in having socio-political conversations making politics seem less bleak and more entertaining. Touching on trending topics on social platforms and engaging in interviews conversations with Influencers from all across the spectrum making it a lifestyle hub while including interview conversations with people in the political industry/space alike. Aim to have hard heated conversations about socio-political issues and still bring you your latest trends on lifestyle, hacks, tips and tricks for your Pop culture FIX Krunch Time With TK is a weekly podcast and we will be focusing on different issues every week from the latest trends, interviews with local designers and influencers to everything politics.








