Living with the Shuruh

Khalid Mohamood
《Living with the Shuruh》Podcast

Humanity today is in a state similar to that of the time of the Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is just as strange a concept as it was back then. To revive Islam, we must begin from the point the Messenger did. The Proclaimers of the Truth is a Muslim group that intends to do just that. This group calls for the revival of Islam, and the return to the complete submission to Allah in all our affairs. The book, "Shuruh: Commentaries and Explanations of Sayyid Qutub's Milestone" is the main publication of the group. Living with the Shuruh is a weekly podcast that discusses how to best benefit from the Shuruh.



Humanity today is in a state similar to that of the time of the Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is just as strange a concept as it was back then. To revive Islam, we must begin from the point the Messenger did. The Proclaimers of the Truth is a Muslim group that intends to do just that. This group calls for the revival of Islam, and the return to the complete submission to Allah in all our affairs. The book, "Shuruh: Commentaries and Explanations of Sayyid Qutub's Milestone" is the main publication of the group. Living with the Shuruh is a weekly podcast that discusses how to best benefit from the Shuruh.








