Man After God Podcast

《Man After God Podcast》Podcast

Welcome to Man After God Podcast! This is a podcast for discussions and working towards a goal that is seeking more of Christ and spreading His Word rather than my own glory. I pray as I continue this podcast, that God's words will hit you as well. Remember who you are in Christ, and I hope you will continue to rejoice with me as we continue to work towards to building the kingdom!


  1. COVID-19: Christ Over Viruses And Infectious Diseases


    COVID-19: Christ Over Viruses And Infectious Diseases

    Unless you have been living under a rock for the last couple of weeks, you probably have heard about COVID-19. You also have probably gone through the roller coaster of emotions that it has brought since its arrival, from overreacting to feeling like you are not taking it seriously enough. There is fear, rightfully so. It is on a rampage and seems to not even hit its peak yet. But, as Christ followers, we still have a ledge. While our church buildings have been closed and our physical bodies remain under quarantine, there is something so much bigger to remember: we are not defined by our confinement. Just because our church buildings are under wraps, doesn't mean The Church has to as well. The place where we gather to worship and communion doesn't have to be the only place where our light shines the most. While the buildings are closed and we are confined, our souls are not. Our heart has been set free because of The Blood of Christ and we can fully embrace that. We can fully seek out what God has for us, and we can use the tools He has gave us to spread His Love even more. Our hearts are fully filled with His grace, and we can replicate that with our actions and love towards people. We have the right tools; we have the right heart with Him inside of us. Now more than ever does the world need us. Now more than ever is the world thirsty for what God can only quench. We can help spread the mercy of God faster than the COVID-19 by not only our words but also actions. We can begin to light the fuel with our fire. We have what it takes, we have the strength. With our trust in Him, God is going to do big things. With the realization of our souls not being confined by fear, we can make all the difference in the world. We are still the game changers; we are still God's most prized possession. We have this hope, and we will never let that go.

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Welcome to Man After God Podcast! This is a podcast for discussions and working towards a goal that is seeking more of Christ and spreading His Word rather than my own glory. I pray as I continue this podcast, that God's words will hit you as well. Remember who you are in Christ, and I hope you will continue to rejoice with me as we continue to work towards to building the kingdom!








