Manachya Palikadale

Manachya Palikadale
《Manachya Palikadale》Podcast

We come across many short stories, articles, or at times we pen down our own experiences. But not everything gets read. This Marathi podcast is an attempt by Asmita, Rakhee and Amit to lend a voice to these writings. While we will start with some of Asmita’s written work, we look forward to suggestions from our listeners. So come, join us in this journey and spread the word. You can write to us at Podcast Cover: Pragati Pawar Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG


  1. 30/01/2022

    Kya Bhaat Hai

    "मनाच्या पलीकडले" ह्या आमच्या मराठी पॉडकास्टच्या ह्या एपीसोडमध्ये आम्ही सारंग लेले लिखीत, 'क्या भात है' ही कथा वाचली आहे. भात आणि भाताच्या विविध प्रकारांचे आपल्या आयुष्यात काय स्थान आहे याचे मजेशीर वर्णन या लेखात केले आहे. तर मग या! आमच्याबरोबर आमच्या या प्रवासामध्ये सहभागी व्हा आणि "मनाच्या पलीकडले" चा नक्की प्रसार करा! On this episode of our Marathi Podcast “Manachya Palikadale” we have read a short article written by Sarang Lele. The title is “Kya Bhaat Hai” (Bhaat = Rice). The author has attempted to present a humorous description of the importance of rice in our lives. We hope you enjoy listening to this episode of Manachya Palikadale. So come, join us in this journey, and spread the word. You can write to us at Podcast Cover Art: Pragati Pawar Podcast Cover Calligraphy: Abhijeet Vartak Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG Let us know your thoughts, feedback/critic: - Through Email: - Leaving A review/rating at the podcast app you use - Follow us on Instagram – @manachyapalikadale, Rakhee (@rakheeghotikar) & Amit (@fooodzilla) - By leaving a voice message at the link below

    9 分鐘
  2. 15/01/2022


    "मनाच्या पलीकडले" ह्या आमच्या मराठी पॉडकास्टच्या ह्या एपीसोडमध्ये आम्ही 'कुवत' नावाची कथा वाचली आहे. एखाद्या व्यक्तीची कुवत कशावरून ठरते? ती कोणी ठरवावी? तर मग या! आमच्याबरोबर आमच्या या प्रवासामध्ये सहभागी व्हा आणि "मनाच्या पलीकडले" चा नक्की प्रसार करा! On this episode of our Marathi Podcast “Manachya Palikadale” we have read a short story titled ‘Kuvat’ (worth). How is a person’s worth decided? Who decides it? We hope you enjoy listening to this episode of Manachya Palikadale. So come, join us in this journey, and spread the word. You can write to us at Podcast Cover Art: Pragati Pawar Podcast Cover Calligraphy: Abhijeet Vartak Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG Let us know your thoughts, feedback/critic: - Through Email: - Leaving A review/rating at the podcast app you use - Follow us on Instagram – @manachyapalikadale, Rakhee (@rakheeghotikar) & Amit (@sangosnaps and @fooodzilla) - By leaving a voice message at the link below

    11 分鐘
  3. 25/11/2021

    NonStick Mann

    मनाच्या पलीकडलेच्या ह्या एपिसोडमध्ये आपल्याला एक नवीन आवाज ऐकायला मिळेल. अस्मिता ब्रेक घेत असल्यामुळे आजपासून माझी मैत्रिण राखी घोटीकर मला ह्या पोडकास्ट वर साथ देणार आहे. राखी व्यवसायाने ग्राफिक डिझायनर आहे. ती एक उत्कृष्ट गायिका आणि फिटनेस फ्रिक आहे. व्हाटसॅप फॉरवर्ड म्हणून आलेला एक लहानसा पण इन्ट्रेस्टींग लेख आज वाचणार आहोत. लेखाचे शिर्षक आहे - नॉनस्टिक मन. तर मग या! आमच्याबरोबर आमच्या या प्रवासामध्ये सहभागी व्हा आणि "मनाच्या पलीकडले" चा नक्की प्रसार करा! On this episode of Manachya Palikadale, we have a new voice joining us as Asmita takes a well deserved break. Rakhee is a graphic designer by profession. She is an excellent singer and a total fitness freak. We are reading a short and interesting write up we received as a WhatsApp forward called “NonStick Mann” (NonStick Soul). We hope you enjoy listening to this episode of Manachya Palikadale. So come, join us in this journey, and spread the word. You can write to us at Podcast Cover Art: Pragati Pawar Podcast Cover Calligraphy: Abhijeet Vartak Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG Let us know your thoughts, feedback/critic: - Through Email: - Leaving A review/rating at the podcast app you use - Follow us on Instagram – @manachyapalikadale, Rakhee (@rakheeghotikar) & Amit (@sangosnaps and @fooodzilla) - By leaving a voice message at the link below

    6 分鐘
  4. 19/11/2021


    काही अनिवार्य कारणांमुळे आम्हा दोघांना एक छोटासा ब्रेक घ्यावा लागला. आज आम्ही लेखक दिग्दर्शक राजेश देशपांडे ह्यांनी लिहिलेला एक लेख वाचणार आहोत. ह्या लेखात त्यांनी भारतातील महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यामध्ये असलेल्या राजापूर शहराचे अतिशय सुंदर वर्णन केले आहे. तर मग या! आमच्याबरोबर आमच्या या प्रवासामध्ये सहभागी व्हा आणि "मनाच्या पलीकडले" चा नक्की प्रसार करा! We had to take a small break on the podcast as both of us had things at home that needed attention. So here we are back again. Today we bring to you, a lovely piece written by author and director , Rajesh Deshpande, in which he describes the beautiful city of Rajapur, in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, India. We hope you enjoy listening to this episode of Manachya Palikadale. So come, join us in this journey, and spread the word. You can write to us at Podcast Cover Art: Pragati Pawar Podcast Cover Calligraphy: Abhijeet Vartak Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG Let us know your thoughts, feedback/critic: - Through Email: - Leaving A review/rating at the podcast app you use - Follow us on Instagram – @manachyapalikadale, Asmita (@asmita_gm) & Amit (@sangosnaps and @fooodzilla) - By leaving a voice message at the link below

    8 分鐘
  5. 27/08/2021

    Shobhechyaa Baahulyaa

    व्हिटीलीगो म्हणजे 'कोड' हा आत्मप्रतिरक्षा रोग किंवा स्वयंप्रतिकार रोग आहे. त्वचेवर रंग तयार करणाऱ्या पेशींना ‘पिगमेंट सेल्स’ किंवा ‘मेलॅनोसाईटस्’ (रंगपेशी) म्हणतात. या पेशी शरीरातील काही अंतर्गत कारणांमुळे नष्ट झाल्या तर त्वचेचा रंग तयार होण्यात अडथळे येतात. अशा प्रकारे त्वचेच्या ज्या भागात रंग तयार होऊ शकत नाही तिथे पांढरा डाग पडतो. याला कोड म्हणतात पण तो कुष्ठरोग नाही. मनाच्या पलीकडलेच्या या एपिसोडमध्ये अस्मिता आणि अमित यांनी अस्मिताने लिहिलेली, विवाहसंस्थेतून लग्न जुळवण्याच्या काही घडामोडींवर आधारीत कथा “शोभेच्या बाहुल्या" वाचली आहे. हि कथा कोड या समस्येवर आणि त्याबद्दलच्या सामाजिक दृष्टिकोनावर भाष्य करते. २५ जून हा दिवस जगभरात जागतिक व्हिटीलीगो दिवस  म्हणून ओळखला जातो. तर मग या! आमच्याबरोबर आमच्या या प्रवासामध्ये सहभागी व्हा आणि "मनाच्या पलीकडले" चा नक्की प्रसार करा! Vitiligo is an Autoimmune disorder in which pale white patches appear on the skin. On the backdrop of an arranged marriage scenario, Asmita and Amit narrate a short story - “Shobhechyaa Baahulya” - written by Asmita which addresses the stigma associated with Vitiligo. 25th June is recognised as the World Vitiligo Day. We hope you enjoy listening to this episode of Manachya Palikadale. So come, join us in this journey, and spread the word. You can write to us at Podcast Cover Art: Pragati Pawar Podcast Cover Calligraphy: Abhijeet Vartak Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG Let us know your thoughts, feedback/critic: - Through Email: - Leaving A review/rating at the podcast app you use - Follow us on Instagram – @manachyapalikadale, Asmita (@asmita_gm) & Amit (@sangosnaps and @fooodzilla) - By leaving a voice message at the link below

    26 分鐘
  6. 09/08/2021

    Shaaletlya Abhyaasaache Dadpan

    In this episode of "Manachya Palikadale", we read a short article written by Asmita, entitled “Shaaletlyaa Abhyaasaache Dadpan” (The pressures of school studies), especially in America. We are very thankful to Asmita’s daughter, Avani, for lending her voice to make some parts as authentic as possible. So come, join us in this journey, and spread the word. "मनाच्या पलीकडले" च्या नवीन एपिसोड मध्ये अस्मिताने लिहिलेला "शाळेतल्या अभ्यासाचे दडपण" हा लेख आम्ही वाचला आहे.  मुख्यतः अमेरिकेतल्या किंवा भारताबाहेरच्या शाळेसंबंधी आणि त्याबद्दल पालकांना वाटणाऱ्या भावनांविषयी हा हलका फुलका लेख आहे. अस्मिताची मुलगी, अवनी हिने काही ठराविक भाग वाचण्यास आम्हाला साथ दिली त्याबद्दल तिचे खूप आभार. तर मग या! आमच्याबरोबर आमच्या या प्रवासामध्ये सहभागी व्हा आणि "मनाच्या पलीकडले" चा नक्की प्रसार करा! You can write to us at Podcast Cover Art: Pragati Pawar Podcast Cover Calligraphy: Abhijeet Vartak Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG Let us know your thoughts, feedback/critic: - Through Email: - Leaving A review/rating at the podcast app you use - Follow us on Instagram – Asmita (@asmita_gm) & Amit (@sangosnaps and @fooodzilla) - By leaving a voice message at the link below

    7 分鐘


We come across many short stories, articles, or at times we pen down our own experiences. But not everything gets read. This Marathi podcast is an attempt by Asmita, Rakhee and Amit to lend a voice to these writings. While we will start with some of Asmita’s written work, we look forward to suggestions from our listeners. So come, join us in this journey and spread the word. You can write to us at Podcast Cover: Pragati Pawar Music Credits: Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: 558MKWZ0UYO6TENG








