
Julie Hatch

Beginning November 2022, I am focusing on food addiction and recovery. This has been a lifelong journey for me, but I didn't realize I had a food addiction until about 2 years ago when I stumbled upon a book called, "Bright Line Eating" by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph. D. It has been life-altering. Mark this podcast a favorite so that you'll be allerted when new content is posted or live episodes air. Look for this podcast every Monday at 8 am MT.

  1. 15/05/2023

    The Learning Curve

    When I started my health journey, I hit a wall. I had the desire to make changes, but still wasn't making them. I didn't understand why. I suspected that it must have something to do with my brain. It did! I was hitting up against old programs in my brain and expecting different results, so I decided to start studying neuroscience. I wanted to learn how the brain works. I wanted to learn how to take control of my brain, and in essence myself. Interestingly, during this time, I started praying for God to help me "garnish my thoughts with virtue." I came across an expert who was not only a neuroscientist, but also conducted research that proved that Quantum Physics and Neuroscience go hand-in-hand. I rediscovered meditation. I've been praying about meditation and experimenting with it. Then I came across a scripture that instantly came into my mind as a confirmation of the positive outcome I've experienced through meditation. I share the "positive fruits" with you in this episode. I also share about the things I've been learning during this season of my own personal "learning curve." Since I am still learning, it is important to listen with that in mind. I don't claim to have all the answers and I may only have one piece. Other pieces may be forthcoming and change my understanding and perspective entirely. It's happened before. The goal for me is to share in hopes that I can give a voice to others who are experiencing similar things as me, to support others in their growth and in their own journeys, to inspire others to strengthen their relationships with God and include Him in the journey, and to share what I am learning.

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  2. 01/05/2023

    Plan, Rehearse, Practice, Repeat

    Do you feel like you're just going through the motions, living out your life in a disingenuous way? That's been me most of my life. When I started Bright Line Eating, doing a program that had rules, something wasn't clicking. I'd do it for awhile and than derail. I couldn't figure out what it was until this past week when I stumbled upon an interview and ordered a book I learned about through watching this interview on YouTube. I share my takeaways, what I've learned so far, that is not only practical and applicable (my kinda style!), but it works! I'm only a few days in and have already noticed a difference in my attitude, my intentions, my ability to self-correct when I start reverting to my old ways, the mental chatter, and in my relationships. I feel like a sparkly, brand new version of myself...the "me" I've always wanted to be and knew I could be with God's help. I feel like God has been leading me through every step of my health journey and now, I'm on my way, living the life and becoming the person I know He intended all along. Because I know that my will is in alignment with His will for me, I have the confidence to move forward in my life and fulfill the measure of His creation that is "me." There are many ways people can arrive to the same point I'm at, but what I share in this episode is what's working for me. I feel like I have a new lease on life and it feels amazing! For more support in your health journey, visit .

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  3. 11/04/2023

    My Easter Miracle

    I wondered how it was possible for Passover and Easter to occur without celebrating it. Where did the time go? It wasn't until I put this episode together that I realized that an Easter miracle had transpired for me, during the time many were celebrating these two holidays. At one point the lyrics to Chaka Kahn's "Through the Fire" came to mind but I heard them differently this time. When it gets to the chorus, I thought about how the lyrics described how I was feeling towards my Savior coming through my own "fire." I found it ironic how this fire felt like the "Refiner's fire." Nevertheless, these lyrics seemed to perfectly express how I felt about it... "Through the fire, To the limit, to the wall For a chance to be with you I'd gladly risk it all Through the fire Through whatever come what may For a chance at loving you I'd take it all the way Right down to the wire Even through the fire" This episode is probably the most raw, personal episode I've recorded and shared. It certainly is a record of the most profound healing I've ever experienced to date and the experience I share is nothing short of life-altering - a true benchmark - and an experience I will never forget! I'm not sure why Easter is a time I seem to experience incredible miracles, but it doesn't seem coincidental. Each miracle in my life that has happened around Easter time reminds me that our Savior lives on, that He loves us and is in the details of our lives, and that He is the reason we celebrate Easter and/or Passover.

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Beginning November 2022, I am focusing on food addiction and recovery. This has been a lifelong journey for me, but I didn't realize I had a food addiction until about 2 years ago when I stumbled upon a book called, "Bright Line Eating" by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph. D. It has been life-altering. Mark this podcast a favorite so that you'll be allerted when new content is posted or live episodes air. Look for this podcast every Monday at 8 am MT.








