Millennial Ramblings

Joseph Marbry
《Millennial Ramblings》Podcast

Just two bros, enjoying deep discussion, and hearing peoples input and personal stories.


  1. 13/06/2020

    Podcast 6 Finding Our Likeness in God: Purging the Prejudices of our Hearts

    I have recently been led to echo how David concluded his Psalm "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" (Psalm 139: 23-24) While we undoubtedly find errors on either end of the argument surrounding racism's existence, prevalence in our society, and what it looks like; people will pressure you that you have to take one extreme stance or the other, and that you must die on that hill without giving any room for intellectual thought or honest deliberation. In truth, neither extreme of the argument presented to us is ever the clear picture. Racism is actually not a "you either are or you aren't" full blown title. We can see areas where our hearts may hold prejudices, that on the surface level may not seem wrong, yet when you hold them up to God's standard, you can see the selfishness hidden within them. In addition, people are quick to label based off of single-instances. McCarthyism at its finest. MIchael Wilkes joins me in this discussion where we discuss our personal thoughts, their evolution over time, and the recent events in our country, and then we look at Ephesians, and see how we can let Christ purge our motives so rendering our hearts loving towards all of those we encounter. This is not a solve-all discussion, and even since recording have come away with more succinct thinking on the topic. Please give a listen, and share your thoughts.

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Just two bros, enjoying deep discussion, and hearing peoples input and personal stories.








