People are the Answer

Jeffrey M. Zucker
《People are the Answer》Podcast

How innovators are responding to the world’s biggest challenges. — Serial entrepreneur and philanthropist Jeffrey M. Zucker talks weekly with innovators creating transformational social impact. They discuss their journeys in philanthropy, business, and life.

  1. 96: Skippy Mesirow on Healing Our Politics, filming in Laos, love for Aspen, importance of self-awareness


    96: Skippy Mesirow on Healing Our Politics, filming in Laos, love for Aspen, importance of self-awareness

    In this episode, Skippy and Jeffrey discuss his upbringing, working in the Obama campaign and other political endeavors, his time filming a travel show in Laos, his love for Aspen and the effort he’s put toward that, the importance of self-awareness and vulnerability. Watch this episode on YouTube Learn more: Host: Jeffrey M. Zucker Producer: Kait Grey Editor: Nick Case Recording date: 8/6/24 Skippy Mesirow: Business: Podcast - Gone Gonzo - Bio: Skippy Mesirow is a public to his core. He is the Founder of the Elected Leaders Collective, a Natural Medicine Advisory Board member, and a former Aspen City Councilperson. His life's mission is to heal our politics. In 2007 Skippy rose from unpaid intern to Deputy Director of home state and a 5-state region for Obama for America 08'. At 23, he ran a state-wide race as Campaign Manager for Jesse White 2010. Turned off by the toxicity of politics in Chicago, Skippy left a promising career and traveled the world, often solo with a backpack and a motorcycle. His perspective began to expand. Working on an ill-fated start-up, he moved back to his favorite place on Earth, Aspen, CO., where he had previously lived as a competitive skier and collegiate national champion. Here he began to do "the work," diving deeply into his soul, connecting and healing and re-contextualized years of childhood trauma and their resulting expression. As he did, he re-engaged politically. He co-founded and Chaired Aspen NextGen to give youth a voice. He organized a successful ballot initiative to change Aspen's election day, resulting in the highest-ever voter turnout by 26%. He Chaired the APCHA housing board and the P&Z Comission, going on to serve four years on Aspen’s City Council from 2019-2023. In his term, Aspen established a net-zero-waste goal and passed a housing strategic plan. Skippy advocated for innovation to improve government function, citizen involvement, and voter turnout and t psychedelic reform. He serves on the Aspen Psychedelic Resource Center board. During his service, he observed incredible heart-centered leaders try to make change, only to drop out as they faced public hate, misinformation, conflict, and the resulting stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and other mental health challenges of our toxic culture. Integrating his mental-health journey, he founded the Elected Leaders Collective to "heal our politics." The ELC works with elected officials and public servants to reduce mental health challenges, increase performance, and connect with other heart-centered leaders. ELC's coaching addresses all five parts of the human experience – mind, body, emotion, unconscious, and spirit. Leaders cultivate awareness, remove internal blocks, and achieve aligned external action to reach their highest self in life and leadership. Skippy lives with his partner Jamie in Aspen. They travel as much as possible, still on two wheels, to unconventional places. Skippy is an ultra-marathoner, burner, skier, biker, driver, & cook w/"Citizen" tattooed on his right arm. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 2:44 - Healing Our Politics Podcast 11:00 - What Motivates You? 17:32 - Where Did You Grow Up? 25:29 - What Drew You to Colorado? 33:44 - Growth at an Impressionable Age 35:47 - Electric Vehicle Start Up 38:02 - Gone Gonzo 45:29 - Political Origin 51:49 - Healing in Politics 1:04:28 - Public Service 1:14:08 - When Work Affected Change 1:19:49 - Ask Jeff a Question 1:22:52 - Most Grateful for 1:24:15 - Snap Your Fingers 1:27:43 -  How to Support

    1 小時 30 分鐘
  2. 95: Alison Blair on journey from stage actor/producer to NPO admin, power of teaching kids to recognize harmful relationships, her folk-rock band


    95: Alison Blair on journey from stage actor/producer to NPO admin, power of teaching kids to recognize harmful relationships, her folk-rock band

    In this episode, Alison and Jeffrey sit down to discuss her journey from stage actor and producer to non-profit administrator, the power of teaching kids to recognize harmful relationships, her folk-rock band, Little Deep, and much more Watch this episode on YouTube Learn more: Host: Jeffrey M. Zucker Producer: Kait Grey Editor: Nick Case Recording date: 7/9/24 Alison: Nest Foundation: Bio: Alison joined Nest in the spring of 2021. She brings with her a decade of nonprofit administration experience, in both the arts and law & policy sectors . A non-profit theater producer for five years, she has worked both on- and off-Broadway, regionally, and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, producing festivals, fundraisers, and educational events. She manages programs for Nest, facilitating organizational systems, ensuring program deliverables, managing development and outreach, and providing team support cross-programmatically. In her free time she can be found traveling, reading tarot, and gigging around NYC and the Catskills in her folk-rock band. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 2:18 - What Motivates You? 4:16 - Current Role 8:34 - Early Life 13:08 - Early Career 18:48 - Nest Foundation 31:38 - Pushback from Parents 38:13 - The Student Experience 47:46 - Future of Nest 50:38 - How Educators Get Involved 54:18 - Little Deep 56:17 - When Work Affected Change 1:03:00 - Mentor 1:05:02 - Ask Jeff a Question 1:09:31 - Most Grateful for 1:11:47 - Snap Your Fingers 1:14:10 - How to Support

    1 小時 16 分鐘
  3. 94: Christina Dent on approaches to addiction that reduce crime and empower families


    94: Christina Dent on approaches to addiction that reduce crime and empower families

    Show notes: In this episode, Christina and Jeffrey chat about her incredible book, Curious: a foster mom’s discovery of an unexpected solution to drugs and addiction, as well as how End It For Good has evolved since their last conversation and the “staircase to recovery” as well as growing support for different types of recovery journeys. Watch this episode on YouTube: Learn more: Host: Jeffrey M. Zucker Producer: Kait Grey Editor: Nick Case Recording date: 7/30/24 Christina: End It For Good: Contact - Other resources: Curious: A Foster Mom's Discovery of an Unexpected Solution to Drugs and Addiction - Bio: Christina is an author, TEDx speaker, and perpetual question-asker. She grew up in a conservative, Christian home and earned a degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Christian Ministry from Belhaven University.   As a young adult, Christina assumed she had a solid understanding of how the world works. That changed when she and her husband became foster parents in 2014. The neat bow she had tied around her mental box of how the world works began to unravel.   What had previously been a category of people in her mind, people addicted to drugs, now had a name, face, and an infant son sleeping in the extra bedroom down the hall. Her foster care experience gave her an up-close look at the realities of addiction, drug use, and the far-reaching impact of our drug laws.   This became the catalyst for months of reading, questions, and listening as she tried to reconcile her beliefs as a Christian with the pain and suffering she saw first-hand. What she learned changed her mind. The laws she thought were the answer to keep people from using drugs she now saw as causing more harm than help to people made in God’s image.   Christina founded End It For Good out of her desire to invite others to listen to the voices directly impacted by our drug laws. She hopes that more people will explore the root causes of drug-related harm and consider a different approach. She wrote the book Curious: A Foster Mom's Discovery of an Unexpected Solution to Drugs and Addiction to share her story and the research and experiences that changed her mind about the best path forward to help people thrive, even in a world where harmful drugs exist.   Christina is married to her college sweetheart Thomas, and they live in Ridgeland, MS, with their three sons. On the weekends, you can find her biking, in a hammock reading a biography, or playing board games with the family. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 3:40 - End It For Good 5:47 - How Has EIFG Evolved? 10:33 - Curious 23:17 - Curious on Audio Book 26:16 - Origin Story 32:29 - Life After Publishing Curious 39:39 - Sentencing in Real Time 47:34 - Regulated Vs Street Drugs 52:33 - Rehabbing Yourself 57:53 - Staircase to Recovery 1:04:17 - Transcending Religion 1:12:50 - Engagement Around Curious 1:16:11 - When Work

    1 小時 28 分鐘
  4. 93: Steven Mosier on his upbringing, design, hockey, and his podcast


    93: Steven Mosier on his upbringing, design, hockey, and his podcast

    In this episode, Steven and Jeffrey discuss his hard-working upbringing in Michigan as a prolific art student, how he got into hockey, his move east in 2000, his hockey story, starting his podcast, and much more. Watch this episode on YouTube Learn more: Host: Jeffrey M. Zucker Producer: Kait Grey Editor: Nick Case Recording date: 4/30/24 Steve: Cross Ice Pass & SYP: Bio: I am a graphic designer that has worn many hats throughout my career as a director, senior, production specialist, and even a brand consultant, among other titles. The art industry has been a large part of my in-house and client focus until I found my current role at a renowned transformation consultancy as a “maker” Senior Studio Designer and Studio Manager of various experiences and printed matter for Fortune 500-based transformation work. As of May, I also manage our department in our New York office. Recently, I started a passion project to talk about my favorite activity that I coach, play, and enjoy. Hockey has been a big part of my life outside of design, and I have been looking for a platform to talk about all aspects of the sport. So I started a podcast called Cross Ice Pass. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 6:18 - S.Y. Partners 10:00 - Education 14:43 - Intro to Hockey 19:21 - Relationship with Hockey 23:42 - Experiencing 9/11 29:49 - Getting Involved in Local Hockey 38:46 - Cross Ice Pass 43:36 - When Hockey Changed Lives 47:33 - Mentor 49:30 - Most Grateful for 54:52 - Snap Your Fingers 57:01 - How to Support

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  5. 92: Sanjay Rawal on peace via arts, sports, food systems, and social justice


    92: Sanjay Rawal on peace via arts, sports, food systems, and social justice

    In this episode, Sanjay and Jeffrey discuss his upbringing as the son of two Indian immigrant professors, why college is a waste, moving to NYC to be part spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy’s community, making films, and much more. Watch this episode on YouTube Learn more: Host: Jeffrey M. Zucker Producer: Kait Grey Editor: Nick Case Recording date: 4/24/24 Sanjay: Illumine: Food Chains - Ocean Monk - Gather - Other resources: Bio: Film Director with a track record of making feature-length human rights and human interest documentaries, all of which have been distributed on major streaming platforms. I moonlight as the Executive Director of a small nonprofit just as a way to stay connected to a number of issues. Past life as a consultant/project developer to governments, nonprofits and large cap private equity firms. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 5:28 - Education 9:11 - Early life 12:57 - Early Career 19:04 - Documentaries, Food Chains & Ocean Monk 23:13 - Running as a Religion 29:30 - Measuring Success 33:14 - Financing Films 35:50 - Gather 40:38 - What's Next 46:11 - The Late Game Process 48:24 - What's Next for Jeff 50:13 - Volunteer Work 53:09 - When Work Affected Change 55:27 - Most Grateful for 57:33 - Snap Your Fingers 1:03:49 - How to Support

    1 小時 5 分鐘
  6. 91: Brian Abrams on AI for peace building and conflict resolution


    91: Brian Abrams on AI for peace building and conflict resolution

    In this episode, Brian and Jeffrey discuss his career path, the evolution of his world view, and approaching all things with curiosity. He shares poignant quotes and references that serve to frame his thought processes Watch this episode on YouTube Learn more: Host: Jeffrey M. Zucker Producer: Kait Grey Editor: Nick Case Recording date: 4/8/24 Brian: B Ventures Group: Bio: Having managed over $1 billion in assets, seen nearly 10,000 startups, sat on over 15 boards of directors, and generated top-tier returns, I’ve learned that a human-centric approach to investment is not only the right way but also the best way. “Who?” and “Why?” are much more important questions than “What?” and “How?”. At its best, venture capital should be a financial means to a human end, not the other way around. Today I’m working to discover and connect with great human beings around the world in emerging regions such as Southeast Asia (e.g. Vietnam) and Central/Eastern Europe (e.g. Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria) as well as “hot spot” ecosystems (e.g. Tel Aviv, Berlin, Tallinn, Reykjavik, and many others). I also have a passion for peacebuilding and conflict resolution, and I’m exploring ways to apply the venture capital model toward a more peaceful world. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 2:20 - What Motivates You? 6:40 - Early Life 9:49 - Education 13:55 - Early Career 28:07 - Shift in Career 31:32 - B Ventures Group 38:31 - AI 43:55 - Peace and Conflict Resolution with AI 47:58 - Sourcing Deals 52:41 - Future of B Ventures Group 55:24 - When Work Affected Change 57:19 - Mentor 59:04 - Ask Jeff a Question 1:11:25 - Most Grateful for 1:13:06 - Snap Your Fingers 1:15:52 - How to Support

    1 小時 17 分鐘
  7. 90: Stacey Putka on upbringing, Miss Colorado, and helping others


    90: Stacey Putka on upbringing, Miss Colorado, and helping others

    In this episode, Stacey and Jeff discuss her upbringing, a brief consideration of journalism, her time as Miss Colorado, and dedicating herself to helping people. Watch this episode on YouTube Learn more: Host: Jeffrey M. Zucker Producer: Kait Grey Editor: Nick Case Recording date: 4/4/24 Stacey: Breakthrough: Bio: Stacey believes fiercely in challenging perceptions and in the power of transformation. Growing up in an entrepreneurial household, with a father who took full advantage of his second chance in life after recovering from addiction, Stacey has always been inspired to facilitate transformation in the lives of others. Stacey received a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Colorado State University and a master’s in social work from the University of Denver. Prior to joining the organization, Stacey provided mental health and substance abuse treatment to men on parole and probation. Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 7:58 - Education 14:51 - Early Career 29:18 - Breakthrough 37:40 - Continued Involvement 41:12 - When Work Affected Change 46:55 - Mentor 49:47 - Ask Jeff a Question 51:28 - Most Grateful 53:21 - Criminal Legal System 56:32 - Snap Your Fingers 59:08 - How to Support

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How innovators are responding to the world’s biggest challenges. — Serial entrepreneur and philanthropist Jeffrey M. Zucker talks weekly with innovators creating transformational social impact. They discuss their journeys in philanthropy, business, and life.








