Profitable Mindset

Charlotte Smith
《Profitable Mindset》Podcast

You may be the farmer or married to the farmer - this podcast will help you balance family and merge your personal needs with your farm demands. You can have a profitable biz AND a lovely, fulfilled life. I teach you personal development tools & strategies to finally conquer overwhelm and the feeling that you're not doing enough in your family or in your business. You'll learn step-by-step how to create the results you want in life!

  1. 5日前

    #219: How to Stop Resenting The Overwhelm of Farm Life

    Find 10-20 Hours in Your Farm Week: Meet Me HERE and Learn About Time Management For Farmers: Six-Week Boot Camp Are you tired of just "surviving" life?  It's not just you. I meet so many overwhelmed and stressed farmers. It IS the nature of the business we signed up for.  But if we don't learn to manage for the overwhelm and stress... ...we start to resent the people, animals, kids, customers - anyone who demands our time.  I remember being so desperate to get out of overwhelm that I'd daydream about the farm disappearing, and I'd wake up in a studio apartment with a simple 40-hour-a-week job. I knew it was bad and affecting my health, but I didn't know how to get out from under it all. I learned, and now I teach farmers the same time and life-management strategies and mindsets that saved me six years ago when I felt like I hit bottom. Listen to Today's Episode of the Profitable Mindset Podcast Overwhelm prevents us from making money, and more importantly, it's making us sick. Then, we end up beating ourselves up for it all. Well, I say, “No more!” Today’s episode is about learning to drop the guilt and start creating space for you to get out of overhwhem. I hope you’ll try the exercise I teach on the podcast today. I’ve been right where you are. And when I implemented this, my whole life changed and I had to share with you. Now, I spend my life teaching farmers how to make money. And it starts with learning to manage your time. And step one in learning to manage your time… is the skill I teach today. Tune in and give it a try! Warmly, Charlotte Interested in finding 10-20 hours in your week? That's what farmers do in my Time Management for Farmers Boot Camp.  It's a six-week coaching program that includes my Master Your Time/Master Your Life online course, plus live coaching. It's life-changing. ​Click HERE to meet me on Zoom and see if it's right for you

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  2. 8月28日

    #218: How This English Teacher Quit Her Day Job to Farm Full-Time

    Click HERE to Sign Up for my Free Live Training: 3 Crucial Pillars for a Profitable Farm When we start our farms, we often have this secret thought...   "Wouldn't it be great if we could support ourselves full-time on the farm and quit our day jobs?"   And then you get further into the business and realize how expensive it is. How hard the work is. How stressful it is. And you start to doubt.   Today you're in for a treat that’ll curb your doubts and give you hope.   Brooke Palmer, a winter tulip farmer near Ithaca New York, is sharing her success story on the Profitable Mindset Podcast.   She joined my program two years ago, frazzled, teaching during the day and squeezing in farming every other moment of the day and night.   She didn't enjoy selling. She didn't even know how to sell - her process was stressful and time-consuming.   Once she joined Farm Marketing Mastery, she studied and implemented the three pillars I teach over the year. She raised her prices. She started selling efficiently and calmly.   She sold out. She re-joined for a second year. She continued getting my feedback and coaching, improving her selling and time management.   This year Brooke fulfilled her dream of quitting her high-school teaching job to farm full-time.   She learned the skills I teach so her farm could replace her income.   Please know that she's no different than you and I.    Brooke's here to share her journey so you can have hope and confidence that you can build a profitable farm, too.   Perhaps you want to quit your day job, retire your spouse, or just make enough to contribute financially to the household.   You can.    I interview my students regularly on the podcast, so you can know this is available to you, too.   Building a profitable farm is a learned skill.    Please, let that sink in. When you learn the skill of creating time, money and mind management, you will notice huge financial growth.   Farm Marketing Mastery is opening up soon.   If you're considering joining and have any hesitations or questions - let's meet on Zoom. This is not a sales call. This private meeting is so I can get to know you and your needs and see if the program is a good fit.    You can schedule that 25 min. 1-1 with me by clicking HERE.   I would LOVE to meet you!   Hugs,   Charlotte

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  3. 8月22日

    #217: Two Big Reasons Your Farm May Fail

    Click HERE to Sign Up for my Free Live Training: 3 Crucial Pillars for a Profitable Farm Thinking is the most dangerous thing we do, first name.   We’ve discovered that hardly any of us know how to think in a way that serves us.   When I was a few years into my farm, I knew that though it was profitable, there was no way I could keep up the overwhelming amount of work and stress.   I thought I’d created a BEAST; I thought the only way out was to quit.   It was debilitating for a few years.   But after learning the methodology I now teach farmers today, the simple technique made farming manageable and fulfilling   That’s why today’s episode of the Profitable Mindset Podcast is so important.   I share a simple solution you can implement immediately, like so many of my clients already have.   Please give a listen - it will help you, too.   You’re going to learn a technique that almost works like magic to immediately calm your stress and overwhelm.   This ONE technique could make your farm life immediately more fulfilling than you can imagine.   So today I’m talking about the two big reasons your farm may fail - I’ve given you a solution here to the exten that I can in a podcast episode.    But please know - we ELIMINATE these two reasons for failure in our year together in Farm Marketing Mastery.   If you want to learn to make your farm profitable AND satisfying and fulfilling, Farm Marketing Mastery is the place to do that.   If you’ve wondered about signing up to work with me but have doubts, hesitations, fears, concerns, but yet you know you need some help - sign up for a private 25 min session with me to share your concerns or doubts, and to ask me all the things.   Let’s meet privately HERE to see if it’ll work for you.   That is my private Zoom meeting link. We’ll see where you are now, where you want to be, and what it will take to get you there. You’ll learn so much on that call!   See you in the podcast, perhaps even on Zoom, and let’s get you profitable and fulfilled.   Warmly,   Charlotte   PS:  Podcast HERE Meet Charlotte Privately on Zoom link HERE

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  4. 8月15日

    #216: How to Train Your Employees to be as Thorough and Hard-Working as You Are

    Click HERE - let's meet up and see if the Farm Marketing Mastery Program is For You! I’ve got the most wonderful strategy to share with you on the Profitable Mindset Podcast today.   It’s what I’ve done for over 20 years of hiring and managing employees.   The first time an employee told me, “You’re the best boss I’ve ever had,” I thought they were being nice.   I started hearing it regularly - people loved working at my farm.   I started asking why - and they said they felt valued.   I saw it in their performance - they were always willing to go the extra mile usually only an owner does.   I taught you this exercise today on the podcast, and it helps you create a wonderful farm environment where people love showing up for work—yes, even hard farm work.   Give it a try.   I pulled it out of Farm Marketing Mastery, my signature program that teaches farmers how to get profitable.   I know you’ll love it because not only will your employees feel valued, but you’ll feel valued by them when they improve because you’re using this technique.   Let me know what happens when you do it. Feel nervous? It’s normal—give it a try anyway. The payoff in their performance is so worth feeling nervous!   Big hugs,   Charlotte   PS: Farm Marketing Mastery opens in September. Formerly known as “5X Your Farm Sales,” - it’s the same program but with a different name, and you’ll learn how to make your farm profitable. Plan on joining then!

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  5. 7月16日

    Farm Marketing Bootcamp 2024 Is OPEN to ALL

    Read About and Sign Up for Farm Marketing Boot Camp HERE My step-by-step marketing training, Farm Marketing Bootcamp has proven to be the fastest, most effective roadmap to get you the farm business you deserve. This is the first time I'm offering it 'unbundled' from 5X Your Farm Sales. LIMITED TIME BONUS: Includes $599 coupon to be used toward the purchase of 5X Your Farm Sales. Registration is open now through Friday, 7/19/24. Click HERE to Claim Your Spot When you join, you get immediate access to over 30 short training videos and 6 Coaching Calls through July and August to uplevel your marketing. And yes, you can apply the purchase price to 5X Your Farm Sales if you decide to join. ​ 👉👉click here to get inside Farm Marketing Boot Camp today​ You'll get: Lifetime Access to the Farm Marketing Training. This step-by-step marketing training gives you everything you need to start and then scale your customer base. Pre-recorded videos, workbooks, templates. Live, Laser Group Coaching with Me. I'll answer your questions and give you feedback on the marketing you create in 6 weekly coaching calls. Recorded if you can't make it live. Copy and Paste Sales Emails. Eliminate years of study to learn how to write to sell—these done-for-you sales emails will save you so much time. Free Training in August - "What's Working in Social Media Marketing TODAY" Access to my Legendary Business Marketing Training. This one resource has changed many farmers' lives—learn which product to focus on to make the most profit and save tons of time. Learn my "year at a glance" calendaring process, which makes decision-making and boundary-setting easy. In case you skimmed the last part, when you sign up, you get immediate access to everything—the marketing training and the annual business marketing planning. You'll want to repeat this training every year! Worried, wonder if it's for you, or doubtful? Reply to this email and tell me your thoughts. OR let's meet on Zoom HERE.​ ​CLICK HERE TO BUY FARM MARKETING BOOTCAMP!​ What is Farm Marketing Boot Camp? It’s an online training course designed specifically for farmers (that's you) who want help figuring out farm marketing so they can attract more customers to their eggs, meat, flowers, etc. This course is for you if you're: Just starting out and don't know where to start or what to do next - or, have been in biz for years but not making the $$ you want Want to reach more customers Need help getting customers to pay your high prices (or the confidence to raise your prices) Eager to learn proven marketing techniques and strategies that work Need a marketing plan and strategy that will save you time and money ​ "This is simply the best course that I know of for meaningful, specific information on how to market for farmers. I can't imagine a better program. I would have saved over $20,000 last year if I had this info when I started." — Jeff ​Click Here to Buy Farm Marketing Boot Camp Today! Remember, the voice that tells you you're not ready, not good enough, or not "whatever enough" to follow your dreams is not you, and it's not true. You never want to put off money-making. And when you implement what I teach here, you will make money.   ​Or - sign up for an in-person meeting with me HERE.​ With enormous love and appreciation, Charlotte PS: Registration Closes 7/19/24 - coaching calls start the next week!

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  6. 7月8日

    #213: It's official. Here's your invitation.

    Click HERE for 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm I documented my journey of building a profitable farm so you don't have to struggle like I did my first years. And now, I'll teach you exactly what I do to find and reach customers happy to pay a premium for your product. ​>Click HERE for my Free Training: 3 Steps to Your Profitable Farm​ Save yourself time, money, and stress by joining me for this free training on Monday, July 15th. (A replay will be sent out the same day if you can't make it at 10 Pacific.) Imagine enjoying your farm, your family, and actually having daily free time. Oh - AND some money in the bank! I couldn't imagine it back in 2009 when I started my dairy. I worked hard for a year before bringing home my first milk cow. I interned with other dairy farmers and tried to figure out the farming side. Once I brought home my cow, though, I realized I had to learn how to sell all the milk I was getting daily. Now, I'll teach you how to start the process in ways that are inexpensive and simple. You’ll learn: Where to find customers that are happy to pay the price you need to charge to make money How to reach customers who value your farm-fresh products over the grocery store How to quickly build relationships so they come back season after season And so much more! It’s all happening on July 15th at 10 AM Pacific/12 Noon CT/1 PM ET. This is the same foundational process Melissa used to get to $6,000 a week in farmers market sales of her veggies. And the same foundational process Carole used to go from $200,000 in sales to $1,000,000 in a year in beef sales. AND the same process Colleen used to sell out her flower CSA, even after she doubled production. ​See you on July 15th! Sign up to get the replay even if you can't attend live.​ Here’s to a farm life you love! Cheers, Charlotte P.S. I love helping farmers sell out of their products. It’s one of my favorite things to do. So it really made my day when Elaine shared: “Thanks to the mindset and strategies I’ve learned from you, I SOLD OUT with ONE sales email, worked far less, and made 77% more revenue." It really is possible to sell more flowers, veggies, meat, and milk using all I share in this webinar. This IS the room to be in. You'll also hear about Farm Marketing Boot Camp - Our Six Week Marketing Intensive - you're invited to get my direct feedback to make your marketing GREAT.

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You may be the farmer or married to the farmer - this podcast will help you balance family and merge your personal needs with your farm demands. You can have a profitable biz AND a lovely, fulfilled life. I teach you personal development tools & strategies to finally conquer overwhelm and the feeling that you're not doing enough in your family or in your business. You'll learn step-by-step how to create the results you want in life!








