Someone Who Teaches: Education and Inclusion

《D Report》Podcast

Topics:  Education, Inclusion,  teaching  and  teaching practices.
Title : Someone Who Teaches: Education and Inclusion
Participants:   Alejandra
Publish Date: 02/01/2023
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Also available on:
Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Spotify, Soundclound

  • Conversation Topics:
  • Education updates?
  • Revisiting a conversation on Education.
  • What is the RICA exam in  teaching?
  • Does passing the RICA exam  make us  better teachers and or help with job security?
  • How is teacher in Cleveland Ohio different from teaching in Los  Angeles California?
  • What does it mean to mentor teachers?
  • What does inclusion mean in teaching  and or classroom formats?
  • What  does it mean to be white passing in Cleveland  Ohio?
  • What happens if you don’t “ clear “ your teaching   credential within five years?
  • Why doesn’t Ohio accept the California teaching credential?
  • What are signs of teacher burnout?
  • How do you know when it  is necessary to exit the teaching profession?
  • How  did the 2020 COVID pandemic  change the teaching practice?
  • What does going back to “ normal” mean for teachers and students?
  • What is remote learning?
  • What do we do if we are part of a group that do not want things to go back to the way things were before the pandemic?
  • “Inclusion is not program. It’s a way. Its and idea of  how you want  to build this culture .   It’s an understanding of how you are going  approach a student, and a family and staff. And  how you are  going to  support them to make a more inclusive classroom and then school and   community “
  • What do you think about when you hear the term inclusion?
  • Is disability a social construct?
  • Is inclusion about resources?
  • What happens  when you  go to work , but you see the system as more complicated than “they” want you to see it?
  • Why do teacher  leave the teaching  profession?
  • How did the  2020  COVID pandemic change the teaching profession?
  • What are the disabilities that are not visible?
  • What is emotional disturbance?
  • How do we reference our experiences in a dissociative form to critique ourselves?
  • How do we  figure out how to be ourselves within a k-12 setting?
  • What are the characteristics of a true educator?
  • What does it mean to be someone who teaches, even when they don’t have an official  title of a teacher?








