Most of our recent investor interviews have been Bay area investors, like Accenture and Canvas, and we don't usually get to speak with investors overseas, particularly in Asia. This week, however, we interviewed Tak Lo, a partner with, an accelerator program and cohort investing firm based in Hong Kong and focused on startup artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) companies. Lo speaks about when he saw AI take off in China and the differences in that rise compared to the U.S. He also gives valuable insight on consumer differences in how the two populations interact with technology, and how these differences in the Asian market drive different business opportunities in China than in the U.S.
- 節目
- 頻率每星期更新
- 發佈日期2017年3月5日 上午1:51 [UTC]
- 長度23 分鐘
- 分級兒童適宜