Sustaining with Shana

Shana Rose
《Sustaining with Shana》Podcast

Sustaining with Shana highlights the unique stories of people making our world a little more sustainable. By celebrating our community and we can help to bridge the gap between local and international sustainability endeavors.

  1. Episode 018: What is the Rodale Institute?


    Episode 018: What is the Rodale Institute?

    In this special two-part series, Shana sat down with Diana Martin. Diana is the Director of Communications & Marketing at the Rodale Institute. Since beginning her role at Rodale Institute, Diana career achievements include starting Organic Farmers Association (focused on representing organic farmers on policy issues in DC), launching the Regenerative Organic Certification with other partners, expanding Rodale Institute to 7 locations in 4 states, beginning a new longterm research trial & consumer education on farming and clean water, and helping to create Rodale Institute’s farmer consulting program. Diana is also a tenth generation Lancaster Countian, an area with rich farmland that is a hot spot for organic agriculture in Pennsylvania. In this episode, Shana and Diana dive into what is the Rodale Institute. Rodale is a nonprofit located outside of Kutztown, PA. Together they discussed the ins and outs of the organization, from how the institute got its start with J.I. Rodale to the vital research they are currently conducting. Rodale's research focuses on areas like no-till organic farming, regenerative agriculture, and more!  They are also committed to growing the organic movement through farmer training and consumer education. Rodale has been called the founders of the modern organic farming movement in the United States and is widely considered the global leader in regenerative organic agriculture. Despite Rodale's significant impact on the organic and regenerative farming movements, the institute remains largely unknown.  The Rodale Institute has been researching the best practices of organic agriculture and sharing findings with farmers, scientists, and consumers throughout the world since 1947. Learn more about this amazing organization at You can also follow Rodale on Facebook and Instagram. To follow all the latest developments you can sign up for Rodale's Newsletter on their website. Tune in next week for the second half of our discussion.

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  2. 02/11/2020

    Episode 017: Why Is Climate Policy Key In This Upcoming Election?

    In this special episode, Shana sat down with Flora Cardoni. Flora is PennEnvironment's Field Director, in this role, she oversees much of PennEnvironment’s climate and grassroots organizing work, directing staff and mobilizing volunteers around the state to fight climate change and promote clean energy, clean up our air and water, eliminate single-use plastics, and hold big polluters accountable in Pennsylvania. Together, over these last few years, Shana and Flora have also worked together organizing around climate change and key environmental issues here in Southeastern, Pennsylvania, and other parts of the state.  This week, Shana talked with Flora about what climate and environmental policy looks like here in Pennsylvania and the complex issues surrounding them. They also talked about how hydraulic fracturing aka fracking has plagued our state not just by destroying our land but also infiltrating into our commonwealth's political structure. Flora and Shana discussed how the fossil fuel industry has been behind politicians producing bad bills that cost taxers money, jobs, and a healthy environment. Flora reviewed some of the pro-environmental bills that PennEnvironment has advocated for these last few years. She also gave an update on how these bills, along with other pro-environmental bills are doing in the Pennsylvania legislature.  Later on, in the episode, they shifted gears to talk about climate policy at the national and international scale. Shana and Flora discussed the current state of our nation's climate policies and the possible implications of this week's presidential election could have on legislation going forward. Shana also expressed how this election critically plays a role in the fate of the United States' role in the Paris Climate Agreement, because as of this Wednesday, November 4, 2020, the US will officially leave the accord. It is possible with another presidential administration that the US could rejoin the agreement without any disruptions to the negotiations.  We all need to vote in this very important election on November 3rd, TOMORROW! Here in Pennsylvania, polls will be open on November 3rd, from 7 am-8 pm. If you still intend to vote by mail, your ballot MUST be deposited into an official ballot drop box ASAP. If you need more information about the election here in Pennsylvania, please visit the website

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  3. 27/10/2020

    Episode 016: Running for Reading, PA’s Green Future

    This week Shana sat down with Noel Rivera. Noel is the Green Party candidate for the 127th Pennsylvania House District. The district includes parts of the City of Reading and Kenhorst. Noel is originally from Lebanon, PA, and is an Air Force Veteran. He served and was deployed to Bagram AB, Afghanistan, and was awarded the Air Force Achievement Medal for volunteerism and excellence in service. After the military, he moved to Reading, PA, and earned a B.S. in Accounting in 2019 and an MBA focusing on community engagement and economic development in 2020.  Currently, he works in the Accounting Department of a company in the Reading area. Throughout his work and experiences, he knew that he always wanted to get involved in the community and politics. Throughout their discussion, Noel talked about some important issues that are of key interest to him. One of them, is developing Reading into an Ecodistrict and finding creative ways to bring the city into an up and coming green and sustainable city! If elected, he hopes to work with other elected officials in Harrisburg to develop a network of Ecodistricts across Pennsylvania. Shana and Noel talked about other issues that he is concerned about and what influenced him to run. One of the key issues is passenger rail being brought back to Reading. Together they talked about how crucially important it is for the service to come back to Reading and it also should be implemented in a fair and just way for all of the city’s residents. To find out more about Noel’s campaign please visit his website or Facebook page. We all need to vote in this very important election on November 3rd! Here in Pennsylvania, you have the choice of voting early, by mail-in paper ballot, and in person. Your mail-in ballot MUST be postmarked before November 3rd to count. Don’t forget if you decide to vote in person, Election Day is November 3rd. Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 am-8 pm. If you are a Pennsylvania voter and would need any necessary voter information, please go to

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  4. 10/10/2020

    Episode 015: What is Lancaster Against Pipelines?

    This week Shana sat down with Malinda Clatterbach and Tim Spiese, founding members of Lancaster Against Pipelines. Lancaster Against Pipelines (LAP) is a grassroots coalition of county residents in Lancaster, Pennsylvania opposing the Atlantic Sunrise Project. Despite their efforts, the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline was successfully built and was up and running by September 2018. During that time LAP did anything they could within their power to stop the production of the pipeline. During their conversation, Shana talked with Tim and Malinda about how LAP brought together the residents across Lancaster County and the region to fight the production of the pipeline. Malinda described how this was largely the first time rural Lancaster Countians experienced any kind of environmental injustice in their community because the pipeline runs through pristine farmland along the western edge of the county. During the four years of production, the community rallied together to do whatever they could to prevent this pipeline from destroying their community and others downstream. Both Malinda and Tim recall of protests and vigils the community would have on the construction site. They also discussed with Shana how the diverse religious community provided unique challenges and benefits in their efforts to try and stop this pipeline from coming into their community. Despite their hard work the pipeline was still installed. Today LAP has turned their efforts to help other grassroots organizations in Pennsylvania fighting to ban fracking. Together Malinda, Tim, and Shana also talked about how critically important this election is. They discussed why it is important that we elect leaders that see environmental injustice happening in rural communities as well as urban and minority communities. We all need to vote in this very important election on November 3rd! Here in Pennsylvania, you have until October 19th to register to vote. October 27th is the last day to request your mail-in ballot and must be postmarked before November 3rd to count. Don’t forget if you decide to vote in person, Election Day is November 3rd. Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 am-8 pm. If you would like to register to vote or request your mail-in ballot, please go to

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  5. 26/09/2020

    Episode 014: What is Pennsylvania’s Rural Bill of Rights?

    This week Shana sat down with Michelle Siegel. Michelle is a candidate for Pennsylvania State Senate District 27. She was raised in Selinsgrove, PA, and still resides there with her family. She attended Susquehanna University and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Together Shana talked with Michelle about her concerns for her community’s environment and how corporate greed and negligence can harm hardworking people. She recalled, as a child her grandmother took her for a walk in the woods, where she showed Michelle the unlined ash dam pit that had poisoned their family’s well. The water contamination caused her uncle to develop ulcerative colitis, which progressed to colon cancer because he was unable to afford treatment and passed away at a young age. These experiences set her on a path towards studying Environmental Science and Climate Change. Michelle stressed that as a state senator she will be a staunch defender of our state’s constitutional guarantee of clean air, soil, and water as stated Article 1 Section 27.  She also expressed other issues in her region like high unemployment and healthcare costs must be addressed. For Michelle, she believes we need to pass the Rural Bill of Rights (RBR) now. Together Michelle and Shana discuss how transformative the RBR could be to rural communities like hers to access public transportation, clean air, water, and a healthy environment, reinvesting family-owned farms, and more! We all need to vote in this very important election on November 3rd! Here in Pennsylvania, you have until October 19th to register to vote, October 27th is the last day to request your mail-in ballot and must be postmarked before November 3rd to count. Don’t forget if you decide to vote in person, Election Day is November 3rd. Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 am-8 pm. If you would like to register to vote or request your mail-in ballot, please go to

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  6. 11/09/2020

    Episode 013: Climate Change and Racism

    Shana sat down this week with Cole Goodman. Cole is a community activist and local elected official from Dauphin County. Cole currently serves as an elected member of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee representing Dauphin County. Goodman serves as one of the youngest members of the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and is also the political director of the Digital Consulting group, Unmasked Media. Cole specializes in civic engagement and youth activism to bring structural change to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States. This week Shana talked with Cole Goodman about the inextricable connection between climate change and racism. Together they talked about how climate change and environmental issues systematically affect poor, black, and brown communities the most. This can be seen in coastal communities in places like Louisiana, where Cole grew up. Together, Cole and Shana discussed how systematic racism has helped to exacerbate climate change throughout our society around the world in countries like Kiribati already underwater to the Marshall Islands written off during key international treaties like the Paris Agreement. We all need to vote in this very important election on November 3rd! Here in Pennsylvania, you have until October 19th to register to vote, October 27th is the last day to request your mail-in ballot and must be postmarked before November 3rd to count. Don’t forget if you decide to vote in person, Election Day is November 3rd. Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 am-8 pm. If you would like to register to vote or request your mail-in ballot, please go to

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Sustaining with Shana highlights the unique stories of people making our world a little more sustainable. By celebrating our community and we can help to bridge the gap between local and international sustainability endeavors.








