The Estranged Mom Coach™, Family Estrangement, Parental Estrangement Coaching And Help For Christian Estranged Mothers

Jenny Good | Christian Family Estrangement Coach, Parental Estrangement Expert, Spiritual Mentor
《The Estranged Mom Coach™, Family Estrangement, Parental Estrangement Coaching And Help For Christian Estranged Mothers》Podcast

Are you going through a family estrangement from your adult son or daughter, where there’s little contact or no contact at all? Do you wonder why your child cut you off and if there’s a way to save the relationship? Is your heart breaking from seeing other people’s happy families, while yours falls apart? Maybe your life has become a rollercoaster ride cycling between anger, sadness, guilt and tears. . You can only distract yourself and avoid thinking about it so much, and then it hits you all over again: You have become an estranged mother. How could this be happening? . If this is resonating with you, here are 3 things I want you to know: 1. The fact that your adult child chose to estrange does not mean you’re a bad person. 2. Even if you feel like there is no hope for a reconciliation with your estranged son or daughter, there actually is a path forward. 3. I promise that this family estrangement has not doomed you to an unhappy life. Ask me how I know… . Hi, I’m Jenny Good. I’m a Jesus following, kaftan wearing, hot tea drinking, mom of 3. The enemy tried to destroy my family from multiple directions. Through the death of my oldest son, the mental health battles of my youngest and estrangement from my adult daughter. But God fought for me, and by His grace, the enemy is defeated. . Jesus showed me the path to reconciliation with my estranged daughter, and He taught me how to come from a place of peace and power, no matter what was happening with my child. . As a Certified Coach, a call was put on my life to help Christian estranged mothers increase their chance of reconciliation with their adult child, and to experience healing, hope and happiness while they’re in the waiting season. I know that may feel so far from you right now, but hear me on this: it is not only possible, but it is God’s will for you to break free from these chains. . In this podcast you’ll learn how to ease into more happiness and peace, independent of what your estranged child says or does. You’ll get coached around the steps that help you achieve a successful reconciliation with your child. . I cannot guarantee you will get your relationship back, but I can tell you for sure that if nothing changes, nothing will change. Let that sink in. . If you hang out with me, we’re not staying in a dark place - no, we’re breaking free from bondage. This is the podcast for you if you’re ready to live your life WHILE working toward healing and reconciliation. . If that’s you, pop in your AirPods and grab your tea. It’s time for The Estranged Mom Coach. Welcome home, sister. It’s gonna be okay. Email me: Join the free Facebook Support Community for Christian Estranged Mothers: Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: . Looking to feel better and repair the broken relationship with your child? Apply for a free consultation to talk about how I can help you at

  1. 12小時前

    3 Ways To Use The Power Of Your Tongue To Heal Your Family Estrangement

    Hey friend. Welcome back to the show. The Bible teaches us that the power of life and death are in the tongue. This underscores the importance of what comes out of your mouth. Your words matter so much. This has huge implications about how to deal with family estrangement from your son or daughter. You may be speaking words that put you into accidental agreement with the very devil who is trying to wage war against your family and you. In this Tea Time Tuesday episode, I am going to tell you three ways to use the power of your tongue to heal the family estrangement from your adult child. Grab your tea and let’s talk about it. . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there: ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus: ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers: ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend. - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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  2. 5日前

    This Mistake Leads To Permanent Estrangement

    Hey friend. Welcome back to the show. I want to talk to you about a common mistake that many estranged mothers make, and it keeps you stuck and feeling like you don’t know what to do. This can end up, prolonging the time that you are estranged from your son or daughter. In this episode, I will tell you how to identify when you’re making this common mistake and I’ll tell you what to do instead. Meet me inside the episode and let’s talk about it. . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there: ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus: ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers: ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend. - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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  3. 9月17日

    Walking On Water During Parental Estrangement: Do Not Let Your Circumstances Sink You

    Hey, friend! Welcome back to the show. In my work with Christian estranged mothers, one of the most common questions I am asked is, how do I get my estranged child back in my life? Estranged mothers want to know what really makes a difference, when it comes to reconciling with their estranged children. Here’s my answer to that question: You need to go through 3 steps to feel better and increase your chances of reconciliation. . Your inner healing and mindset work is the first step. Step 2 is to learn a new way of communicating and step 3 is to create and work your reconciliation plan. . That is what works. And once you know that, one of the most important things you can do to get back into relationship with your estranged child is to stay focused on those 3 steps. Distraction is a tool the enemy loves to use to shut down the reconciliation between your child and you. . In today’s episode, I am going to use the story of Peter walking on the water to help you avoid this snare of the devil. Grab your tea and let’s talk about it. . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there: ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus: ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers: ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend. - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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  4. 9月12日

    High Quality Sustainable Reconciliation

    Hey, friend. Welcome back to the show. In this Thursday Thoughts episode, I’m talking to you about time. Time can seem like an enemy when you’re estranged from your adult child. But in this episode, I’ll explain why the passing of time is actually part of creating a high quality, sustainable reconciliation, instead of something that only looks the part and falls apart later. As an estranged mother, you do not want to settle for a fast fix only to lose your child to family estrangement at the first disagreement. To avoid that, you need a high quality, sustainable reconciliation with your child. Let’s talk about it. . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there: ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus: ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers: ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend. - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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  5. 9月10日

    When You Exhausted Every Possibility To Heal The Estrangement From Your Child

    Hey, friend. Welcome back to the show. In today’s Tea Time Tuesday episode, I want to talk to you about feeling as if you’ve exhausted Every possibility to heal the estrangement from your adult child. This thought can leave you feeling helpless and like you don’t know what else to do, even though you still miss your son or daughter. Grab your cup of tea or coffee and let’s talk about it. . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there: ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus: ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers: ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend. - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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  6. 9月5日

    My Controversial Stance On Self Respect

    In a world that makes a lot of noise about boundaries and self respect, I’m offering a different perspective. As an estranged mother, you know what it feels like to be hurt by someone you dearly love. You understand the pain of the unanswered text, the phone that goes to voicemail and the visits that don’t happen. The world would have you believe that the self respecting thing to do is to walk away, close the door. Be done with the whole thing, because the last person that should be causing you this upset is your own child. I get it because I’ve been in that space. . I’ve tried to feel better by being angry at my daughter, when she and I were estranged. As an estranged mother, I tried to stand on self respect in the way the world defined it. And guess what… it felt empty, forced and wrong. In this Thursday Thoughts episode, I’ll give you an honest, transparent view of my Bible-based definition of self respect, and I can tell you that it’s very different from what you read on social media and hear in popular culture. Let’s talk about it.  . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there:   ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus:  ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers:   ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend.  - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son  Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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  7. 9月3日

    Heartbroken: You Do Not Know Why Your Child Estranged

    Hey, friend. Welcome back to the show. In today’s Tea Time Tuesday episode, I want to talk to you about a common and heartbreaking circumstance many estranged mothers find themselves in. When your child goes no contact but you have no idea why. You think if you could just understand their reasoning, you could at least try to make sense of the estrangement. Or maybe you could fix whatever caused it. If only you knew. I’m going to give you 3 reasons why you actually should NOT try to figure out what caused your child to estrange, and I’ll tell you what works better. Pour your tea, and let’s talk about it. . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there: ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus: ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers: ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend. - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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  8. 8月29日

    Estranged And Blocked: Should You Have Someone Contact Your Child For You?

    Hey, friend. Welcome back to the show. Many of my estrangement coaching clients have been blocked on their estranged child’s social media and phone. Their estranged daughter or son has made it very difficult for them to get a message through to them. Of course, there is a time to respect their boundary, but there is also a time to reach out. I’ll explain how to know when it’s time to reach out and also if you should have someone reach out for you, if you’re blocked. Let’s talk about it. . Next Steps: 1) Apply for your FREE consultation to talk to Jenny 1:1. Find out the exact path forward to feeling better and greatly increasing your chances of getting your son or daughter back in your life. And learn how estrangement coaching can get you there: ⬇️ 2) Access your audio meditation to help you cast your anxieties and worries about estrangement at the feet of Jesus: ⬇️ 3) Join the free Facebook support community for Christian estranged mothers: ⬇️ 4) Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: Client Reviews… ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support and guidance received in the most tragic time of my life from coach Jenny Good. Her faith, compassion, understanding, dedication and display of radical love has truly been life-changing for me. I was so overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, guilt, and sadness. I felt lost and didn’t know how to navigate through the emotional turmoil I was experiencing. However, from the very first call, Jenny created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to share my details. Her ability to listen attentively and empathize while helping me understand a different way of thinking is truly remarkable. She understood my feelings and offered tools each session in ways I have not experienced even from therapy. I am forever thankful for the medicine she has poured into me to be the very best version of myself! This has rippled into all areas of life for me. Jenny’s teachings have produced results reconnecting me with my estranged daughter! Thank you for being the vessel of unwavering faith & love that so many of us could benefit from, estranged or not. A true Godsend. - Melinda Wyman . ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son Having a coach and mentor who is rooted in Christ is very important. I’ve experienced so much inner healing with Jenny as my Coach. I am living a truly happy life, and I reconciled with my son! I feel empowered to continue stepping into my full power as a mother and to live a life where my children matter, but they don’t determine my worth. I am me again. - Carol Adams

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Are you going through a family estrangement from your adult son or daughter, where there’s little contact or no contact at all? Do you wonder why your child cut you off and if there’s a way to save the relationship? Is your heart breaking from seeing other people’s happy families, while yours falls apart? Maybe your life has become a rollercoaster ride cycling between anger, sadness, guilt and tears. . You can only distract yourself and avoid thinking about it so much, and then it hits you all over again: You have become an estranged mother. How could this be happening? . If this is resonating with you, here are 3 things I want you to know: 1. The fact that your adult child chose to estrange does not mean you’re a bad person. 2. Even if you feel like there is no hope for a reconciliation with your estranged son or daughter, there actually is a path forward. 3. I promise that this family estrangement has not doomed you to an unhappy life. Ask me how I know… . Hi, I’m Jenny Good. I’m a Jesus following, kaftan wearing, hot tea drinking, mom of 3. The enemy tried to destroy my family from multiple directions. Through the death of my oldest son, the mental health battles of my youngest and estrangement from my adult daughter. But God fought for me, and by His grace, the enemy is defeated. . Jesus showed me the path to reconciliation with my estranged daughter, and He taught me how to come from a place of peace and power, no matter what was happening with my child. . As a Certified Coach, a call was put on my life to help Christian estranged mothers increase their chance of reconciliation with their adult child, and to experience healing, hope and happiness while they’re in the waiting season. I know that may feel so far from you right now, but hear me on this: it is not only possible, but it is God’s will for you to break free from these chains. . In this podcast you’ll learn how to ease into more happiness and peace, independent of what your estranged child says or does. You’ll get coached around the steps that help you achieve a successful reconciliation with your child. . I cannot guarantee you will get your relationship back, but I can tell you for sure that if nothing changes, nothing will change. Let that sink in. . If you hang out with me, we’re not staying in a dark place - no, we’re breaking free from bondage. This is the podcast for you if you’re ready to live your life WHILE working toward healing and reconciliation. . If that’s you, pop in your AirPods and grab your tea. It’s time for The Estranged Mom Coach. Welcome home, sister. It’s gonna be okay. Email me: Join the free Facebook Support Community for Christian Estranged Mothers: Download Your Free Guide Of What To Do When Your Adult Child Estranges: . Looking to feel better and repair the broken relationship with your child? Apply for a free consultation to talk about how I can help you at








