The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

Shannon Ables
The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired with Signature Style

The simple sophisticate is someone who prefers quality over quantity, sensible living over mindless consumption, personal style instead of trendy fashions, has an insatiable curiosity for life’s endless questions and a desire to live a truly fulfilling life rather than being led around by the nose. Inspired by her lifestyle blog The Simply Luxurious Life, Shannon Ables (the original Simple Sophisticate) shares with listeners tips on how to live a refined life on an everyday income, a life of true contentment. Founded on the principle of the art of living a life of quality over quantity, episodes explore topics ranging from creating an everyday life you love living, strengthening mindfulness practices, preparing seasonally delicious meals, building a capsule wardrobe, traveling the world (Francophiles and Anglophiles tune in as France as well as the Britain are favorite destinations), and living life to the fullest without breaking the bank because living well is really quite simple. *illustration by artist Sarah Löcker exclusively commissioned for the show

  1. 4 DAYS AGO

    399: Eight Things I've Learned in my 46th Year

    There is an awareness available to anyone who steps fully into their forties. It often happens a couple of years after turning the big 4 - 0, but it's there, waiting for each of us to realize we are half-way through (if we are so fortunate to live into our 90s) this beautiful gift called life. This awareness prompts courage and discipline as well as motivation to just get about the business of living out the dreams we may have been too timid to try in our earlier years. We begin to see that taking care of our health is more than worth the investment. We begin to know that loving fully is the best thing to do for our life enjoyment even though we also know there will be great pain in the goodbye. That goodbye is a privilege only the brave experience by being wholly vulnerable, kind and truly giving of their true selves and accepting others as theirs. The leaning is a good thing because we see over the handrail of life that we are fortunate to have this vantage point and we are not going to toss aside the wisdom gained along the way. The leaning is both a gift and a motivator. This year, as I celebrated my 46th birthday on the tail-end of February, I wanted to continue to the annual tradition of sharing what I have learned during the past twelve months. May it inspire you embrace life even more fully and bravely than you already are and enjoy each day all the more.   Explore this episode's Show Notes on The Simply Luxurious Life blog -

    47 min
  2. 19 FEB

    398: The Simple Two Word Phrase that will Transform Your Life in Extraordinary Ways, as taught by Mel Robbins (and it's not on the cover of her new book)

    "Taking back your power means reclaiming responsibility for your life. It means demanding more of yourself because time is ticking, and you've wasted enough of it worrying about things that don't matter. It means being laser focused on the things you can control, and not giving a single second to the things you can't . . . Let Me create a better life. A life that makes me proud. A life that makes me happy. A life where I use my precious energy to enjoy every single moment I will have . . . all it takes is two simple words: Let Me." —Mel Robbins, from her latest book The Let Them Theory Let me. With good reason, the first phrase of Mel Robbins' new book has been becoming commonplace, but as readers read the book, they begin to realize that if we only apply the Let Them theory to our lives, our lives will not change. It is the follow-up phrase, the action phrase that is Let Me that carries the magic that will change our lives should we brave enough to embrace it. Many of the lessons shared throughout the book overlap what is shared here on TSLL and how to live a life of contentment, a life in which we take responsibility for what is in our control and let go of what is not. Easier said than done, so it is always helpful for many different teachers with their different approaches to extol the importance of this life transforming truth for living well, to finding peace in our days and fulfillment throughout our life journey. In today's episode/post, we're going to explore what Let Me looks like in our everyday life, and if what is shared speaks to you, I highly recommend you picking up The Let Them Theory book, Mel Robbins book that was released on December 24, 2024. ~Find the Show Notes for this episode on The Simply Luxurious Life blog —

    1h 4m
  3. 5 FEB

    397: The Serenity of Savoring Being Single and the Abundance of Love that is Present

    With Valentine's Day right around the corner, an annual holiday to celebrate love, those we love in all its different relationship forms, it can be helpful to be reminded that love doesn't have a hierarchy. One type of relationship be it a friendship, a spouse, a parent/child, a pet companion, a universal love for humanity, self-love - isn't more or less important, but merely other avenues of giving and receiving love. Love, when it is true, comes in a variety of forms. Shared in this post back in October about unconditional love, Andy Puddicombe reminds, “The very definition of unconditional love is it is not dependent on anything or anyone. So to experience unconditional love, we don’t necessarily need to be with another person. It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy being with another person, but we don’t necessarily need them to experience it.” Zen Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh wrote in his book How to Love, "In true love, you attain freedom.” He goes on to teach us that “To love is to recognize; to be loved is to be recognized by the other.” In my own life, one that the zeitgeist would label as 'being single', I have let go of the narrow perspective of how to welcome love into my life as well as give love to the world. Once I began to do this with more awareness and understanding, I began to feel more love and also be more loving without expectation to others and to myself in how I nurtured my everyday life and supported my dreams. I set myself free to trust my life journey, and it has made a powerfully positive difference to the quality of my life. But, and this is why I share today's episode/post, this is not to advocate for being single or to enjoy being single until . . . [whatever it is the culture we find ourselves approves or applauds]. When we let ourselves be labeled in such a way - married, single, divorced, widowed - it becomes cement that prevents us to live fully and partake in whatever life dance we choose to attend, for however long we choose to partake. Because the reasons for choosing the life we discover is most nourishing for our true selves will be unique to each of us, and cannot be fully understood by the outside world, not even those close to us in absolute entirety. In today's episode we'll explore four ways to understand what a life of love is and how it is invited into our life. Explore the show notes on The Simply Luxurious Life blog -

    50 min
  4. 15 JAN

    396: Why Living a Simple Life Involves Courage and 6 Ways We Can Harness Our Bravery to Do So

    "The confidence to dare to be simple." —Monty Don To be simple is to knowingly let go of what is not necessary and wisely keep, nourish and invest in what is. Gardens in many ways are a wonderful analogy for living well because they take time to mature into their full potential, and it isn't guaranteed that they will, but if they do, it is because the gardener had the foresight, patience and clarity to know what would be of value to invest in today. Albert Einstein is attributed with saying, “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” To know where that line is, because it will be different for each of us, is to know ourselves as well as understand the pressures of the world with keen awareness and insight. Such knowledge takes time and conscious effort to gain. In daring to be simple, we bet on ourselves, care for ourselves and without guarantee, invest in what is harmonious to our ear, letting it become a priority while not be distracted or drained by the rest. On the category page in TSLL's archives for all of the Simplicity themed posts, I share that “The value of True Simplicity is that it fully lets the light in so that you can see and explore the depths of a life’s full gifts and beauty.”In more concrete terms, is the condition or quality of being easy to understand. As it pertains to living well, when we understand how to live our lives well, making decisions becomes far easier because of our gained clarity about what nourishes us and the life that we wish to live. In today's post/episode, let's explore how we dare to be simple in such a way that enhances the quality of our lives. How does it show up? What does it look like? What behavior, mannerisms, ways of life embody being simple to the degree that exhibits living with contentment?   Explore the Show Notes on TSLL blog:

    54 min
  5. 18/12/2024

    394: Setting the Foundation for An Extraordinary New Year and Beyond

    "We can attain almost anything we want—but not instantly. If we're methodical, if we're persistent, and if we take small, deliberate steps, we can arrive there. The going may be slow at first, but the advantage of those actions, compounded over time, can lead to stunning results." —Doris Clark, author of The Long Game: How to Be A Better Long-Term Thinker in a Short Term World Five years. Seven years. A decade. Time is on our side so long as we put in the proper foundation to support the progress that will eventually lead to the outcome we intend. "The whole point of playing the long game is understanding the ridiculous goals are ridiculous right now—not forever . . . it might take five years, or ten, or twenty. But that time will pass away." Just as each season has a purpose to enable Mother Nature's flora and fauna to rest, rejuvenate, grow, shine and celebrate, so too is the journey our own progress must traverse in order to experience the outcomes we seek. Winter finds us resting, assessing, nourishing and gaining clarity with the pause, but that doesn't mean we remain there. So long as we understand the purpose for the length of time it will take, we then can rest in quiet confidence that we are heading in the direction that will lead us eventually where we have pointed ourselves. Every day will not be winter, and in knowing that, we can then savor winter's opportunity which is why I would like to bring today's episode to you as we are now just three days away from winter's beginning. The opportunity to know what components a solid foundation contains will ensure that down the road, an everyday ordinary to others, we will experience the extraordinary that in previous days we had dreamed about madly about would be our reality. :) Let's take a look. Explore the detailed Show Notes on TSLL blog here -

    49 min
  6. 04/12/2024

    393: How to Change Your Mind (literally), So You Can Change Your Life

    "Some of [our] beliefs, habits and behaviours are acquired by chance, and some we have designed for ourselves. But the beauty of the human mind is that no matter how these beliefs were shaped, they can be changed." —Nicole Vignola, author of Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts and Create Lasting Change Maybe it is the lack of confidence you have in your potential. Maybe it is the negative thoughts that stream through your mind at 2 am in the morning or in the afternoon when you are exhausted after a full first half of the work day has asked you to be on your game every single minute. Maybe it's your doubt that you will ever be able to acquire that habit that will help if only you could incorporate it into your everyday. Whatever default thinking habit you engage in that starts to chip away at the 'good vibes', at the hope, at the positive outlook you have on anything, this is the podcast episode for you to explore. In fact, I want to make it required listening/reading because when you take in the introduction to neuroscientist and author Nicole Vignola's book Rewire, you're going to be reminded of how powerful you are to remove the thought patterns you don't want and start living, creating and thinking in a way that elevates the quality of your entire life. As the new year approaches, we might be considering or evaluating what we want to improve, and in order to bring those changes into reality that we experience in our everydays we have to know how the machine, that is our mind, works as it pertains to acquiring and automating new habits, and also letting go of the unhelpful habits. This fundamental knowledge will foster the change you want to be part of your new year, and I cannot wait to share with you an overview of what you will learn when you pick up the book Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts an Create Lasting Change.   Explore the Show Notes for the episode on The SImply Luxurious Life blog —

    55 min
  7. 20/11/2024

    392: 10 Ways to Build a Strong (and healthy) Social Network, as taught by David Robson

    "In general, people who have more optimistic expectations about the possibility of forming a connection are more likely to overlook superficial differences, and wait to see if they feel the spark of connection. They tend to have more diverse relationships, while those with fixed assumptions tend to have more limited social circles. Our beliefs about social connection can become self-fulfilling prophecies." —David Robson, author of The Laws of Connection: The Scientific Secrets of Building a Strong Social Network The quality of our social connections determines not only our enjoyment of our everydays, whether we are at work or in our personal lives, it also affects our health and wellbeing. While this news will likely shock nobody, what might shock us are the ways we unconsciously or unknowingly partake in habits that obstruct the opportunity for healthier, and thus more enjoyable connections with others, of all stripes. Based on cultural conditioning or insecurity within ourselves or what was modeled to us while growing up, we may have assumed there were certain ways to not only engage with the world, but what we should share and how much of our true feelings we should express about any given event in our lives. And so upon reading science writer David Robson's latest book, and discovering various research that dispelled previously held approaches as being helpful as well examples of how and why certain approaches were helpful or unhelpful, I took note not only while acknowledging where I could grow and learn, but wanting to share with TSLL community. Why? While Robson shares 13 laws of connection, each are multi-faceted, so based on what is working well for us now or conversely what we are struggling with when it comes to connection, we need worry less on knowing what the 'laws' are and more about ourselves and where we would benefit from applying new knowledge and thus learning new skills in how to connect sincerely, well and consistently with others to build a social network that elevates not only our lives but those who are a part of our social network. A two way street, as they say, and sometimes we just didn't yet know how to do that - to connect well, and that is where this book comes to provide the insights we can learn. In today's post I have pulled ten specific approaches and skills that caught my attention for cultivating and maintaining a wide breadth of relationships in our lives. Whether it is your colleagues, or romantic partner, child or parent, neighbor or friend, all of the skills below will enhance those relationships. Visit the detailed Show Notes on The Simply Luxurious Life blog -

    1h 13m


The simple sophisticate is someone who prefers quality over quantity, sensible living over mindless consumption, personal style instead of trendy fashions, has an insatiable curiosity for life’s endless questions and a desire to live a truly fulfilling life rather than being led around by the nose. Inspired by her lifestyle blog The Simply Luxurious Life, Shannon Ables (the original Simple Sophisticate) shares with listeners tips on how to live a refined life on an everyday income, a life of true contentment. Founded on the principle of the art of living a life of quality over quantity, episodes explore topics ranging from creating an everyday life you love living, strengthening mindfulness practices, preparing seasonally delicious meals, building a capsule wardrobe, traveling the world (Francophiles and Anglophiles tune in as France as well as the Britain are favorite destinations), and living life to the fullest without breaking the bank because living well is really quite simple. *illustration by artist Sarah Löcker exclusively commissioned for the show

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