Tom Greenwood "Digital tech is not virtual. How to design a sustainable web."

《(Re)Design Podcast》Podcast

This time at (Re)Design, I’m joined by no one else than Tom Greenwood, the author of the book “Sustainable Web Design” and founder of Wholegrain Digital. With his London-based agency, Tom has been busy making the Internet greener for 15 years already, designing and developing websites that are considerate of their environmental impact.

Did you know how much of the world's electricity we consume with our digital technology?

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to create and power our devices, data centers and related infrastructure. On top comes the usage, so what and how much we actually do via this infrastructure. In other words: Every email, online search, and visit to a website consumes energy and contributes to the Internet's global footprint.

Depending on how environmentally conscious a website is designed, this is then more or less energy and it’s more or less in the users' control. Ergo, every organisation that runs a website or offers other digital products or services, carries a responsibility too, and has the choice to design with the planet in mind, or not.

Link to the episode with captions:








