Vibe Check with Mackie

Mackie Trumbull
《Vibe Check with Mackie》Podcast

I have realized many people now a days truly do not like who they have become. We are souls who are currently in human bodies that need to experience human interactions. With that being said, there can be so much baggage that comes with those human experiences. They are so caught up in social media & discomfort right in their own heads that the world is literally passing them by without them even realizing. Although it might not be much, I'm just here being real through my own past encounters to help others cope through their own skeletons & hopefully bring there highest self to the light.


  1. 09/03/2021

    5. Thriving through Suicidal Thoughts

    **We are gonna be talking about a very sensitive topic in this episode, please understand this podcast cannot physically hurt you, and with me, you are in a safe place**  I know you are exhausted. I know things don't seem like they are getting any better, especially with the situation you are in. But I do want to let you know something, I am beyond proud that you are still here! Despite all of the BS you have thrived through, you are here. YOU did that for yourself, and that is insanely impressive.  For those who want to reach out to me for anything, my instagram is "Mackie.Trumbull", please feel free to reach out any time.  Tips for thriving:  1. Be honest with yourself. Decide that you are not okay, BUT want to become better.  2. Take about 5-10 minutes a day to sit with your thoughts to genuinely feel them, and accept them for what they are.  3. Journal. Write down those thoughts and how you feel about them; do you want to become better? That question should be something you ask yourself after every "hiccup" you go through.  4. Figuring out your resources; therapy, podcasts, books, the internet, etc. Study a new way of thinking, a new way of doing things. Invest in yourself to become knowledgable about how to better yourself. Really put in the time and energy yourself deserves. Surround yourself with positive impacts. 5. Go do the things your mind is holding you back from. Take that leap of faith and go do things by yourself; whether that means starting to workout at a gym, going to eat by yourself, traveling to somewhere new, start going to church or as simple as taking a moment to meditate. You're in charge of how you react to the emotions that come along, take charge and tell your brain to fuck off, and go do something to better yourself.  6. Lastly, start living for other people; volunteer, become more kind or compassionate, go hang out with your grandma/grandpa see if they need help with anything. Start to get into the mindset of the person you needed, or hell, your younger self needed.   Ily, have a beautiful day!

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I have realized many people now a days truly do not like who they have become. We are souls who are currently in human bodies that need to experience human interactions. With that being said, there can be so much baggage that comes with those human experiences. They are so caught up in social media & discomfort right in their own heads that the world is literally passing them by without them even realizing. Although it might not be much, I'm just here being real through my own past encounters to help others cope through their own skeletons & hopefully bring there highest self to the light.








