Worshiping in Obedience

《MCC Podcast》Podcast

We’ve walked through several events that occurred prior to David becoming King of Israel. We have been in 1 Samuel and this Sunday we jump to 2 Samuel 6. Last week David battled the giant Goliath. And Saul was still King of Israel. But since our verses last week, King Saul died in battle. And David has become King. There is a lot there and I want to encourage you to read 1 and 2 Samuel to get all of what God is up to. But this weekend we are in 2 Samuel 6 where David brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. For context, the Ark represented God’s presence with the Israelites. When David took the throne he realized there was no Ark. It had been captured by their enemies, the Philistines, and had been gone for over 75 years. The place where God has said He would meet with the Israelites had been gone for a long time. This Sunday Josh and I will teach together about David bringing the Ark to Jerusalem and how that event highlights some important lessons for us about worship.








