597 episodios

영문 시사뉴스를 쉽게 설명해주는 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트. 영어신문을 통해 새로운 데일리 뉴스와 영어 학습을 동시에.

코리아헤럴드 팟캐스‪트‬ The Korea Herald

    • Noticias

영문 시사뉴스를 쉽게 설명해주는 코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트. 영어신문을 통해 새로운 데일리 뉴스와 영어 학습을 동시에.

    끝도 없이 오르는 외식 물가에 대안으로 떠오른 곳은?

    끝도 없이 오르는 외식 물가에 대안으로 떠오른 곳은?

    진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer

    Sales of warehouse stores rise amid high dining-out costs

    기사 요약: 외식 물가 상승으로 인한 반사 이익으로 매출 증가 겪는 대형마트들

    [1] Warehouse stores in Korea have seen a rise in sales, drawn by bulk sizes of fresh ingredients at lower prices as people opt for cooking at home rather than eating out, amid increasing prices.

    *warehouse store: 창고형 매장 (대형마트)

    *bulk: 큰, 대부분

    *opt for ~ : ~을 선택하다


    [2] From January through April, sales of Traders Wholesale Club, the warehouse-type discount store owned by E-mart, increased by 8.6 percent, according to the company on Sunday.

    *discount: 할인하다, 무시하다

    *own: 소유하다, 자신의, 직접 ~한


    [3] In contrast, both E-mart’s discount stores and its no-frills No Brand stores experienced a decline in sales, with decreases of 1 percent and 7.8 percent, respectively, over the same period.

    *no-frills: 꼭 필요한(기본적인) 요소만 있는

    *respectively: 각각


    [4] Sales per Traders store, in particular, stood at 53.3 billion won ($38.6 million), almost twice those of E-mart stores, which recorded 29.6 billion won during the same period. This gap increased from last year’s 19.2 billion won. Currently, there are 22 Traders stores and 133 E-mart stores in Korea.

    *in particular: 특히

    *gap: 틈, 차이


    기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240609050108


    [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


    네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

    팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

    • 17 min
    e스포츠 사상 최초로 전설의 전당에 이름 올린 선수는?

    e스포츠 사상 최초로 전설의 전당에 이름 올린 선수는?

    진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer

    Faker makes history again with Hall of Legends induction

    기사 요약: 리그오브레전드 '전설의 전당' 초대 헌액자에 등극한 ‘페이커’ 이상혁

    [1] South Korean esports legend Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, an undisputed superstar in the world of competitive gaming, etched his name as the first-ever inductee to the Hall of Legends at The Shilla Seoul in Jung-gu, central Seoul, Thursday.

    *undisputed: 반박의 여지가 없는

    *etch: 식각하다, 아로새기다, 뚜렷이 새기다

    *inductee: (스포츠, 예술의 전당 등이) 헌액자, (군대) 징집병, 신병, (조직의) 초년생


    [2] “With his mastery of League of Legends, Faker inspired millions of esports fans across the globe and brought numerous contributions to the sport. We sincerely congratulate Faker for this stunning achievement and hope for great performances in the future,” Oh Sean, head of Asia-Pacific Riot Games Esports, said in his congratulatory remarks during the Hall of Legends ceremony.

    *mastery: 숙달, 통달

    *inspire: 영감을 주다

    *numerous: 많은

    *stunning: 굉장히 멋진(아름다운), 깜짝 놀랄


    [3] Hall of Legends is the League of Legends hall of fame that was introduced by Riot Games, the company behind the title, this year.

    *hall of fame: 명예의 전당


    [4] While expressing his gratitude for the first Hall of Legends title, the 28-year-old player shared that he does not wish to dwell too much on his record.

    *gratitude: 고마움, 감사

    *dwell on ~ : ~을 곱씹다.

    기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240607050314


    [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


    네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

    팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

    • 17 min
    갑질 해명 나선 개통령 강형욱

    갑질 해명 나선 개통령 강형욱

    진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn

    Star dog trainer faces workplace bullying claims

    기사 요약: 유명 반려견 훈련사 강형욱, 자신을 둘러싼 갑질·폭언 등 논란에 대해 전면 반박

    [1] Celebrity dog trainer Kang Hyung-wook and his dog training business Bodeum Company are facing criticism for allegedly mistreating employees.

    * Face criticism: 비평을 마주하다

    * Mistreat: (사람·동물을) 학대[혹사]하다

    [2] According to several reviews on Job Planet, an online recruitment and job search platform, Kang and his wife Susan Elder, who serves as the company executive, surveilled employees' work messages that were sent using an instant messaging app, used violent language, gaslighted employees, and asked them to run excessive errands on their days off.

    * Serve: 지내다

    * Surveil: 감시하다

    * Violent language: 폭언

    * Errand: 심부름, (다른 사람을 대신해서 해 주는) 일

    [3] "I quit here and got mental therapy due to panic disorder, anxiety disorder and depression," they wrote. "My mind has been devastated by the continuous gaslighting, blasphemy of character and continuous work requests after hours."

    * Quit: (직장·학교 등을) 그만두다

    * Due to: ~때문에

    * Devastated: 엄청난 충격을 받은

    * Blasphemy: 신성 모독

    [4] Another former employee accused Kang of berating her with harsh comments like "Stop breathing. It's such a waste for you to breathe. You're worse than pests, just crawl away. Just drop dead."

    * Former: 과거, 예전의

    * Accuse: 혐의를 제기하다

    * Berate: 질책하다

    * Worse than: ~보다 못하다

    기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240526050126

    [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


    네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

    팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

    • 16 min
    '입양은 사랑이다' 어느 입양 가족의 이야기

    '입양은 사랑이다' 어느 입양 가족의 이야기

    진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn

    기사 요약: 입양에 대한 편견을 갖고 있는 사회에게 가족은 꼭 피로 맺어지지 않고 사랑으로 맺어진다는 메시지를 전한 입양가족들

    [1] When Jeon Sung-shin, 45, was looking to expand her family without going through childbirth again, she met her then 50-day-old daughter at an orphan care center 11 years ago.

    * Expand: 확장하다

    * Go through: ~을 거쳐가다

    * Childbirth: 출산

    * Orphan: 고아

    [2] Jeon fell in love with her at first sight and knew adoption would be a beautiful way to build her family. Growing up with the family, Jeon's youngest daughter is now in the sixth grade and is a promising tennis player.

    * At first sight: 첫눈에

    * Adoption: 입양

    * Build: 짓다, 만들어 내다

    * Promising: 유망한, 촉망되는

    [3] But Jeon said rearing her hadn't always been easy, mainly because adoption still carries so much stigma, especially in a country where the "primacy of blood" had been of paramount importance under the Confucian ideology.

    * Rearing: 양육

    * Stigma: 낙인, 오명

    * Paramount: 다른 무엇보다 가장 중요한, 최고의

    * Ideology: 이념

    [4] "Unlike Western countries, Koreans often tend to refer to somebody's birth mother when talking about who is really their family. But the biological parent has no custody over the child because all the rights are transferred to the adoptive parent," Jeon underscored.

    * Tend to: ~하는 경향이 있다

    * Biological parent: 생부모

    * Custody: 양육권

    * Transfer: 이전하다

    기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240523050758

    [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


    네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

    팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

    • 14 min
    대한항공 안전 핵심 시설 재단장, 최초 공개

    대한항공 안전 핵심 시설 재단장, 최초 공개

    [From the Scene] Korean Air's new operations center highlights full commitment to safety

    기사 요약: 합병 앞둔 대한항공, 전면 개편한 종합통제센터 (OCC) 최초 공개 

    [1] Korean Air has unveiled its newly revamped Operations and Customer Center after 23 years, emphasizing the
    airline's increased focus on risk management in light of variables such as the merger with Asiana Airlines and the introduction of newer aircraft.

    revamp 개조[수리]하다

    variable 변화를 줄[변경할] 수 있는


    [2] "Air operations are possible only when real-time communications, from transportation to operation to cabin maintenance, are smoothly organized and seamlessly prepared," said Korean Air President Woo Kee-hong during press conference held Thursday morning at the company's headquarters in Gimpo. "The public often regards 'service' as the core of airline operations, but more than 80 percent of Korean Air's 20,000 employees are involved in ‘safety’ related mission. This shows our high level of awareness and technological prowess in safe operations," Woo added.

    maintenance 유지, 보존, 간수

    prowess 기량[솜씨]


    [3] The company showcased key facilities for safe operation throughout the conference, including the OCC, maintenance hangars, cabin training centers and aviation medical centers. As of May, Korean Air has a fleet of 161 aircraft, including 138 passenger planes and 23 cargo planes, servicing 110 cities in 39 countries.

    hangar 격납고

    fleet 함대, 선단


    [4] Korean Air is awaiting the last approval from US authorities for its merger with Asiana Airlines, Korea's
    second-largest domestic carrier. If granted, of which the airline expects to be decided by the end of this year, the merger could position Korean Air as one of the world's top ten mega-carriers, according to industry reports.

    await (…을) 기다리다

    carrier 항공사, 수송[운송]회사

    [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


    네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

    팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

    • 13 min
    밥상 물가 고민, '김' 가격 급등

    밥상 물가 고민, '김' 가격 급등

    'Gimflation’ in S. Korea as dried seaweed prices grow on rising global demand

    진행: 김혜연, Paul Kerry

    기사 요약: '국민 반찬' 김 물가 상승에 더욱 커진 밥상 물가 부담

    [1] Dried seaweed or gim, a staple dish nicknamed "rice thief" for its perfect pairing with rice, is seeing considerable popularity globally these days.

    staple 주된, 주요한

    pairing 한 쌍, 짝을 짓기

    [2] In recent years, gim's deliciousness, coupled with its nutrient content and recognition as a food source beneficial to ocean ecosystems, has captivated taste buds worldwide, making its way into an unexpected array of dishes, served in salads, broths, casseroles, pizza and even occasionally sprinkled on ice cream.

    beneficial 유익한, 이로운

    captivate …의 마음을 사로잡다[매혹하다]

    [3] Yet, despite the gim industry seeing a heyday here, ordinary people in Korea fear that the country’s humble, yet always satisfying trio on a table -- a bowl of white rice, kimchi and seasoned dried seaweed -- may one day no longer be considered a modest meal.

    heyday 전성기, 한창때

    modest 겸손한, 수수한

    [4] In May, the average retail price of gim, in its most basic form roasted with no seasoning, is up over 80 percent from a year ago. Earlier this month, the Korean government lifted tariffs on imports of both dried and seasoned seaweed to stabilize local gim prices, effective until Sept. 30, after which the seaweed harvesting season begins.

    roasted 구운

    harvesting 수확, 거둬들이기

    기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240523050515

    [코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


    네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404

    팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

    • 14 min

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