Gut Questions?

Gut Questions?
Podcast de Gut Questions?

Conversational interviews about the gut microbiome between good friends who also work together running DePaolo Lab and CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics, at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.   One friend, Will, is a scientist and knows a sh*t ton about the gut microbiome. The other friend, Parker, is communications specialist for CMiST (aka a Jill-of-all-trades and right-hand man to Will). Join Parker, as she interviews her friend (since 1995) and boss (since 2015), Dr. Will DePaolo, about gut microbiome research, gut health, and nutrition.


  1. 27/07/2021

    S1 E5, PUFAs and infection, Part 4: Relevance to human health

    Episode 5, part 4 – Will talks about why the results from this study are relevant to our everyday lives. DePaolo Lab ultimately found that the presence of omega-6 polysaturated fatty acids (arachidonic acid was used in this project) worsens inflammation when challenged with virus or bacteria. So, a diet high in omega-6 fatty acids can weaken the immune response to a viral or bacterial infection. Will and I also get into a little discussion about immunity as well as what the lab found when looking at omega-3 fatty acids using the same assays that were used to study omega-6 fatty acids. DePaolo Lab ultimately found that the presence of omega-6 polysaturated fatty acids (arachidonic acid was used in this project) worsens inflammation when challenged with virus or bacteria.  So, a diet high in omega-6 fatty acids can weaken the immune response to a viral or bacterial infection.  Will and I also get into a little discussion about immunity as well as what the lab found when looking at omega-3 fatty acids using the same assays that were used to study omega-6 fatty acids.     To check out a figure showing the metabolic pathways of omega-6 and omega-3 visit our Gut Questions? podcast website and go to “Show Notes" →   If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website, A bunch of our websites and social media platforms: ******* Gut Questions? website Gut Questions? Instagram ****** DePaolo Lab website: DePaolo Lab Instagram: DePaolo Lab Twitter: ****** CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics: ****** Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #PUFAS #polyunsaturated #fattyacids #sciencepodcast

    14 min
  2. 27/07/2021

    S1 E5, PUFAs and infection, Part 3: Details of omega-6 fatty acid (arachidonic acid)

    In the this part of the PUFA episode, Will explains the growth and virulence changes of Yersinia enterocolitica under room and body temperatures.  In essence, omega-6 fatty acids (arachidonic acid was used in this project) change the pathogenesis of the yersinia creating a more virulent bug.  Again, the the lab wanted to determine if infection rate or severity is increased when omega-6 fatty acids are in the system at room and body temperatures.  So, pay attention to the temperature talk at the beginning of this part because it is key to this project.  It's pretty fascinating. Important numbers: • 68-77 - room temperature (celsius), the temperature at which Yersinia enterocolitica typically grows • 37 - body temperature (celsius), which Yersinia enterocolitica can survive in with the presence of omega-6 fatty acid (arachidonic acid) To check out a figure showing virulence factor expression of Yersinia enterocolitica at room and body temperature (paper is posted as well for anyone who really wants to deep dive into Y. enterocolitica) visit our Gut Questions? podcast website and go to “Show Notes" →  If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website, A bunch of our websites and social media platforms: ******* Gut Questions? website Gut Questions? Instagram ****** DePaolo Lab website: DePaolo Lab Instagram: DePaolo Lab Twitter: ****** CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics: ****** Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #PUFAS #polyunsaturated #fattyacids #sciencepodcast

    13 min
  3. 27/07/2021

    S1 E5, PUFAs and infection, Part 2: The project design

    Episode 5, part 2 - Will sets up the infection project (which was very enlightening for me).     In part two of the PUFA episode, Will gives some fascinating detail on the bacteria of choice for this study, yersinia enterocolitica, and how exactly it goes about causing foodborne illness in humans.  Essentially, the bacteria paralyzes the immune system by injecting immune cells with a "needle" (here we go with needles again) and depositing virulence factors.  So, the question the lab wanted to answer was how omega-6 fatty acids, which are consumed in excess in the US, might affect a gut-borne diarrhea causing pathogen. Important numbers: 2011 yearly foodborne illness estimates for the US (Center for Disease Control) • 48 million – people affected   • 128,000 – people hospitalized   • 3,000 – people die    2010 yearly foodborne illness estimates (World Health Organization) • 600 million – people affected   • 420,000 – people die • 30% – of the 420,000 are children    If you want to read more about foodborne illness and food safety or be reminded of the greatness of Stefon (SNL), check out the show notes on the Gut Questions? podcast website under “Show Notes" → Also, f you want to know about the needle reference I make above, check out Gut Questions? episode 1, part 1 - Introducing Will: from brain to gut, check it out → YouTube or Spotify. If you've gut a question(s) you want Will to answer in an upcoming podcast, shoot me an email at A bunch of our websites and social media platforms: *******   Gut Questions? website Gut Questions? Instagram ******   DePaolo Lab website:      DePaolo Lab Instagram:      DePaolo Lab Twitter: ******   CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics: ******   Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #PUFAS #polyunsaturated #fattyacids #sciencepodcast

    11 min
  4. 27/07/2021

    S1 E5, PUFAs and infection, Part 1: Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids

    Episode 5, part 1 - Will lays the groundwork for talking about the PUFAs and infection project. In the first part of this episode, Will introduces the two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) - omega-6 and omega-3.  Both types are essential to our diets but, the ratio in which they are consumed is critical.  Will talks about why the ratio of these fats is important and how gut bacteria are invovled. Important numbers: • 1:1 or 1:3 - a healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids • 1:20 - a very unhealthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids that is seen amongst a large population here in the US If you would like to read more about PUFAs or want to be reminded of the greatness of Stefon on SNL, I have posted those on the Gut Questions? podcast website under “Show Notes" → If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website, A bunch of our websites and social media platforms: ******* Gut Questions? website Gut Questions? Instagram ****** DePaolo Lab website: DePaolo Lab Instagram: DePaolo Lab Twitter: ****** CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics: ****** Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #PUFAS #polyunsaturated #fattyacids #sciencepodcast

    18 min
  5. 29/06/2021

    S1 E4, Part 2: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) - discussion

    In the second part of this episode, Will and I talk about a bunch of stuff: • How nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is reported on / presented in the news and social media • Why there is such a “paucity of studies” looking at the relationship between diets, the microbiome, and disease • The gut-brain connection • Bacteria don blue or red jackets as they do their best to adapt to their changing environment This episode is actually a peek into how our conversations go in general, that is, in and out of the lab: I ask a ton of questions, often seemingly random, and Will answers them, and always understands where I’m going with my seemingly random questions. If you would like to learn more about the gut-brain connection or are just curious about the Pizza Bagel jingle I reference, I have provided some resources in our show notes. Check them out at the Gut Questions? podcast website under “Show Notes" → If you would like to learn more about this project, the subsequent publication from this project is posted on the Gut Questions? podcast website under “Show Notes" → If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website, A bunch of our websites and social media platforms: ******* Gut Questions? website Gut Questions? Instagram ****** DePaolo Lab website: DePaolo Lab Instagram: DePaolo Lab Twitter: ****** CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics: ****** Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #NAFLD #FMT #sciencepodcast

    29 min
  6. 28/06/2021

    S1 E4, P1: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) - project

    In the first part of this episode, Will talks about investigating nonalcoholic fatty disease (NAFLD) with Tania Mitsinikos, MD, who at the time, was a clinical fellow with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in the Department of Gastroenterology.  Currently, Dr. Mitsinikos is an attending physician is Director of the Fatty Liver Clinic.  In this study, Will and Tania wanted to first, test the effect of diet intervention and second, the microbiome associated with those different diets.  Essentially, they were asking these questions: 1) Can different types of diets reverse NAFLD? 2) Can a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) reverse NAFLD? If you would like to learn more about this project, the subsequent publication from this project is posted on the Gut Questions? podcast website under “Show Notes" → If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website, A bunch of our websites and social media platforms: ******* Gut Questions? website Gut Questions? Instagram ****** DePaolo Lab website: DePaolo Lab Instagram: DePaolo Lab Twitter: ****** CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics: ****** Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #NAFLD #FMT #sciencepodcast

    26 min
  7. 22/06/2021

    S1 E3: Cancer polyp project

    In this episode I finally understand, and you can see it in my facial expressions, the cancer polyp project (human samples) and why it is so exciting for DePaolo Lab.  While many groups are studying the cancer, DePaolo Lab is studying the environment where the cancer is present.  Give it a listen, or watch on our YouTube channel, and meet Bacteroides fragilis, learn how bacteria are like Uber drivers and their passengers, and what happens when our “good” bacteria (commensals / probiotics) are dropped into a zombie apocalypse. * * Shameless plea for research support * * Part of what makes this project so exciting is that the data goes against microbiome research dogma and Will hates, HATES, science dogma as you will learn in this episode.  But, as he says, going against dogma doesn’t get you funded, or published, and he needs to secure funding to continue this study.  If you're interested in learning more about this project and possibly supporting this research, please reach out to me, Parker, at If you've gut a question(s) you want Will to answer in an upcoming podcast, shoot me an email at A bunch of our websites and social media platforms: ******* Gut Questions? website Gut Questions? Instagram ****** DePaolo Lab website: DePaolo Lab Instagram: DePaolo Lab Twitter: ****** CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics: ****** Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #probiotics #sciencepodcast

    36 min
  8. 15/06/2021

    S1 E2: "The" microbiome

    In this short episode I ask Will just what exactly people are talking about when they say “The” microbiome.  Do they mean the gut microbiome?  Will defines what the microbiome is and what it is not and we also talk a little about the expanse of the gut microbiome.     Important numbers: 1 trillion - microbes living in and on us 150:1 - microbial genes to human genes 90 - it is believed that this is percentage of diseases that can be linked to the gut and health of the gut microbial community    If you would like to learn more about the gut microbiome and its impact on general health and wellness, Autism, and PTSD, I have provided some resources in our show notes.  Check them out at the Gut Questions? podcast website under “Show Notes" → If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website, A bunch of our websites and social media platforms:    *******   Gut Questions? podcast:   Gut Questions? website:   Gut Questions? Instagram:    ******   DePaolo Lab website:   DePaolo Lab Instagram:   DePaolo Lab Twitter:    ******   CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics:   ******   Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #probiotics #sciencepodcast

    20 min
  9. 08/06/2021

    S1 E1, Part 2 - Introducing Will: CMiST and DePaolo Lab

    In part 2 of our first podcast episode, “Introducing Will: CMiST and DePaolo Lab,” I ask Will to tell me about starting the Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics (CMiST) at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle.  Will is the director of CMiST and I'm the communications specialist, though I think a more accurate title is marketing specialist and perhaps even more accurate, Will’s right-hand man.  As a visual designer, I do my best to showcase both CMiST and DePaolo Lab.  I want to draw the viewer in with a pretty picture but, I want them to stay because Will is not only a brilliant scientist but, a true collaborator, and well,  just a good person doing good work.  And he has a great sense of humor to boot. (I meant to say not a *medical* doctor.) Important numbers: 9 - number of UW institutions and departments participating involved with CMiST 4 - number of neighboring institutions involved with CMiST 1 - number symposiums CMiST has hosted    If you want to read more about CMiST and check out the infographic summary from our inaugural symposium, visit our Gut Questions? podcast website and go to “Show Notes" → If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website,   A bunch of our websites and social media platforms:    *******   Gut Questions? podcast:   Gut Questions? website:   Gut Questions? Instagram:    ******   DePaolo Lab website:   DePaolo Lab Instagram:   DePaolo Lab Twitter:    ******   CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics:    ******   Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #sciencepodcast

    22 min
  10. 08/06/2021

    S1 E1, Part 1 - Introducing Will: From brain to gut

    In Part 1 of our first podcast episode, "Introducing Will: From Brain to Gut," I ask Will to tell me how he went from studying the brain as a Bates College student where we met as freshman to studying the gut as postdoc after a bout with bubonic plague.  While I’ve heard this story before, I picked up a few new tidbits that I wasn’t aware of before recording this episode.  For those who decided to view this 'cast on our YouTube channel, please note that as a scientist Will speaks for a living and I do not.  People have told me that I make a lot of facial expressions but, wow, I had no idea.  For those listening, you are spared and for those watching, it is rough, and I’ll do my best to contain myself going forward.       Important numbers:  1995 - the year Will and I met in college 1 - the number of plague needle sticks Will has had 3 - the number of weeks Will had to self-isolate after the plague needle stick   If you want to see a photo of young Will and myself, check out it on our Gut Questions? podcast website and go to “Show Notes" →    If you've gut a question(s) you would like Will to answer in an upcoming episode, email me, Parker, at or submit a questions on the podcast website,   A bunch of our websites and social media platforms:    *******   Gut Questions? podcast:   Gut Questions? website:   Gut Questions? Instagram:    ******   DePaolo Lab website:   DePaolo Lab Instagram:   DePaolo Lab Twitter:    ******   CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics:    ******   Will's LinkedIn: #microbiome #gutmicrobiome #guthealth #sciencepodcast

    22 min

Acerca de

Conversational interviews about the gut microbiome between good friends who also work together running DePaolo Lab and CMiST, Center for Microbiome Sciences & Therapeutics, at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.   One friend, Will, is a scientist and knows a sh*t ton about the gut microbiome. The other friend, Parker, is communications specialist for CMiST (aka a Jill-of-all-trades and right-hand man to Will). Join Parker, as she interviews her friend (since 1995) and boss (since 2015), Dr. Will DePaolo, about gut microbiome research, gut health, and nutrition.

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