
McCalla Ann
Podcast de SaturnVox

A bi-weekly interview style podcast on Occult education with an emphasis on philosophy, psychology, theology, and critical thinking. Join host McCalla Ann, theurgist and student of magic + mysticism, as they engage in discussions with other practitioners of the Occult which honor that harmonious and liminal space between theory and praxis.

  1. 28 MAR

    Pregnant Possibilities of the Night - On Image Magic and the Lunar Stations | J.M. Hamade

    This week, we welcome interdisciplinary artist, diviner, writer and educator J.M. Hamade of starnightdwell onto the pod to chat about their forthcoming publication with Revelore Press on the Lunar Stations! Jay takes us on a journey through the tapestry of night, shining a scholarly light, fused with a sense of artistic and praxis embodiment, onto a mystical lineage that envelops the imagination and produces the Divine Speech of the Birds.  How does one envision their own art of cave-dwelling, of womb diving, of going into that dark space and emerging with images? What does it mean to view the stars through a lunar aperture, with the moon as music, the moon as letter, the moon as mouth? How does one practice becoming the image by becoming sound, which is a full-bodied experience, when the Lunar Stations are acknowledged, witnessed, and put into play? All this and more, on today’s episode of SaturnVox. To find more on Jay and his podcast Starnightdwell, check out their website, where you can quick link to whatever your favorite podcast listening host client might be. If you want to support them and their show, you can also sub to their Patreon, or follow them on Instagram to see when new episodes and workshops are released. Last but not least, don’t sleep on keeping an eye out on theirs and the @revelorepress page for announcements about Jay’s forthcoming publication release, Procession of the Night Theatre: An Exposition on the Lunar Stations by J.M. Hamade To find more on SaturnVox, check out their ⁠instagram⁠ @saturnvox, or, visit their website ⁠⁠. This podcast is brought in part by listeners like you. If you want to support the show and its humble host, hop on over to the Patreon at ⁠⁠ where you can listen to extended episode content and join in on our community discord server.  Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @tornado_bedtime Fallen Angel graphic drawn by the incandescent tattooer and illustrator @floodtower SHOW NOTES: The Arts of the Artist - SaturnVox The Sun of Knowledge - Spirit BoxShams al-Ma’arif - Witchhassel Shams al-Ma’arif - What Magic is This? Shams al-Ma’arif - The Sun of Knowledge: An Arabic Grimoire: A selected Translation by Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Buni Translated from the Arabic by Amina Inloes, PhD with commentary and illustrations by J.M. Hamade Meta-Image, Divination, and Occult Podcasting - Starnightdwell Consecration of the Twenty-Eight Faces of Mēnē - Digital Ambler

    1 h y 39 min
  2. 29 FEB

    Being an Ambassador To Others - On Fairy Doctoring and Joan of Arc | Briar of the Greene Chapel

    This week, we welcome traditional witch, cunning woman, and fairy doctor, Briar of the Greene Chapel, onto the pod to talk about their practice within the context of French fairy seership, holding right relations with the good neighbors, and their work as a fairy doctor. We also explore their recently published research on the potential connections between the fairy faith and the story of Joan of Arc. What does hospitality mean to the fae? What are the burdens and responsibilities of those who have been marked? How might we, as humans, best navigate the mercurial logic of the fae and their liminality? What is the importance of accepting we already live in an enchanted world? And, what does all of this have to do with Joan? All this and more, on today’s episode of SaturnVox  To find more on Briar, check out their Instagram @greene_chapel, and don't forget to check out their website to shop spellwork and look into divination services.  To find more on SaturnVox, check out their ⁠instagram⁠ @saturnvox, or, visit their website ⁠⁠. Don't forget to hop on to the Patreon at ⁠⁠ where you can further support the show, listen to extended episode content, and join in on our community discord server.  Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @tornado_bedtime Fallen Angel graphic drawn by the incandescent tattooer and illustrator @floodtower SHOW NOTES: Lailoken, from Wending Wares Lee Morgan Joan of Arc as Fairy Saint (?)

    1 h y 10 min
  3. 09/12/2023

    I Am That Monster: On - Martial Mysticism and Revolutionary Politics | David Davis

    This week, we welcome mystic, sorcerer, artist, and writer David Davis onto the pod to chat about meeting and making sense of the martial mystery. The future is still being dreamed up by all of us. Are you honoring the revolutionary spark of madness that inspires someone to go out and do something? David and I chat about Mars as the moment of radicalization, the initiatory moment of the surgeon's knife as it cuts out what is making the self and society sick. We speak on donning the cloak of the monster, and the sensuality of mysticism as we navigate new ways to speak narratives which allow us to use Mars’s power of hatred and discernment to bind the oppressor and reframe our stories towards that of liberation and compassion for all beings. How do we bind the beast of oppression? In what ways does shame protect us from our own tendencies towards violence? What does it mean to be in active service and communion with martial energy and why is it that the best weapon against mars is also mars? We touch on healing, revolution, and the power of anger to get shit done. Join us for this pertinent and important conversation towards allowing in a heated knife to cauterize wounds. All this and more poetry, on today’s episode of SaturnVox  To find more on David, check out their instagram @porouspalms, and make sure to check out their website to check out their shop and divination services. You can also keep up with their writing and receive other goodies by subscribing to them on Patreon. To find more on SaturnVox, check out their ⁠instagram⁠ @saturnvox, or, visit their website ⁠⁠. Don't forget to hop on to the Patreon at ⁠⁠ where you can further support the show, listen to extended episode content, and join in on our community discord server.  Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @tornado_bedtime Fallen Angel graphic drawn by the incandescent tattooer and illustrator @floodtower SHOW NOTES:Sylvan-Sabbats & Night-Surgeons: Crossing a Hedge to Meet Planetary Witch Parents with Sasha Ravich Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire The Ceremony Found: Towards the Autopoetic Turn/Overturn, its Autonomy of Human Agency and Extraterritoriality of (Self-)Cognition by Sylvia Wynter There Is No Revolution without Madness by Ismatu Gwendolyn The Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon Nat Turner

    1 h y 25 min
  4. 30/09/2023

    The Undulating Power of the Dance Floor; On - Night Life, Eros, and Queer Community

    This week we are welcoming witch, astrologer, artist, folk-psychopomp, and dear friend Jove Spucchi onto the cast to talk about nightlife, eros, and the magic woven in queer and liminal spaces. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the magical potency of nightlife by discussing Jove’s experiences weaving liminal magic within dance floors, through sound, and within communities that embrace the intersections between art, music, queerness, and the divine. Drawing their own experiences as nightlife builder, inspirited dancer, and magical practitioner, Jove shares with us the the power found on the dance floor to transcend the boundaries of self through intuitive self-expression and surrender to Desire.  How does dance help us feel safe in our bodies? What are the similarities of Otherness between those who identify as queer vs witch? How can we take the undulating energy of desire and use it to shape a world in which we all get to surrender to safety, intimacy, and vulnerability of heart through the ekstatis of the moon and the dionysian impulse to purge through the creation of feral artistic expression? All this and more on today’s episode of SaturnVox To find more on Jove, you can check them out on instagram, twitter, or check out their website here. You can also take a class they will be teaching on Night Life Magic at this year’s Occulture Conference 2023, so if you are going to the conference in Berlin this year don’t forget to check Jove's talk out! To find more on SaturnVox, check out their ⁠instagram⁠ @saturnvox, or, visit their website ⁠⁠. Don't forget to hop on to the Patreon at ⁠⁠ where you can further support the show, listen to extended episode content, and join in on our community discord server.  Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @glitches_in_the_night_sky Fallen Angel graphic drawn by the incandescent tattooer and illustrator @floodtower

    58 min
  5. 09/09/2023

    The Oracle of DelphAI; On - The Ethics and Ethos of Talismans and Technology | Arturo Martinini

    This week we are welcoming author, artist, and student of astrology, Arturo Martinini to talk about Arturo's most recently published book through Revelore Press titled, The Oracle of DelphAI, an artistic rendition of the astrological image talismans representative of the seven traditional planets, the zodiacal signs, the decans, the fixed stars, and the lunar mansions co-created by Arturo with a little help from a non-human entity, that of AI. We discuss the ethical and ontological nature of using such a tool in talismanic creation, Arturo's process in creating the book, and how other practitioners might find the book useful. This convo is an open dialog on embarking wild new technological frontiers, as well as, the ethics and ethos in the praxis of confronting the other and human’s relationship to technological unknowns, as well as, one’s ability to navigate capital and the need to access power and agency for one’s self in the world. I quite enjoyed this conversation with a dear friend, and hope it opens up a dialog of critical questions and theories on the intersection between magic, technology, and art for you.  To support this project and get a copy of the book for yourself, head over to the Revelore Press website to purchase it here. Feel free to also contact Arturo via email at To find more on SaturnVox, check out their ⁠instagram⁠ @saturnvox, or, visit their website ⁠⁠. Don't forget to hop on to the Patreon at ⁠⁠ where you can further support the show, listen to extended episode content, and join in on our community discord server.  Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @glitches_in_the_night_sky Fallen Angel graphic drawn by the incandescent tattooer and illustrator @floodtower SHOW NOTES: Christopher Warnock Shams al-Ma’arif: A selected Translation by Ahmad ibn ‘Ali al-Buni, Translated from the Arabic by Dr. Amina Inloes, with commentary and illustrations by J.M. Hamade Revelore Press Nina Gryphon Demetra George

    1 h y 12 min
  6. 26/08/2023

    Sovereignty of the Self; On - The Pedagogy of World Building - Ari Felix

    This week on SaturnVox we are welcoming astrologer, bruje, and world builder, Ari Felix, onto the pod for the season three premiere! I am thrilled to release this episode, which was a conversation filled with immense contemplative wisdom. We talk about Ari’s work in the art of worldbuilding, and its role as an anti-capitalist pedagogy for the liberation of self, an exercise in dreaming our reality as we, the sovereign of our own lives, will it to be. Ari graciously brings their knowledge and understanding of the Ifa tradition in to help answer some pretty tough political, spiritual, and ethical questions.  How do we connect ourselves to the lifegiving blood-force of our own generative creativity, both through lineage and through the lens of our agency? How can we navigate healing our own wounds of oppression, as well as the wounds of others, within the capitalist paradigm we are trying to break? What types of healing can be cultivated societally when we stop viewing things through the lens of good/bad and instead focus on ease/disease? I was immensely moved and inspired by Ari’s dedication to freedom and building a world in which we can all feel at home in our desires, our bodies, and our communities. I hope you will be too. All this and more on today’s episode of SaturnVox  If you want to find more on Ari, make sure to check out their website, where you can book a session, sign up for mentorships, or read their newsletter!  To find more on SaturnVox, check out their ⁠instagram⁠ and ⁠twitter⁠ @saturnvox, or, visit their website ⁠⁠. Don't forget to hop on to the Patreon at ⁠⁠ where you can further support the show, listen to extended episode content, and join in on our community discord server.  Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @glitches_in_the_night_sky Fallen Angel graphic drawn by the incandescent tattooer and illustrator @floodtower SHOW NOTES: Grace Lee and James Boggs Pedagogy of the Oppressed Bayo Akomolafe Succession (TV series) Turtle Tank

    1 h y 10 min
  7. 22/07/2023

    Finding the Sweet Spot Between Fast and Slow: On the History and Praxis of Hoodoo | Professor Charles Porterfield

    This week we are coming in with a bonus episode featuring the infamous, educational, and hilarious Professor Charles Porterfield!  We chat about the history of hoodoo and conjure, with our discussion emphasizing the black origins of the practice and giving an effort to showcase the importance of the study of liberation politics and revolutionary history as an ethos foundation within this sorcerous craft. What makes Hoodoo a practice distinguishably different from African Traditional Religions? How does conjure function as a sorcerous technique aimed at liberating the oppressed? What is the difference between pure and clean? Why is Hoodoo explicitly North American, and, how did the political landscape of the United States influence the addition of Indigenous, Jewish, and other ethnic minority’s praxis in a tradition that finds its roots in Africa? All this and more on today’s episode of SaturnVox. But wait, there’s more! Check out the Patreon exclusive episode to hear more of my conversation with the good professor, as we transition from history into praxis, leaning more into a discussion on various uses and techniques for doing both magic and divination with playing cards! If you enjoy this episode and the witty way the Professor imparts his wisdom, I encourage you to check out the class he is teaching at the Salem Witchcraft and Folklore Festival. This conference is filled with a plethora of inspiring educators, many of whom have been on the podcast, and I can’t express enough how much my own magic has grown in both personal praxis and community building through the experiences I have had at festivals past.  To find more on Professor Porterfield, you can check out his instagram @prof.porterfield, or head on over to his website, where you can purchase one of his many books or get yourself a divination reading. Also, don’t forget to check out his SWFF class, Lilith & Chava: A Jewish Examination of the "Mother of Witchcraft"! Click Here to peek at the presenters of the Salem Witchcraft and Folklore Festival, occurring between August 3 and August 6th 2023.   To find more on SaturnVox, check out their instagram and twitter @saturnvox, or, visit their website, or, hop on to the Patreon at where you can further support the show, listen to extended episode content, and join in on our community discord server.  Original music for the podcast performed by Jules M. Dooley, traditional astrologer and sound artist. Follow his experiments with astrology + sound + ai visuals on IG: @glitches_in_the_night_sky Fallen Angel graphic drawn by the  incandescent tattooer and illustrator @floodtower

    2 h y 33 min

Acerca de

A bi-weekly interview style podcast on Occult education with an emphasis on philosophy, psychology, theology, and critical thinking. Join host McCalla Ann, theurgist and student of magic + mysticism, as they engage in discussions with other practitioners of the Occult which honor that harmonious and liminal space between theory and praxis.

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