
Hyperfixed & Radiotopia

Maybe it’s just a quiet annoyance you’ve grudgingly learned to put up with, or a life defining issue that makes it hard to move forward. Whatever it is, Alex Goldman — reporter, radio producer, and overconfident idiot — will get to the bottom of it (if there’s a bottom to be found. Results may vary). Follow Alex as he figures out not only the vast hidden mechanisms that create these problems, but works with you, the listener, to find a solution. Or at least enough of an explanation that you’re ok with the annoyance. He’s not perfect. Hyperfixed is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent and listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at radiotopia.fm. Submit your problems and sign up for bonus episodes and much more at hyperfixedpod.com


  1. 12. 12. 2024.

    Presenting: Science Vs. - Lucid Dreaming: The Bonkers World Inside Our Minds

    I've known Wendy, the host of Science Vs. for almost a decade at this point, and her show is spectacular! We are sharing an episode of her show on the feed this week, just because we love her and would like you all to hear it. You can find many more episodes of Science Vs. on Spotify There is a new bonus episode on our premium feed this week -- if you are interested in hearing that and getting a bunch of other fun premium perks you can sign up here: https://www.hyperfixedpod.com/join If you'd like a limited edition button from our recent episode as part of signing up for the premium feed, you can do that here: https://www.hyperfixedpod.com/button See you next week with a new main feed episode!  EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Some people can control their dreams. While they're fast asleep: they fly, create new worlds, live other lives. But Wendy isn't one of them. So in today's episode, Wendy and the Science Vs team find a scientifically approved method to try to lucid dream. We test it out — and bizarre things start happening. We also explore how scientists are trying to harness the strange powers of lucid dreaming to help people, as well as to crack huge scientific mysteries, like: What is consciousness? And what exactly goes on in all of our heads when we're asleep? To do all this and more, we talk to psychologists Dr. Denholm Adventure-Heart and Dr. Brigitte Holzinger, as well as cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Başak Türker. You can find an episode transcript here: https://bit.ly/ScienceVsLucidDreaming

    51 min


Maybe it’s just a quiet annoyance you’ve grudgingly learned to put up with, or a life defining issue that makes it hard to move forward. Whatever it is, Alex Goldman — reporter, radio producer, and overconfident idiot — will get to the bottom of it (if there’s a bottom to be found. Results may vary). Follow Alex as he figures out not only the vast hidden mechanisms that create these problems, but works with you, the listener, to find a solution. Or at least enough of an explanation that you’re ok with the annoyance. He’s not perfect. Hyperfixed is a proud member of Radiotopia from PRX, a network of independent and listener-supported podcasts. Discover audio with vision at radiotopia.fm. Submit your problems and sign up for bonus episodes and much more at hyperfixedpod.com

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