GeorgeS DJ - Funky Cast

George Stuart
GeorgeS DJ  - Funky Cast Podcast

After 20 years of clubbing, as well as buying, playing and listening to the music for myself, It’s time to share it with a larger audience - why be selfish? You’ll find old mixes, new mixes and the track listings if you wish to source the tracks played. Feel free to subscribe to the podcasts, enjoy the 
music, post your comments or send me an email. Thanks for listening. Follow me on twitter at:!/georgesdj


After 20 years of clubbing, as well as buying, playing and listening to the music for myself, It’s time to share it with a larger audience - why be selfish? You’ll find old mixes, new mixes and the track listings if you wish to source the tracks played. Feel free to subscribe to the podcasts, enjoy the 
music, post your comments or send me an email. Thanks for listening. Follow me on twitter at:!/georgesdj

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