This Unmillennial Life

Regan Jones, RDN, ACSM-CPT
This Unmillennial Life Podcast

This Unmillennial Life is a podcast that offers a roadmap through midlife for women who've fallen into a generational gap.

  1. 19 FEB

    The Meal Sequencing Episode

    Did you know the order you eat foods could impact how effectively your body utilizes it? Is when you eat as important as what you eat?  THIS UNMILLENNIAL LIFE PODCAST SHOW NOTES LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Nutrisense: Nutrisense Blog T0 get $50 off Nutrisense, use code REGAN50 (*affiliate) Previous Episodes: The Ozempic Episode The Probiotics and Metabolism Episode Odds and Ends Ending: Free CEUs for Registered Dietitians by Melissa Joy Dobbins of COMMERCIAL LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Your Color Guru – use code REGAN for 10% off EPISODE SUMMARY EPISODE KEYWORDS podcast, umillennial, Gen X, podcasts for women, women over 40, women over 50 What Is Meal Sequencing? Have you ever considered that the order in which you eat food could impact how effectively your body utilizes its nutrients? Welcome to the world of meal sequencing – an art and science that goes beyond just what you eat, to when you eat it or rather, in what order you eat it. Is meal sequencing the same as food sequencing? For the most part, yes. Meal sequencing is the strategic ordering of eating different food groups at different times within a meal to optimize digestion and establish more stable blood glucose levels. What food order do people use if they're focusing on Meal Sequencing? Experts recommend starting the meal with protein or fat (plus fiber, if possible) in the form of a small appetizer or salad rich in non-starchy carbohydrates (i.e. non-starchy vegetables.) Starting in this specific order as a part of the meal sequence has been shown to increase GLP-1 production. Next, the main course typically consists of eating protein first, followed by carbohydrates, with most experts recommending whole grains, based on their fiber content. Opting for dessert at the end of a meal, rather than on its own, also may help avoid a higher blood sugar spike and better overall glucose response.  What are the benefits of Meal Sequencing? Eating in this particular order may  Improve digestion Stabilize Blood sugar levels Provide sustained energy Weight loss or fat loss EPISODE TRANSCRIPT (transcript generated through AI; may contain spelling errors)

    38 min
  2. 15 JAN

    The Q-Collar Episode

    In this episode, you'll learn about the FDA-cleared medical device that's been shown in clinical trials to reduce the risk and severity of brain injury in athletes. THIS UNMILLENNIAL LIFE PODCAST SHOW NOTES LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE - use code REGAN for 10% off Alcohol Minimalist Podcast The Sober September Episode The Kids and Concussions Episode (Part 1) The Kids and Concussions Episode (Part 2) Athletic Brewing Company COMMERCIAL LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Your Color Guru - use code REGAN for 10% off EPISODE KEYWORDS podcast, umillennial, Gen X, podcasts for women, women over 40, women over 50, teen athletes, repetitive head impact, concussion prevention EPISODE TRANSCRIPT (transcript generated through AI; may contain spelling errors) 0:00 If your skin doesn't know whether to breakout or wrinkle, if you're caught between planning the third grade class party and researching retirement plans or if you want to work out with the idea of CrossFit makes your 40 Something knees a you've come to the right place. Welcome to This Unmillennial Life. Regan Jones 0:24 I'm your host, Regan Jones, and welcome to today's show. So this episode kicks off the second half of season seven, it is hard to believe that we are now in real-time going into the year 2024. That this is the seventh season of the podcast. As I have said a numerous times over the last couple of years, it's been a rocky couple of years, for me, and for many of us who has it not been a just a strange, strange time for but we hopefully continue to get back into whatever our newest normal is, and I'm hopeful for 2024 that it is going to be better than ever. Okay, so kicking off 2024 We're not going into any nutrition topics. Although I will give you a preview to tell you that I am about to hop on a plane in the next couple of days to head to an international nutrition conference. I haven't been back to this international nutrition conferences hasn't been held internationally since 2020. just mere weeks before the world sort of shut down was the last time that I attended this nutrition conference on an international scale. It was domestic last year and I attended it. But attending this nutrition conference often gives me some really, really challenging ideas about new nutrition and food topics to bring to you here on the podcast. I'm excited about that. But to kick off season seven, part two, we're actually talking about something that is completely really unrelated to nutrition, this could be filed under fitness, this could be filed under parenting, or just information that you likely have never been presented with. And that is the information about how a new FDA cleared device and it's actually not that new. You're gonna hear that here in the podcast, but it's new to many of us, an FDA cleared device is helping to reduce the injury problems, whatever you want to say associated would with repetitive head injury. Okay, I'm using the updated terminology right here in the beginning of the episode, because I already have the luxury of having gone through this interview and listen to all of this information. You'll listen to me start this episode, and my interview with my guest talking about concussion. And many of you probably if you have teen athletes or collegiate athletes that are in your family or even young athletes, you probably talk in terms of concussion and concussion prevention. We've had episodes related to concussions here on the podcast. But I think today's guest is a phenomenal job of helping us understand that the long term risks for our brain health is not just related to a once or twice, you know, incidents of concussion, but it's about this repetitive head injury. And my guest today is going to talk about how the topic that we're talking about the Q-Collar helps to seatbelt in an athlete's brain to help reduce the trauma associated with repetitive Head Impact. Okay, so joining me in today's

    54 min
  3. 11/12/2023

    The Gut-Skin Connection Episode

    Research and clinical experience clearly supports the gut-skin connection. This episodes uncovers how gut health is related to healthy skin and how those suffering with skin conditions can best address their problems. THIS UNMILLENNIAL LIFE PODCAST SHOW NOTES LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Erin Kinney, MS, RD, LDN, HCP, NASM-CPT Instagram - Nutrition Rewired Faith Driven Entrepreneurs COMMERCIAL (Affiliate) LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE - use code REGAN for 10% off at checkout Teen Clear Face Multivitamin on (includes 10% discount) EPISODE KEYWORDS podcast, umillennial, Gen X, podcasts for women, women over 40, women over 50, gut health, skin health, parents of teens EPISODE TRANSCRIPT (transcript generated through AI; may contain spelling errors) Regan Jones 0:00 If your skin doesn't know whether to breakout or wrinkle if you're caught between planning the third grade class party and researching retirement plans or if you want to work out with the idea of CrossFit makes your 40 Something knees ache you've come to the right place. Welcome to This Unmillennial Life. I'm your host, Regan Jones and welcome to today's show. First of all, I want to say a quick thank you to those of you who have reached out to let me know how helpful you found the previous episode of This Unmillennial Life, episode number 129 the uterine fibroids episode, how helpful you found that episode to be, I want to say upfront that in the spirit of transparency, this podcast truly is a labor of love. It is something that I am opting to continue to do because one, I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. Researching topics like this diving deep. Finding information that not only helps me but also helps you really is a shot in the arm, so to speak, to keep it going. The reality is and again, being totally transparent. This podcast barely pays for itself. And I don't say that to garner any type of sympathy, I know that you hear some advertisements that run here. And those are important because things like podcasts and websites and any type of media that you're hosting yourself are producing yourself, for the most part, not counting your time that it takes to produce it, it actually requires money to have server space, and it costs money to do those things. So that amount of advertising that you allow me to share with you really does help offset the costs of hosting this podcast. But for the most part, within the seven seasons of doing this podcast, and this is the case for many podcasters podcasts aren't actually typically monetized near as well as some of the other activities that people do like social media, being influencers or having a website where there's consistent advertising. So the reason I want to be transparent about that is one, it definitely affects how much I am able to or how frequently I'm able to release episodes because I am in a rebuilding season after COVID and in my cancer treatments, rebuilding my career in a way that I've not had to do in a really long time. And that requires me to spend a little more of my time on projects that are providing revenue, which I'm sure you can understand. But knowing that these episodes are being listened to and downloaded and shared and are helpful, absolutely makes it worth it. So thank you when you reach out and let me know that something that I have done as an episode, something that I've released as an episode has been helpful to you. So I appreciate that. And I'm hopeful that today's episode is also going to be helpful. I think it can be helpful for many of us, not only for ourselves, but certainly for those of us who are parenting, you know, teenagers and young adults, because today's episode while it is the gut skin connection, and I'll tell you about my guest in just a second, we are going to have probably a stronger focus, I would say on acne in particular, you're going to hear my guest and I talk

    50 min
  4. 30/10/2023

    The Uterine Fibroids Episode

    Uterine fibroids may affect as many as 8 in 10 women by the time they reach menopause. This episode uncovers what uterine fibroids are, and what causes them, as well as discussing both symptoms and treatments. THIS UNMILLENNIAL LIFE PODCAST SHOW NOTES LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Femgevity Health Regan's Fullscript "General Wellness" protocol with Vitamin D The Drugstore Cleaner Beauty Buys Episode Tanologist tanning drops Email Regan at Submit a Show Idea COMMERCIAL LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE - use code REGAN for 10% off EPISODE KEYWORDS podcast, umillennial, Gen X, podcasts for women, women over 40, women over 50, uterine fibroids EPISODE TRANSCRIPT (transcript generated through AI; may contain spelling errors) Regan Jones 0:00 Hey there podcast listeners. Before we jump into today's episode, I want to mention something that I usually mention at the end of every episode, if you don't hang around till the end, you may have missed that I very often will ask for you to rate and review this unmillennial life on whatever podcast app you are listening to this podcast on. Based on the number of people that I know listen, versus the number of ratings and reviews that I've gotten over the years, I know that there are still plenty of you who have not had a chance to rate and review the podcast. And probably some of that is because initially, to give a rating on Apple podcasts, it used to be that you had to write a review, and I know many of us are just not comfortable doing that. But the good news is that now you don't have to write a review, you can easily give this unmillennial life a five star rating on Apple podcasts simply by going to the show in your podcast app scrolling down below the episodes and then you'll see ratings and reviews tap to rate and if you would select that five star rating there I would be so appreciative. As I say at the end of every episode, it really does help Apple podcast know that this unmillennial life is a podcast they should be recommending to other people. And with that, let's get on with the show. If your skin doesn't know whether to break out a wrinkle if you're caught between planning the third grade class party and researching retirement plans, or if you want to work out but the idea of CrossFit makes your 40 Something knees a you've come to the right place. Welcome to This Unmillennial Life. I'm your host Regan Jones and welcome to episode 129 of this unmillennial life. Now first of all, I want to give an apology for any of you over the last few episodes, who have experienced a technical glitch that is happening on not my end. But the end of the advertising company that I work with for this unmillennial life. Let me say up front, I know that ads can be annoying, I also appreciate your understanding that it costs money to host and produce a podcast. And as a self employed podcaster. And blogger, advertisements are one of the ways that I make my income. One of the main ways right now however, I never want advertisements to be something that are so annoying or disruptive that they reduce the quality of the show. And I know because I've experienced it myself, that what has happened in some of the recent episodes is that the spot in the episode that I have allocated for a commercial break has actually not been where the advertising company has dropped those in and I have let them know that that is a problem. They have assured me that they are working on it live for the time being I have turned off any automated ads that would roll in the middle of the podcast so as not to disrupt the flow. So if that happened to you, I'm so sorry. Just know that I am aware of the problem. It is something that's happening on there in not mine, but I want to be sensitive to that. And for the time being. I will turn that off until we can get those issues resolved. Okay, that all said let's jump into today's epis

    42 min
  5. 23/10/2023

    The Hearing Loss and Dementia Episode

    Many people are unaware of the connection between hearing loss and dementia. This episode covers what you need to know.   THIS UNMILLENNIAL LIFE PODCAST SHOW NOTES – HEARING LOSS AND DEMENTIA LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Dr. Amy Sarow at Dr. Amy Sarow on LinkedIn COMMERCIAL OR AFFILIATE LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE imPRESS nails – Coupon Code REGAN – for 10% discount EPISODE KEYWORDS podcast, umillennial, Gen X, podcasts for women, women over 40, women over 50, hearing loss, dementia EPISODE TRANSCRIPT – HEARING LOSS AND DEMENTIA (transcript generated through AI; may contain spelling errors) 0:00 Today’s broadcast is brought to you by your color guru, your color is where I went this last year to get my color consultation done. And there’s a little bit of comedy in thinking about having your colors done. I say that in air quotes because many of us as unmillennials, remember back in the days of the 80s, doing your color, but let me tell you what your color Guru is doing is so far beyond that. And they’re giving you so many tools when you actually have your colors done. And the reason that I say so far beyond that is because back in the day, when we would find out what our colors were, I think it was like four seasons, winter, summer, fall and spring. But your color Guru is much more robust than that. For instance, I’m a moonlit summer which is different than a sunlit summer. And one of the things that I love the most about your color guru and the color consultation that I had done is that it comes with a color card. I have both a printed card that I can throw in my purse, so that when I am out shopping, I can pull that card out of my purse and hold it up to anything that I’m looking at to determine Hey, is this one my best colors. I also have the JPEG on my phone. So if I don’t have the card with me, I just simply look at my phone and it has been invaluable. It makes shopping so much easier. So if you are interested in having your colors gone, or gifting it to someone else, you can get 10% off of your color guru consultation by simply using the code Regan, which is r e g, a n at checkout at your color There’s a link in the show notes. Regan Jones 1:39 If your skin doesn’t know whether to break out or wrinkle if you’re caught between planning the third grade class party and researching retirement plans or if you want to work out but the idea of CrossFit makes your 40 Something knees ache, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to this unmillennial life. Regan Jones 2:04 I’m your host Regan Jones and welcome to today’s show. Thanks for letting me take the last couple of Monday’s off if you wondered where I was. There is a National Nutrition conference that happens every fall for registered dietitians. It had been a few years since I had been able to attend. And this year I was actually speaking at the conference about podcasting ironically. So I took the week before the conference to get ready. And I took the week of the conference off. So I do apologize for not bringing you new episodes. But rest assured that I got new ideas at this conference for things that I would love to come back and do episodes on for you here on the show. Now today’s episode, though, has nothing to do with nutrition. If you’ve been a listener of this unmillennial life for a while you know that while I am a registered dietician, and technically a personal trainer, although I do not personally drain anyone by of course, an avid fitness fan for myself, you know that over the years, I do my very best to cover topics that don’t have anything to do with nutrition. And it seems like and looking back over the episodes that I’ve posted recently, there’s been a good bit of nutrition, a good bit about different supplements. And so I hope that you really enjoy today’s episode as a complete departure from a nutrition topic

    30 min

Hosts & Guests


This Unmillennial Life is a podcast that offers a roadmap through midlife for women who've fallen into a generational gap.

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