.Ant & Kourtni check in on each other and how the Coronavirus has been affecting them, their networks and countries (Canada & the UK). We have tackled almost all topics, in a loose conversation considered on the pandemic we are facing as a whole. Topics discussed in this episode: Social isolation & distancing- your social obligation to stay inside, remote work, avoid large gatherings and put your travel plans on hold. With so many hot topics, and the ever-changing news and updates we chat about “flattening the curve”, stalk piling groceries, online learning, training and opportunities, social systems and the burden of schools being shut down, real estate, the economic crash, borders closing & travel restrictions, who has been stuck where… and of course: the news, the media, the government, the stats. During this heavy time we are bracing for things to get a lot worse before they get better. We are positive there will light at the end of tunnel and for all our listeners: stay strong, stay positive, reach out.. there is a plethora of resources to help deal with mental health and the fears we are battling. We feel there is a call for change, and a sense of awakening to look more inward and prepare for a new way of thinking, doing, being. As mentioned, we are just average people, with average opinions.. but we are ALL in this together and we will weather the storm. Thank you to all our first line responders, nurses, doctors who are facing the biggest crisis of our lives. Stay healthy, stay in, wash your hands and be safe!