The David McWilliams Podcast

David McWilliams & John Davis
The David McWilliams Podcast

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The aim of this weekly podcast is to make economics easy, uncomplicated and accessible. With the world at a political, technological and financial tipping point, economics has never been so important to all of us and yet, it’s made inaccessible and complicated by so many. I’ve always thought what is complicated is rarely important and what is important is rarely complicated. That will be our motto. Every week we are going to tease out some big economic or political issue facing us, not just here in Ireland but in Europe and further afield. Globalisation has brought us all together. We all face similar challenges whether you live in Dublin, London, Minnesota or Milan. If you would like to enjoy all of our content ad-free and have early access to episodes, subscribe to DMCW+ on Apple Podcast. If you would like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at Join the gang! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The aim of this weekly podcast is to make economics easy, uncomplicated and accessible. With the world at a political, technological and financial tipping point, economics has never been so important to all of us and yet, it’s made inaccessible and complicated by so many. I’ve always thought what is complicated is rarely important and what is important is rarely complicated. That will be our motto. Every week we are going to tease out some big economic or political issue facing us, not just here in Ireland but in Europe and further afield. Globalisation has brought us all together. We all face similar challenges whether you live in Dublin, London, Minnesota or Milan. If you would like to enjoy all of our content ad-free and have early access to episodes, subscribe to DMCW+ on Apple Podcast. If you would like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at Join the gang! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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A szókimondó epizódok meghallgatásához jelentkezzen be.

Maradjon naprakész a műsorral kapcsolatban

Bejelentkezhet vagy regisztrálhat a műsorok követéséhez, az epizódok mentéséhez és az újdonságokról való értesüléshez.

Válasszon egy országot vagy régiót

Afrika, Közel-Kelet és India

Ázsiai csendes-óceáni régió


Latin-Amerika és Karib-térség

Egyesült Államok és Kanada