Inner Journey with Dr. Saliha Afridi

The LightHouse Arabia
Inner Journey with Dr. Saliha Afridi

Speaking about topics that include mental health, emotional wellbeing, how to be productive, how to not procrastinate… But, also having content that is deeper, such as, ‘How do I heal my childhood traumas or my inner child?’ And, ‘How do I figure out who I am and what my core values are?...and that are not the values that society gave me?’


Speaking about topics that include mental health, emotional wellbeing, how to be productive, how to not procrastinate… But, also having content that is deeper, such as, ‘How do I heal my childhood traumas or my inner child?’ And, ‘How do I figure out who I am and what my core values are?...and that are not the values that society gave me?’

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