Lead Like YOU! The Courageous Leadership Podcast

Anne Koopmann-Schmidt
Lead Like YOU! The Courageous Leadership Podcast Podcast

Welcome to Lead Like YOU! The Courageous Leadership Podcast with Anne Koopmann. This podcast supports emerging leaders and small business owners to step up with confidence and lead with impact! Anne is a former engineer and senior leader in the manufacturing industry and now Leadership Coach, Facilitator, Lecturer and Speaker. Throughout her 10 year career in the corporate world, she has learned first hand what it takes to become a courageous leader. Anne will be your coach to support you to gain confidence, have the difficult conversations, and build your courageous leadership brand.

  1. 08/05/2022

    023. How to set your Boundaries as a Leader

    In today's episode, I am sharing powerful strategies to set boundaries at work, especially as a leader. Why is it important to talk about boundaries as leaders? Setting boundaries is a significant leadership skill. As you move up the leadership ladder, you will have increased demands on your time. You will have to manage your own work, the work of your team members and manage relationships at all levels of the organisation. Setting boundaries means defining what is "ok" and what is not "ok". It means defining where you place your attention, which habits you want to build, and which processes you set with others. Enforcing boundaries can be difficult. It also often comes with consequences and might disappoint people. But by managing your boundaries, you will build trust, manage your emotional energy and lead by example. In today's episode we dive into why boundaries are important and how you can implement them in your leadership. The different types of boundaries I mention: Emotional Material Time Physical Mental These questions are here to help dive deeper into how you can implement these boundaries and discover more about where you stand with them. Try them for yourself: Where do I need to set and define better boundaries for myself? What are the areas that I am finding I have not really defined for myself? But are very important to me? How much do I want to give myself? Which area do I need to define and set better boundaries with others? If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Want to keep listening? Discover your leadership values in Episode 5 Learn more about psychological safety in Episode 10 Ready for more? Download my free workbook - Lead with your values Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    8 min
  2. 24/04/2022

    022. 5 Tips to Navigate Difficult Conversations

    How do you navigate difficult conversations in the workplace? As a leader, you often have to engage in difficult conversations. It can feel tempting to avoid the conversation and wait for things to pass. This does not lead to any resolution and can cause more issues in the future. So how do you handle difficult conversations in the workplace? Avoiding these conversations can have a negative impact on the relationships with your peers, with your colleagues, with your manager and with your team members. It's important you engage in difficult conversations because it shows you have the courage to speak up, to be vulnerable and to talk about things that might cause discomfort at the start. However, they can lead to great progress. Your direct reports also need your feedback. They want feedback.  In todays we look at five tips that will help you to make this a little bit easier for the next time you have to prepare and engage in a difficult conversation. If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Want to keep learning? Watch: Navigating your emotions at work Ready for more? Download my free workbook - Lead with your values Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    7 min
  3. 10/04/2022

    021. How to regulate your emotions in the workplace

    How do you manage emotions in the workplace? We all get emotional. We are human beings. We express emotion daily. There are times in our day to day where we can struggle with emotions. Where they can get the better of us. In these moments we can often say or do things we regret later. So, how can we manage emotions in the workplace to prevent conflict? You might need to learn how to regulate your emotions in the heat of the moment. Whenever you are overwhelmed, angry, frustrated or sad, it is important to recognise but then regulate in the workplace. In todays episode we dive into the things you can keep in mind when you need to manage your emotions at work. Self regulation is a big part of Emotional Intelligence, which starts with self-awareness. Self-awareness means that you are aware of what your emotions are doing with your body. Let’s go through some questions that can help: What is the trigger for your emotional reactions? What are certain situations that always set you off? What are things that are important to you? If you're feeling a certain emotion, how does that impact the thoughts and the things you tell yourself and impact your behaviour? How does it feel when you start to lose control? How does it feel in your body? In todays episode I also share some techniques to calm yourself down. Including: Breathe deeply Take a step back, literally Take a break/ Remove yourself from the situation Go for a walk/ Take a shower Distract yourself/ Shift your focus Write about it If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Want to keep listening? How to lead with your Values https://www.annekoopmann.com/podcast/ep005-how-to-lead-with-your-leadership-values/ How to create Psychological Safety in your team https://www.annekoopmann.com/podcast/010-how-to-create-psychological-safety-in-teams/ Ready for more? Download my free workbook - Lead with your values Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    13 min
  4. 20/03/2022

    020. 8 Tips to Create a Positive Workplace Culture

    How do you create a positive workplace culture? A positive workplace culture at its core is an environment where team members really enjoy coming to work. A place that provides inspiration, creativity and team members are engaged in their roles. Everyone is contributing towards a similar goal and are in the business to make a difference. What does a positive workplace culture look like for you? What is your own definition of a positive work environment? If you aren’t sure where to start to achieve this, or are looking for inspiration to create a positive place of work for your team, today on the podcast I’m sharing my top 8 tips to create a positive workplace culture. Including: Why knowing your values, your team values & the company values are so important Building trust and creating psychological safety Fostering workplace relationships and connection Why having a common purpose is important If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Want to keep listening? Ep 5 - How to lead with your Values Ep 10 - How to create Psychological Safety in your team Ready for more? Download my free workbook - Lead with your values Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    10 min
  5. 06/03/2022

    019. Mindful Leadership with Laetitia Andrac

    What is mindful leadership? Today we’re joined by Laetitia Andrac who shares that a mindful leader is someone who first has awareness about their own needs, and stops when they need and sets clear boundaries and so on. It’s a leader who waits to respond, who holds the space for their team, and allows for everyone to just be still and trust that the right plan is coming. Laetitia is a holistic business coach and a ‘soul+biz doula’. She helps womxn leaders and entrepreneurs in creating a soul aligned business, career and life.  She is making ancient spiritual wisdom accessible for busy modern-day women. She has a solid grounding in mindfulness (started meditation at 5-year-old) and spirituality (lineage of healers), along with an authentic ‘say it as it is’ approach and impressive business savvy and strategic background (with her 12+ years in business and leadership). Together we explore: What is mindful leadership How do you cultivate a more mindful work environment What are the benefits of mindfulness How the mindful leader experiences stressful times in a more peaceful way How to make a meeting and collaboration more mindful If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Ready for more? Join the new 12-week Courageous Leadership Group Coaching Program. Click here Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com Connect with Laetitia: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/essential.shift/ Website to access Free Rituals Guide : www.essentialshift.co The Essential Shift podcast: https://anchor.fm/essential-shift  If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    45 min
  6. 20/02/2022

    018. 10 things I with I knew before I became a Leader

    In this episode, I’m sharing ten things I wish I had known before becoming a leader. Because I've been there. I've been a leader in the engineering and corporate world for 10 years and in that time, I really quickly moved up the leadership ladder. I started with a small team and then I got to lead bigger teams all the way to senior leadership role, where I actually managed teams in different countries in Australia and Southeast Asia. I've learned many things along the way. There were a lot of challenges that I had to face on this journey in a male dominated environment. I set myself really high targets and was often very self critical.  I was doubting myself and I was really hard on myself as well. There were many moments where I struggled, where I didn't know how to manage difficult employees, where I had to have really difficult and tough conversations. So there's a lot that I learned along the way and some things I wish I had known just a little bit earlier, so that could either release some pressure or use some really beneficial strategies straight away. So today, I share some of those things, including: Invest in your own training and development (especially if you’re employer won’t) Your relationships may change and it can be lonely at times Check your unconscious bias regularly Strong leadership is about influence not authority And of course, lead like you because being authentic & vulnerable builds trust If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Want to keep learning? Learn more about Unconscious Bias in this YouTube Series Ready for more? Join the new 12-week Courageous Leadership Group Coaching Program. Click here Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    21 min
  7. 06/02/2022

    017. The Secret to Leading Hybrid Teams: Emotional Intelligence

    In this episode, we're going to talk about how we can make hybrid teams work by tuning into our emotional intelligence. Now more than ever, is it going to be important to focus on the human connection. To really focus on powerful relationships and on the wellbeing of our employees. By now we all have come to the conclusion that our way of working has changed and potentially has changed forever. There's going to be some mix of working from home and working in the office. So, how can we make this work? There's a real challenge now for leaders and managers to start to look at: how can I, as a leader, support my team remotely, but also support my team when there are some people in the office and some are working from home, how can I build the connection? How can I understand my team better? Today, we’re going to talk about how to answer those questions. In this episode, I talk all about: The logistical and practical challenges of managing a hybrid team Tips to supporting your team members both in person and remotely Three key strategies to communicating with your hybrid team and boosting human connection And tuning into the emotional intelligence of ourselves and our team members If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Want to keep listening? 3 ways to use Emotional Intelligence to communicate with Impact in Episode 2 5 Steps to build an Effective Team in Episode 3 4 Tips To Lead Through Uncertainty And Change in Episode 4 Ready for more? Join my free masterclass "How to become a confident leader in a hybrid work place" on 17 February. www.annekoopmann.com/hybridleader Join the new 12-week Courageous Leadership Group Coaching Program. Click here Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Download the free guide - 20 Tips to develop your EQ Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    26 min
  8. 23/01/2022

    016. 8 Characteristics of Authentic Leaders

    What are the benefits of authentic leadership? How does it support those around you? If you are authentic, if you're vulnerable, you're also creating an environment that lets others be themselves and show more of themselves and feel safe to be themselves. And that will lead to a lot of amazing benefits. These benefits include bigger trust, better relationships with colleagues and with the leader. Higher employee engagement, boosted productivity.  If we can start to focus more on what's right with ourselves and other people, instead of what's wrong and what we have to fix. So by creating this authentic leadership and this environment of psychological safety, we can fully step into this leadership and create a culture that is just so powerful. So let's look at the key characteristics of authentic leaders and help you to step into your authentic leadership a little bit more today. In this episode, I talk all about: The benefits of authentic leadership 8 key characteristics of authentic leaders, including: How authentic leaders have self-awareness and are transparent How they are courageous and ready to step into discomfort And how they create a psychologically safe environment for others to step into their authenticity If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your IG stories and tag me @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Want to keep listening? Discover your leadership values in Episode 5 Learn more about psychological safety in Episode 10 Ready for more? Discover your Authentic Leadership Superpower. Take the quiz now! Want to lead with your values, grab the Values workbook here. Join the new 12-week Courageous Leadership Group Coaching Program. Click here Register for my monthly Lead Like YOU! Newsletter by clicking here References: Article: ‘Most Employees Feel Authentic at Work, but It Can Take a While’ Article: ‘Great Cultures Begin With Authentic Leaders’ Connect with me: Follow me on Instagram @annekoopmann_leadlikeyou Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annekoopmannleadlikeyou Let’s connect on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annekoopmann Check out my website: www.annekoopmann.com If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes. I really appreciate it and it helps others to find us and listen too!

    9 min


Welcome to Lead Like YOU! The Courageous Leadership Podcast with Anne Koopmann. This podcast supports emerging leaders and small business owners to step up with confidence and lead with impact! Anne is a former engineer and senior leader in the manufacturing industry and now Leadership Coach, Facilitator, Lecturer and Speaker. Throughout her 10 year career in the corporate world, she has learned first hand what it takes to become a courageous leader. Anne will be your coach to support you to gain confidence, have the difficult conversations, and build your courageous leadership brand.

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