Lead Through Strengths

Lisa Cummings and Brea Roper
Lead Through Strengths Podcast

Lisa Cummings and Brea Roper help you lead teams, build your work culture, and improve relationships with CliftonStrengths A.K.A StrengthsFinder. The "Lead Through Strengths" podcast was created for you if you're ready to stop taking the "path of most resistance" at work and in life. It sounds silly, yet it happens all the time when people get focused on fixing their weaknesses. It doesn't have to be so hard. Stop focusing on what's broken about you. Lisa Cummings, the host, is a Gallup Certified Strengths Performance Coach, so she brings you a wealth of corporate wisdom, combined with Gallup research. Many episodes are educational Q&A from our corporate clients. They're usually questions we get in our StrengthsFinder corporate workshops. Over 28 Million people have taken the CliftonStrengths assessment. If you're ready to get your mojo back, Lisa Cummings delivers it with straight talk and a fun-loving approach. Beyond CliftonStrengths training, she's also a coach, trained by the Life Coach School. With this show, you'll learn how to find your strengths and put them to work. If you manage a team, you'll hear ideas for leading your so your colleagues can come to work feeling more energized and engaged. We publish by season. Season 1: Career Q&A Season 2: Strengths Interviews Season 3: StrengthsFinder Q&A (also known as CliftonStrengths assessment) Season 4: Team Building 12 Week Strengths Challenge Season 5: One StrengthsFinder Talent Theme Per Week: Career Branding Adjectives for your personal brand, red flag situations for that talent theme, and action items to put that talent to use Season 6: Nine Core Concepts of Strengths Season 7: Facilitator Interviews (because, who needs Lisa only - we have lots of other great StrengthsFinder trainers for you) Season 8: CliftonStrengths Customer Q&A There's a lot of confusion about the name of the assessment because it is difficult to spell (or put the singular/plural in the right spot), and it has changed names. All of these are the same survey tool: StrengthsFinder 2.0, StrengthsFinders, StrengthFinders, StrengthFinder, StrengthsFinder, Clifton Strengths, CliftonStrengths, Clifton StrengthsFinder. Despite the difficulty with the word, the content all points to Strengths Based Development and leadership using StrengthsFinder with your team. In addition: here are some hot topic areas covered by audience questions so far: Getting promoted; discovering your strengths; differentiating yourself; coaching and feedback; marketing, branding, and promoting yourself; getting unstuck; developing your direct reports; noticing what works on your team; connecting and networking; personal leadership; politics and perceptions at the office; getting viewed as an A player; building trust and influence at work or in your industry; being a people-leader that you want to be, even when you're short on time; how to get your creative mojo back; understanding how your EQ (emotional intelligence) is more important than your IQ at work; stuff you didn't learn in business school that's hurting your career; getting unstuck and un-trapped; being a better leader; solving problems; getting past confusion; aligning your mind, body, and purpose in life; managing major life transitions; and taking a minute to reflect on what you really want in life

  1. Rethinking Time Management

    2 DAYS AGO

    Rethinking Time Management

    "Where did the time go?" "If only I had more time!" If you're looking for productivity hacks or time management tips – this episode is for you. We've all been there. We believe time is our most valuable resource. Unfortunately, this often leads to overwhelm and guilt when our expectations don't match reality. We don't accomplish as much as we thought we would, our "to do" list keeps growing, and discouragement creeps in. What if there was more to time management than meets the eye? Is time truly our most valuable resource? Listen in as we rethink time management. 🌟   Work With Us! BREA Roper Communication | Woo | Activator | Futuristic | Connectedness If you need a Strengths Hype Girl, for yourself or your team, connect with Brea at brearoper.com. She’s ready to deliver an inspirational keynote, empowering training, or transformational workshop. If you’re looking for an expert guide to support your internal Strengths efforts, reach out today! LISA Cummings Strategic | Maximizer | Positivity | Individualization | Woo   To work with Lisa, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership.     Takeaways on Time Management, Energy Management, and Productivity Energy vs. Time: We often fall into the trap of thinking that if we just had more time, we could accomplish everything on our to-do list. However, as we discussed, even with the same 24 hours in a day, our energy levels can significantly impact our productivity. When we're feeling drained or unwell, even the simplest tasks can feel overwhelming. Instead of solely focusing on time management, we should prioritize managing our energy levels to maximize our effectiveness. Quality Over Quantity: It's not just about how much time we have; it's about how we use that time. When we're in a state of flow and high energy, we can accomplish tasks in a fraction of the time it would normally take. We encourage listeners to recognize when they're in that productive state and to allow themselves the flexibility to dive deep into tasks that energize them, rather than sticking rigidly to a time-blocked schedule. Know Your Energy Drains and Fuels: Understanding what drains your energy and what fuels it is crucial. We discussed the importance of being aware of our strengths and how working within those strengths can help us maintain our energy levels throughout the day. By identifying tasks that energize us and scheduling them during our peak energy times, we can create a more productive and fulfilling workday.   Take Action as You Rethink Time Management ●      Assess Your Energy Levels: Regularly check in with yourself to determine your current energy levels. If youAsk yourself, "Given my energy level, what is the best use of my time?" ●      Identify Energy Drains and Fuels: Make a list of tasks or activities that drain your energy and those that fuel you. Schedule draining tasks during times when your energy is naturally higher, and plan to engage in energizing activities when you feel low.. ●      Create Flexible Time Blocks: While time blocking can be effective, allow for flexibility in your schedule. If you find yourself in a productive flow, consider extending the time for that task instead of sticking rigidly to your planned blocks. ●      Leverage Your Strengths: Identify your strengths and find ways to incorporate them into your daily tasks. Engaging in work that aligns with your strengths can help maintain your energy levels and enhance productivity. ●      Further Reading: Check out the book Soar With Your Strengths by Dr. Clifton to learn more about the Five Clues to Talent.   Let’s Connect! ●      LISA: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook ●      BREA: Webs

    19 min
  2. You're So Good At That

    15 SEPT

    You're So Good At That

    You’re So Good At That Receiving compliments is difficult for most of us. But what if I told you compliments could be clues to your greatest talents? Areas where you see natural glimpses of excellence are actually your greatest areas of potential. So, the next time you hear someone say, "You're so good at that!" or “You’re a rock star!”, stand a little taller. Let your strengths shine in the spotlight! In this episode we explore: ●       how easy it is to overlook our own strengths because we’re so close to them. ●      the difference between skills and talents ●      the importance of feedback   So, get ready to embrace your inner rock star! It’s time to let your strengths shine.🌟   Work With Us! BREA Roper Communication | Woo | Activator | Futuristic | Connectedness If you need a Strengths Hype Girl, for yourself or your team, connect with Brea at brearoper.com. She’s ready to deliver an inspirational keynote, empowering training, or transformational workshop. If you’re looking for an expert guide to support your internal Strengths efforts, reach out today! LISA Cummings Strategic | Maximizer | Positivity | Individualization | Woo   To work with Lisa, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership.     Takeaways Skills and Talents are not the same. Understand that skills can be learned and practiced, while talents are innate. You’ve either got it, or you don’t. Reflect on whether you enjoy what you’re good at, as this can help you identify true talents.   Compliments can be clues to talent. Pay attention to the compliments you’ve received, awards you’ve won, and times people have asked for your help with something. These moments of recognition and praise are shining a light on your areas of excellence. Pay attention and lean into your greatest areas of potential for greatness.   Embrace Feedback: Don’t shy away from asking others what you’re good at. Feedback can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and can help you see strengths that you may not recognize in yourself.   Take Action ●      Identify Your Strengths: Reflect on moments when people have complimented you with phrases like "You're so good at that." Take note of these instances as clues to your talents and strengths. ●      Explore Your Skills vs. Talents: Consider the difference between skills and talents in your own life. Ask yourself if you enjoy the activities that people recognize you for, and whether they energize you or feel like a chore. ●      Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask colleagues, friends, or family for feedback on what they think you excel at. Use this feedback to gain insights into your strengths. ●      Utilize Resources: Visit leadthroughstrengths.com/moreof to access a list of potential strengths and talents. Look for items that resonate with you and explore how you can incorporate them into your life or work. ●      Consider Job Shaping: If you find that people frequently ask for your help in a specific area that you enjoy, discuss with your manager the possibility of incorporating more of that work into your role. This can help align your job with your strengths and passions. ●      S.T.O.P.: When faced with tasks that drain your energy, consider the STOP method: Stop, Trade, Offer it up, or Partner. This can help you manage your workload while still contributing effectively. ●      Further Reading: Check out the book Soar With Your Strengths by Dr. Clifton to learn more about the Five Clues to Talent, including the topic of this podcast: Excellence. Let’s Connect! ●      LISA: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook ●

    19 min
  3. Doing What You Love

    8 SEPT

    Doing What You Love

    “They” say we spend over 30% of our life at work. For some of us over-achieving, work-a-holics burning the candle at both ends, that percentage is likely even higher. If we’re spending over a third of our lives working, shouldn’t we love what we do? We think so. That’s why in this episode we talk about another one of the “5 Clues to Talent”: Satisfaction. Come join us! Work With Us! BREA Roper Communication | Woo | Activator | Futuristic | Connectedness Talent development shouldn’t be “one size fits all”, because each person is uniquely talented! Unfortunately, most leaders struggle to find and fuel the unique talent in yourself and others. If you’re ready to find hidden talent and realize untapped potential – let’s talk! I’m ready to customize a solution for any need, any budget. Connect with me at brearoper.com! LISA Cummings Strategic | Maximizer | Positivity | Individualization | Woo   To work with Lisa, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership.     Takeaways for doing what you love…this week! Identify What You Love What brings you joy and satisfaction in your daily activities is a clue to your innate talent! Maybe it's the opportunity to learn, the sense of accomplishment when completing a task, coming up with creative ideas, collaborating with others…or something else. Whatever it is, understanding what you love to do. and why, can lead to a more fulfilling life – at work and home. Feel better. Do better. When you operate from a place of joy and fulfillment, you feel better yourself, and make more significant contributions to those around you. A win-win! By focusing on doing what you love and leveraging your strengths, you can enhance your overall well-being and positively impact your relationships and work performance. Remember, hard work doesn't have to feel hard. You can actually enjoy what you do. Finding what you don’t love to do is not the same as finding what you do enjoy. Sure, making a list of what we didn’t like about a task or activity can help us avoid those things in the future. But it won’t necessarily lead you to what you do enjoy. And you deserve a life that’s more than simply avoiding what you don't like. You deserve to thrive!   Remember, hard work doesn’t have to be hard. Align it with your strengths and it actually feels easy. 🌟   Take Action – find simpler approaches to doing what you love ●      Identify what you enjoy, and why. Pull out your calendar/planner and review the past two weeks of tasks. Identify the things you particularly enjoyed, experienced deep satisfaction, or were just plain fun. What specifically did you enjoy about these activities? Why did you enjoy those things? Reflecting on the reasons why certain activities or tasks bring you joy to apply that knowledge more broadly in other areas of your life. ●      Make it fun! When looking at your present or future tasks and opportunities, practice the self-coaching question: "How can I make this more fun?" or "What could I do to enjoy this task a little more?" Your answer should help you align your talent with the task, resulting in a stronger outcome. Don’t limit yourself to challenging situations. Things that are already enjoyable can always be more fun! 🙂 ●      Further Reading: Check out the book Soar With Your Strengths by Dr. Clifton to learn more about the Five Clues to Talent, including this week’s topic: Satisfaction. Let’s Connect! ●      LISA: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook ●      BREA: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram   AI-Generated Transcript of the “Doing What You Love” Audio LISA Hey, I'm Lisa.   BREA And I'm Brea.   LISA And today's topic is do

    19 min
  4. How Did You Do That?

    1 SEPT

    How Did You Do That?

    Have you ever had someone say, “Wow! How did you do that?” or “You make that look so easy!” and think, ‘What? Like it’s hard?’ (I see you, Elle Woods!) Or maybe you’ve recognized how others seem to be able to pick up or breeze through certain tasks with an effortlessness or ease you only dream of. It’s all a clue to talent! In this episode, we talk about one of the “5 Clues to Talent”: Rapid Learning. We share personal anecdotes and examples of how recognizing what comes easy to you can lead to a deeper understanding of your strengths. Whether it's performing on stage, hyping people up, or crushing spreadsheets and TPS reports, acknowledging these innate abilities can lead to a deeper understanding of your strengths – and make hard work feel a little more easy-breezy. So, grab your metaphorical "easy button" and join us for this episode on the 2nd “Clue to Talent”: Rapid Learning. We’ll answer, “How did you do that so easily” with a lens of strengths.   Work With Us! BREA Roper Communication | Woo | Activator | Futuristic | Connectedness If you need a Strengths Hype Girl, for yourself or your team, connect with Brea at brearoper.com. She’s ready to deliver an inspirational keynote, empowering training, or transformational workshop. If you’re looking for an expert guide to support your internal Strengths efforts, reach out today! LISA Cummings Strategic | Maximizer | Positivity | Individualization | Woo   To work with Lisa, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership.   Takeaways on Rapid Learning (AKA How Did You Do That?) Your Talents Are Easy Buttons: One of the key clues to talent is ease - those things that come effortlessly to us but may seem challenging to others. Recognizing and embracing what comes easily to you is fundamental for your success. Leaning into your talents can help you work smarter, not harder. Apply Talent to Challenges: When you’re faced with a challenge, ask yourself, “How can I make this easy?” By leveraging your easy buttons, you can excel in your endeavors - even the most challenging ones. Easy Buttons are Not Excuses to be Lazy: Continuous learning and skill development that aligns with your talents i. By taking action to learn skills that complement your strengths, you can make the path to success feel more effortless and enjoyable. Remember, hard work doesn’t have to be hard. Align it with your strengths and it actually feels easy. 🌟 Take Action on Your “How Did You Do That” Moments ●      Identify Your Natural Talents: What comes easy to you? What are you doing when you hear others say, “Wow! How do you do that?” or “You make that look so easy!” ●      Invest in Your Talent: Seek opportunities to grow your talent with knowledge, skill, and practice. For exponential growth, make sure your investment is directly aligned with your talent. For example, if you have a gift for gab, consider taking a Toastmasters class or reading up on storytelling techniques. ●      Spot Talent in Others: When you notice someone excelling with ease, acknowledge their talent and ask them about it. Show appreciation for their abilities and learn from their approach. ●      Further Reading: Check out the books Soar With Your Strengths by Dr. Clifton to learn more about the Five Clues to Talent, and Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to deepen your understanding of talent development and rapid learning.   Let’s Connect! ●      LISA: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook ●      BREA: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram   AI-Generated Transcript Lisa Hi, I'm Lisa.   Brea And I'm Brea   Lisa And today's topic is, how did you do that?   Brea How did

    20 min
  5. What Do You Really, Really Want?

    25 AUG

    What Do You Really, Really Want?

    About This Episode on Getting What You Really Want Out of Life What do the Spice Girls, double rainbows, and pursuing our dreams all have in common? Yearning. If you're someone who is looking to tap into your inner desires and explore what you really want out of life, this episode is for you. Inspired by Gallup’s “Five Clues to Talent”, Lisa & Brea explore how our dreams and desires can clue us in to our hidden talents.   We discuss how yearnings can: ●      arise in personal and professional settings ●      impact daily tasks and long-term goals ●      be a powerful motivator   We also discuss: ●      how different talent themes yearn for different things, and in different ways ●      what might keep us from discovering, embracing, and pursuing our desires   We also share practical tips and exercises to help you uncover your yearnings and start working towards making them a reality.   Work With Us! BREA Roper Communication | Woo | Activator | Futuristic | Connectedness If you need a Strengths Hype Girl, for yourself or your team, connect with Brea at brearoper.com. She’s ready to deliver an inspirational keynote, empowering training, or transformational workshop. If you’re looking for an expert guide to support your internal Strengths efforts, reach out today! LISA Cummings Strategic | Maximizer | Positivity | Individualization | Woo   To work with Lisa, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership.     Takeaways The Human Desire For Something More Yearning, longing, and dreaming are innate to the human experience. It's good to identify what our hearts truly long for and what we aspire to achieve. Whether it's a long-term dream or a simple desire for a change in our daily routine, yearning allows us to strive for something greater and live with purpose.   Our Talents Can Support Our Dreams Our natural talents can play a significant role in fulfilling our yearnings. By identifying our talents and understanding how they can inspire and support our dreams and aspirations, we can leverage our strengths to achieve our goals and live a more fulfilling life.   Living in the Moment Yearning doesn’t only involve looking toward the future. For individuals who naturally focus on the here and now, being present and embracing what brings us joy and fulfillment in the here and now can be a powerful way to live out our yearnings on a daily basis. Remember, it's never too late to start dreaming and working towards your aspirations. Let's embrace our yearnings and strive for a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. 🌟   Take Action on What You Really Want Out of Life ●      Reflect on your yearnings. Take five minutes to ask yourself, "What do I want? What do I really want?" Repeat this question over and over again to unlock your deepest desires and aspirations. ●      Create a bucket list: Make a list of things you long for or dream about, without placing any limits on your aspirations. Allow yourself to dream big and explore what truly matters to you. ●      Check out the replay of Lisa's virtual workshop where participants crowdsourced a bucket list. Use this resource to gain inspiration and clarity on your own yearnings. ●      Seek coaching or support: If you need guidance in exploring your yearnings further, consider working with a coach like Brea or Lisa. Visit their websites to learn more about their coaching services and how they can help you uncover and pursue your desires.   Let’s Connect! ●      LISA: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook ●      BREA: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram   AI-Generated Transcript on What You Really Want Out of Lif

    20 min
  6. What to Expect When You Take The CliftonStrengths Assessment

    18 AUG

    What to Expect When You Take The CliftonStrengths Assessment

    About This Episode Are you getting ready to take the CliftonStrengths assessment? This episode is for you! Between the two of us (Lisa & Brea), we’ve facilitated tens of thousands of these bad boys. So, we share the ins and outs of ‘what to know before you go’ - CliftonStrengths edition.   In this episode, we answer questions like: “How long will it take?” “Is this a test?” “Will it put me in a box?” “Top 5, Full 34, Managers, and Leaders…oh my! How do I know which one is right for me?” …and plenty more!   As always, you’re in for lots of laughs, personal anecdotes, and practical tips. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in!     Work With Us!   If you’re thinking about introducing your team, department, or organization to the CliftonStrengths assessment, BREA is ready to help you every step of the way. Don’t get tripped up in the details. From purchasing codes and distributing codes, to facilitating the assessment, collating reports, and leading a workshop to help you understand what it all means…she’ll take care of it all! Visit brearoper.com to schedule a call today!   To work with LISA, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership.     Takeaways Embrace your uniqueness. The CliftonStrengths assessment is not a test with right or wrong answers. It's an opportunity to discover what makes you unique and special. By entering the assessment with an open mind and embracing your natural preferences, you can uncover your innate talents and strengths that can help you thrive in both your personal and professional life. Go with your gut. Rather than overthinking or trying to fit into a specific mold, trust your natural reactions and preferences. By tapping into your instinctual responses, you will uncover your greatest areas of potential - your natural talents! Leverage your results for success. After taking the assessment, many individuals are pleasantly surprised by how accurately it reflects their strengths and talents. The CliftonStrengths assessment can provide valuable insights into how you work best and what comes naturally to you. By leveraging these results, you can align your strengths with your goals, whether in the workplace or at home, and unlock your full potential for success.   Take Action ●      Download the checklist for “How To Take the CliftonStrengths Assessment” at brearoper.com. ●      Do it! Take the assessment! Click here to buy a code.   Let’s Connect! ●      LISA: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook ●      BREA: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram   AI-Generated Transcript Lisa Hi, I'm Lisa.   Brea And I'm Brea   Lisa And today's topic is taking the CliftonStrengths assessment.   Brea Woo-woo!   Lisa All the things to expect. Brea, do you want to start with just kind of going back and forth, almost lightning round style, where we share with people what to expect when they open this thing up?   Brea Totally. So first of all, it's not a test. This is not something that you can fail. This is not something that is graded, okay? So it's an assessment that is looking at what's good in you and there are no wrong answers. So I think first off, that's where I'd love to start is just enter into it knowing that there are no wrong answers. You can't do it wrong. There's no way to mess it up. Just go in and just be your lovely self.   Lisa Agreed. And if you are a strengths coach, or you are internal inside of corporate, and you're doing this with your team, and you think people might even find the word assessment scary, like, Ooh, there is a right answer. They're assessing my, whether I'm good. I also have had plenty of clients use

    20 min
  7. How to Pick a Coach

    11 AUG

    How to Pick a Coach

    About This Episode So, you’re ready to engage with a coach. Awesome! But there are SO many different coaches out there. How in the world do you choose? Lisa and Brea are here to help clear through the confusion and get you on the right path.  This episode is all about how to choose the coach that’s right for you, right now. Listen in as Brea & Lisa discuss what to look for in a coach, the different types of coaches available, the importance of finding a good fit, and more. If you're considering working with a coach, this episode will give you some great insights and advice. Check it out! Work With Us! If you need a Strengths Hype girl, for yourself or your team, connect with BREA at brearoper.com. Whether you bring her in to deliver a keynote, training, or workshop… or, you’re looking for an expert guide to support your internal Strengths efforts… Brea’s ready to create a custom solution for any need, any budget. To work with LISA, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership. Takeaways Not all coaches are created equal: For as many different reasons you might hire a coach, there are different types of coaches out there. Just like an athlete might have several types of coaches for different needs, understanding the different types of professional coaches will help you pick the one for you. Finding the right ‘fit’ is super important: Connecting with a coach is essential for your success. Look for a coach who aligns with your personality and communication style. Inquire about their coaching style and approach. If you’re a coach, remember – assessing fit goes both ways. The most successful coaching relationships are ones where there’s a mutual fit. The role of a coach: A good coach will act as a mirror, reflecting back what they see and hear. This can help you observe your own brain and identify patterns you may not be able to see on your own. A strengths coach will do this with a unique focus on what’s already strong in you. Take Action Reflect on Your Needs: Begin with the end in mind. Think about where you are now, where you want to go, and what you need to get there. What do you want to achieve through coaching? Do you prefer a coach who provides direct advice or one who helps you observe your own thought patterns? What type of coach will best support your goals? Schedule a Discovery Call: Take the first step by scheduling a discovery call with a potential coach to assess fit and understand their coaching style. Let’s Connect! LISA Website | LinkedIn | Facebook BREA: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram   Remember, you already have everything you need to succeed! Sometimes, you just need a coach to help you see it. 🌟Reach out to a coach today!   AI-Generated Transcript Lisa Hi, I'm Lisa.  Brea And I'm Brea  Lisa And today's topic is how to pick a coach.  Brea How do you pick a coach? Oh, man. What a great question. Lisa I know it makes it makes me go in a lot of angles. And the first one is so many people I run into don't even know what a coach is. Of course, they know what a basketball coach is. And when you get into our world of strengths coaching, they're often thinking strengths and conditioning coaching for sports. And then what about the rest?  And I want to hear your opinion, Brea. For me, I think there are a lot of kinds of coaches. Of course, people have heard of a life coach. Maybe people have heard of a CliftonStrengths coach because of our world. But then also, I think of other categories like a position coach would be in sports. So if you were on a basketball team, would you have a position coach for a forward?  Or would you have a strength and conditioning coach more for other elements of the game? So I think that

    25 min
  8. Getting Coached

    4 AUG

    Getting Coached

    To work with Brea, connect at brearoper.com. She helps with talent development for teams and also does 1:1 CliftonStrengths coaching for individuals.   To work with Lisa, check out team workshops and retreats at the Lead Through Strengths site. For 1:1 strengths or life coaching, check out the Get Coached link. For independent coaches, trainers, and speakers, get business tools support with our Tools for Coaches membership.  About This Episode If you're curious about coaching or looking to make a positive change in your life, this episode is for you! Gallup says that over 80% of people who discover their CliftonStrengths do NOTHING after taking the assessment. What a shame. We know awareness of our strengths is necessary for growth, but awareness alone doesn’t create change. You must put the knowledge into practice. Coaching has (and continues to have) a powerful impact on our lives. That's why, in this episode, we discuss the 'next step' of working with a coach. Listen in as we share some of our personal experiences working with a coach, practical tips on how to engage with a coach, and even how to improve your own self-coaching. So, if you're feeling stuck or curious about exploring your strengths further, don't hesitate to engage with a coach or seek feedback from those around you. Remember, awareness from assessments is just the beginning. Coaching will help you apply your strengths for more ease, energy, and excellence every day. Takeaways External Feedback is Powerful: Having a coach can provide you with an external perspective on your strengths and potential blind spots. This perspective is unattainable on our own. Just like how we can't see our own face without a mirror, sometimes we need someone else to reflect back to us what we may not see in ourselves. A coach can help you uncover hidden talents and opportunities for growth you may have overlooked. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Self-reflection and self-awareness is fundamental in the coaching process. Taking the time to pause, reflect, and ask yourself meaningful questions can lead to profound discoveries about your true potential and aspirations. Invest in Yourself: Of course, awareness by itself isn’t enough. Whether you reach out to a professional coach or engage in self-coaching practices, making this investment is a valuable and powerful step towards transformation and growth.  Take Action ●      Engage with a Coach: Take the initiative to reach out to a coach, like Lisa or Brea. ●      Share Your Strengths: Dust off your CliftonStrengths report. Reread it to remind yourself of the goodness inside of you. Share your report with someone close to you and ask them to reflect on how they see your strengths showing up in your life. This external mirror can offer valuable insights and perspectives that may help you better understand your unique talents and behaviors. ●      Create White Space for Reflection: Make a conscious effort to create white space in your daily routine for self-reflection and self-coaching. Avoid overfilling every moment with distractions and allow yourself the time and space to ponder on questions about your goals, aspirations, and areas for growth. By giving your mind the opportunity to wander and explore, you can tap into deeper insights and clarity about your path forward. Let’s Connect ●      LISA: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook ●      BREA: Website | LinkedIn | Instagram Listen to the full episode for inspiring stories and insights from the impact of coaching in our lives. If you're ready to explore the world of coaching and self-discovery, don't hesitate to reach out to us for guidance and support. Remember, investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make! 🌟 AI-Generated Transcript  Hi, I'm Lisa.  And I'm Brea.  And today's topic is getting coached. And more specifically, we're going to start with our first times gettin

    24 min


Lisa Cummings and Brea Roper help you lead teams, build your work culture, and improve relationships with CliftonStrengths A.K.A StrengthsFinder. The "Lead Through Strengths" podcast was created for you if you're ready to stop taking the "path of most resistance" at work and in life. It sounds silly, yet it happens all the time when people get focused on fixing their weaknesses. It doesn't have to be so hard. Stop focusing on what's broken about you. Lisa Cummings, the host, is a Gallup Certified Strengths Performance Coach, so she brings you a wealth of corporate wisdom, combined with Gallup research. Many episodes are educational Q&A from our corporate clients. They're usually questions we get in our StrengthsFinder corporate workshops. Over 28 Million people have taken the CliftonStrengths assessment. If you're ready to get your mojo back, Lisa Cummings delivers it with straight talk and a fun-loving approach. Beyond CliftonStrengths training, she's also a coach, trained by the Life Coach School. With this show, you'll learn how to find your strengths and put them to work. If you manage a team, you'll hear ideas for leading your so your colleagues can come to work feeling more energized and engaged. We publish by season. Season 1: Career Q&A Season 2: Strengths Interviews Season 3: StrengthsFinder Q&A (also known as CliftonStrengths assessment) Season 4: Team Building 12 Week Strengths Challenge Season 5: One StrengthsFinder Talent Theme Per Week: Career Branding Adjectives for your personal brand, red flag situations for that talent theme, and action items to put that talent to use Season 6: Nine Core Concepts of Strengths Season 7: Facilitator Interviews (because, who needs Lisa only - we have lots of other great StrengthsFinder trainers for you) Season 8: CliftonStrengths Customer Q&A There's a lot of confusion about the name of the assessment because it is difficult to spell (or put the singular/plural in the right spot), and it has changed names. All of these are the same survey tool: StrengthsFinder 2.0, StrengthsFinders, StrengthFinders, StrengthFinder, StrengthsFinder, Clifton Strengths, CliftonStrengths, Clifton StrengthsFinder. Despite the difficulty with the word, the content all points to Strengths Based Development and leadership using StrengthsFinder with your team. In addition: here are some hot topic areas covered by audience questions so far: Getting promoted; discovering your strengths; differentiating yourself; coaching and feedback; marketing, branding, and promoting yourself; getting unstuck; developing your direct reports; noticing what works on your team; connecting and networking; personal leadership; politics and perceptions at the office; getting viewed as an A player; building trust and influence at work or in your industry; being a people-leader that you want to be, even when you're short on time; how to get your creative mojo back; understanding how your EQ (emotional intelligence) is more important than your IQ at work; stuff you didn't learn in business school that's hurting your career; getting unstuck and un-trapped; being a better leader; solving problems; getting past confusion; aligning your mind, body, and purpose in life; managing major life transitions; and taking a minute to reflect on what you really want in life

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