That Slayer Show

Madeline Kane, Kaethe Schroeder
That Slayer Show

Not the Buffy content you asked for, but the Buffy content you deserve. Heartfelt, humorous, and dreamboaty hosts Madeline Kane and Kaethe Schroeder tackle the big questions like: What can Buffy the Vampire Slayer teach us about inherited responsibility? And is Giles hot? Madeline and Kaethe bring loving curiosity (and gentle amounts of swearing) as they explore BTVS through different themes, episode by episode.


Not the Buffy content you asked for, but the Buffy content you deserve. Heartfelt, humorous, and dreamboaty hosts Madeline Kane and Kaethe Schroeder tackle the big questions like: What can Buffy the Vampire Slayer teach us about inherited responsibility? And is Giles hot? Madeline and Kaethe bring loving curiosity (and gentle amounts of swearing) as they explore BTVS through different themes, episode by episode.

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