Grow Your Impact, Income & Influence

Steve Werner
Grow Your Impact, Income & Influence Podcast

This podcast showcases the stories, struggles, and breakthroughs of coaches, consultants, authors, bloggers, YouTubers, influencers, service providers, and entrepreneurs of all types.

  1. 6 DAYS AGO

    Unlocking Revenue Growth: The Power of Marketing and Sales Integration with Kyle Mealy

    Are you an entrepreneur striving for success but unsure how to navigate the intricate world of marketing and sales? In this enlightening discussion, Kyle Mealy shares insights that can unlock the potential of your business by focusing on building strong relationships and leveraging effective marketing strategies. This episode is packed with actionable advice for business owners who want to elevate their companies to the next level.   💡 The Power of Relationship Selling The concept of relationship selling is essential in today’s business landscape. Kyle emphasizes the need in building and maintaining trust which is fundamental to any successful relationship. Genuine interactions to foster long-term loyalty that directly translates into revenue growth. By prioritizing relationships, entrepreneurs can create a network of loyal clients who not only return but also refer others. As marketing and sales increasingly converge, understanding how to effectively nurture these relationships becomes vital for achieving business success as professional relationships often blur in business.   📊 Uniting Marketing and Sales for Maximum Impact Kyle, the founder and CEO of Next Level Coaching, argues for the necessity of integrating marketing and sales into one cohesive department. This unified approach can streamline processes and enhance efficiency. He details how many businesses fail to see their marketing efforts as part of a broader sales strategy. Instead of separating these functions, entrepreneurs should recognize that marketing is the first touchpoint that influences potential customers, while sales solidify those initial interactions.   📈 Revenue Cascade: A Game-Changer for Business Leaders In discussing the revenue cascade (, Kyle contrasts traditional sales pipelines and digital marketing funnels by presenting a diagnostic tool that reveals where prospects drop off. This innovative system allows business leaders to visualize their customer journey and identify areas needing improvement. By understanding the flow from initial interest to conversion, businesses can implement refined tactics to enhance overall success. This approach directly leads to substantial financial benefits, helping businesses achieve targets—sometimes even exceeding them significantly within a year.   🛠️ Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses Kyle highlights that effective marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. He believes that every business should develop personalized strategies grounded in its unique value proposition. Focusing on core values and understanding the specific needs of target audiences allow entrepreneurs to craft their messages compellingly. As Kyle has shown in helping several companies triple their revenue, a tailored approach ensures that your marketing efforts resonate and drive action in potential customers.   🤝 Empowering Business Owners Through Continuous Learning For business owners craving continual growth, Kyle emphasizes the importance of ongoing education and adaptation. He shares his experience in helping entrepreneurs transition their mindsets to view every challenge as an opportunity for learning. He believes that every person has a unique message which can positively impact the world, leaders can expand their perspectives and embrace innovative business practices that fuel growth.   📣 The Visionary's Edge: Balancing Personal and Professional Relationships The line between personal and professional relationships can often blur for entrepreneurs, a situation Kyle tackles head-on. He explores strategies for managing professional interactions without sacrificing personal integrity or authentic relationships. By creating a balance, business leaders can maintain productivity while fostering an environment where team members feel valued. This balance not only empowers employees but also enhances the overall culture of

    34 min
  2. 12 SEPT

    Unlocking Leadership: From Rescuing Dogs to Building High-Performing Teams with Dr. Andy Neillie

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the demands of leadership? As a business owner or a team manager, navigating complex decisions while ensuring your team thrives can be a real challenge. In this episode, Steve interviews internationally renowned consultant, executive coach and business owner, and best-selling author Dr. Andy Neillie, who brings over 30 years of experience in helping leaders from Fortune 500 companies and other several businesses unlock their true potential. What insights could you gain from Dr. Neillie’s life and leadership lessons?   🐕 The Golden Principles of a High-Performance Mindset Dr. Neillie emphasizes that the foundation of effective leadership rests on a high performance mindset. This mindset encourages leaders to foster an environment conducive to personal and professional growth. Leaders can significantly impact their teams by adopting the golden principles of effective communication and collaborative problem solving. In this informative discussion, Dr. Neillie shares how he has seen the role of leadership evolve. He explains the importance of moving beyond just managing tasks to focusing on helping team members learn and grow and reach their potential. He defines the “performance mindset” as not just about achieving results, but about nurturing an environment where individuals feel empowered to take risks and learn from their mistakes.   📊 Statistics on Leadership Communication Dr. Neillie discusses findings that reveal how effective communication is pivotal for a cohesive team. A 2017 survey showed that 86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication as the primary reason for workplace failures. Managers must enable open dialogues within their teams, which leads to higher productivity and morale and creates a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Neglecting these aspects can lead organizations to lose their best talent.   🛠️ Best Practices for Leadership Development During the episode, Dr. Neillie outlines several actionable best practices his teams have used to overcome adversity. He explains that effective leaders should prioritize ongoing leadership development programs, which not only address individual skills but also encourage an understanding of one’s capacity to lead effectively. He urges listeners to adapt a co-active approach, meaning that leaders should reflect on their management behaviors and adapt them to meet the needs of their teams. Dr. Neillie’s expertise as a mental performance coach shines through as he reveals practical strategies for overcoming common pitfalls that business owners encounter, such as the challenge of delegation. One core takeaway from the discussion is the importance of managers recognizing their team members' capabilities, which can lead to a dramatic enhancement in overall productivity.   💪 Lessons Learned Through Adversity Dr. Neillie draws on his profound experiences with failure and success to share insightful lessons learned through adversity and provides insights. He encourages leaders to embrace challenges rather than shy away from them. The perspective he offers—as someone who has built successful organizations while rescuing over a dozen dogs, drawing parallels between caring for animals and nurturing people—is both refreshing and relatable. His message resonates: true leadership is not just about results but about human connections. In addition, he strongly believes that leaders should cultivate emotional intelligence in their teams, which is integral in navigating complex workplace dynamics and fostering health and wellness within the organization.   📝 A Call to Elevate Your Leadership Game By tuning in to this engaging episode with Dr. Andy Neillie, not only will you gain valuable insights into enhancing your leadership style, but you will also discover practical tools to help you develop your leaders effectively. If you're looking to embrace leadershi

    40 min
  3. 5 SEPT

    Michael Levitt’s Guide to Achieving Work-Life Balance and Avoiding Burnout

    Have you felt overwhelmed by your workload, unsure if you’re approaching burnout? You are not alone. Many professionals today are grappling with the pressures of work, leading to prolonged stress and employee burnout at an alarming rate. In this episode of Michael Levitt’s Guide to Achieving Work-Life Balance and Avoiding Burnout, Levitt, a global thought leader and the founder and Chief Burnout Officer of Breakfast Leadership, shares valuable insights into recognizing the signs of burnout and strategies for combating it.     🛏️ The Importance of Sleep in Combating Burnout   One of the critical elements Levitt emphasizes is the role of sleep. He explains that sleep isn’t just a luxury; it’s essential for recovery and cognitive function. Lack of sleep can be a major contributor to burnout, affecting your ability to navigate daily challenges effectively. In fact, studies show that getting better sleep can significantly improve productivity, helping to reduce the risks associated with burnout. Levitt suggests focusing on sleep hygiene and making sleep a priority, likening a good mattress and bedding to an investment in your well-being rather than a temporary luxury.     🗓️ Finding Balance: Establishing Boundaries   Establishing boundaries around work can help prevent burnout. Levitt discusses how he learned to avoid working nights and weekends, allowing himself personal time to recharge. He stresses that many professionals fall into the trap of neglecting personal life in favor of work, leading to feelings of emptiness and increasing stress levels. Recognizing the need for boundaries is crucial for managing workload and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. As Levitt puts it, “schedule time for the fun things in life” to combat the burnout problem proactively.     🚀 Understanding Your Work Environment   In the interview, Levitt highlights the need to assess one’s work environment. Are you working remotely? If so, it’s vital to create a physical and mental space that encourages productivity without blurring lines between personal and professional life. Stress and burnout can stem from an unorganized or chaotic workspace, so taking a moment to evaluate your environment can lead to substantial improvements.     ⚠️ Recognizing Symptoms of Burnout   Levitt urges listeners to become aware of the signs of burnout. Symptoms can range from fatigue and lack of motivation to physical ailments. It’s essential to acknowledge these signs early to avoid falling deeper into a burnout cycle. Michael Levitt shares his personal experiences of overlooking symptoms, which ultimately led to a heart attack—a wake-up call that changed his approach to work and life. By being vigilant about these signs, individuals can take preventative measures before burnout and stress becomes a state from which recovery feels impossible.     💡 Strategies for Overcoming Burnout   To avoid burnout, Levitt provides actionable strategies. He advocates for regular breaks, proper nutrition, and staying engaged with activities that bring joy, even when under pressure. Pursuing hobbies and spending time with friends can help maintain perspective and balance. Levitt emphasizes that “combating burnout is about recognizing what works for you” and making adjustments reflective of your individual needs.   In a society that often rewards overworking, it's essential to adopt a new mindset that values mental health and personal fulfillment. Levitt’s insights and practical advice equip listeners with the tools they need to navigate today's demanding work environments. If you’re ready to take action against burnout, start by prioritizing sleep, establishing boundaries, and nurturing your passions outside of work. Embracing these principles can lead to a healthier, more balanced life, empowering you to achieve the work-life harmony often thought to be unattainable.   For more resources and to dive deeper into

    29 min
  4. 29 AUG

    Josh Flower: Overcoming Failure and Mastering Daily Growth to Unlock Peak Performance

    Are you ready to elevate your performance and achieve your goals? In our latest episode, we dive deep into mindsets, resilience, and the transformative power of daily habits with Josh Flower, a top expert in sales and personal development. His insights could be the key to unlocking your full potential in both your personal and professional life.     💡 Mindset Matters: The Foundation of Success   Josh Flower shines a spotlight on mindset matters as he stresses the importance of having a growth-oriented perspective. A positive mindset allows individuals to overcome challenges and rebound from setbacks. It shapes how we respond to adversity and plays a crucial role in our self-discipline. Josh reveals that shifting one's mindset can fuel motivation and amplify productivity. Just like athletes, our performance can fluctuate based on our mental outlook; therefore, rethinking our narratives can lead us to success we might not realize we could achieve.     💪 Building Resilience Through Daily Routines   In this engaging dialogue, Josh emphasizes the significance of daily routines in fostering resilience. He shares a thought-provoking concept: daily grind is not about torturing oneself; instead, it’s the grind that creates strong discipline. It's all about the daily actions, he asserts. By finding joy in the disciplines we often deem mundane, we can cultivate a healthy relationship with those tasks. When life throws curveballs, having a structured routine allows us to persevere in the face of challenges, helping maintain a high level of performance even during trying times.     🌱 Growth Mindset: A Path to Personal and Professional Growth   Josh illustrates the core of a growth mindset: embracing challenges as tools for personal growth. Individuals with this mindset tend to reframe failures as learning opportunities. They understand that much effort is needed to go from where they are now to where they want to be. Whether looking to lose weight or scale an enterprise, success lies in viewing challenges as part of the journey. Even the setbacks can motivate us, he describes, reframing potential failures into avenues for learning.     📈 Overcoming Laziness with Purpose and Intent   One major barrier many face is the struggle against laziness. Josh highlights how many people grapple with self-imposed limitations. He advocates for getting serious about your goals and emphasizes that to earn money or achieve aspirations, one must break free from procrastination. His message is clear: be willing to march forward, regardless of your feelings about motivation on that particular day. This practical advice is crucial for entrepreneurs striving for success amidst daily distractions.     🧘‍♂️ Mindfulness in Life’s Pursuit of Goals   Another powerful component discussed is mindfulness—the awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings during daily routines. Josh encourages listeners to reflect on their daily actions and see if they align with their goals. This approach not only fosters personal growth but also cultivates a positive feedback loop, enhancing relationships in both personal and professional aspects of life.As the conversation unfolds, Josh provides practical strategies to amplify self-discipline and elevate the level of performance. He notes the importance of a strong support system, and a positive feedback mechanism, that reinforces the journey towards a better tomorrow.     🚀 Embarking on Your Journey to Success   In this enlightening episode, Josh Flower opens the door to many transformative concepts. The journey to peak performance requires consistent effort, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace the highs and lows of the process. Remember, much like getting rich, success doesn't happen overnight. To achieve your goals, you must cultivate resilience and nurture your growth mindset. Each small step contributes to your bigger ambitions.   By tuning into this insightful c

    33 min
  5. 22 AUG

    Managing Burnout: Strategies to Reclaim Your Life with Victoria Mensch

    Welcome back to Grow Your Impact, Income, and Influence, the number one show for aspiring entrepreneurs and personal development enthusiasts. In today's episode, host Steve is joined by Victoria Mensch, a Silicon Valley leader with over 25 years of experience and an MBA from Berkeley.   How can you achieve a life you love without sacrificing your well-being? In this captivating episode of our podcast, Victoria Mensch dives deep into the pressing issues of burnout and work-life harmony. Victoria provides invaluable insights that challenge conventional beliefs about passion and productivity. Discover why merely pursuing your passion may not be enough and how to reclaim your energy.     💡 The Silent Epidemic of Burnout   Burnout isn’t just a buzzword; it's a real and growing concern among professionals across industries. A staggering 76% of U.S. employees experience burnout on the job, according to a recent Gallup survey. Mensch's incredible insights stem from her rich background in both psychology and corporate leadership, where she witnessed the damaging effects of stress and exhaustion firsthand. She details how, in the tech-heavy landscape of Silicon Valley, the pressure to innovate can be overwhelming. The relentless pace can transform passion into a source of chronic stress.     ❖ Two Levels of Burnout   Mensch identifies two key levels of burnout: the physiological and the psychological. At the physiological level, burnout manifests as chronic stress reactions. When stress accumulates, it can deplete energy reserves and lead to emotional fatigue, disillusionment, and a sense of hopelessness. Mensch shares simple yet effective techniques to identify these symptoms, such as changes in sleep patterns and chronic fatigue, encouraging listeners to be proactive in understanding their stress reactions.     🌟 Creating Work-Life Harmony   Achieving work-life harmony isn't just about work-life balance—it's about finding alignment between what you love in life and what you do for a living. The key? Setting healthy boundaries. Mensch shares her personal experiences with strategies to prevent burnout, detailing how she gave the courage to prioritize self-care even when life gets tough. She emphasizes that incorporating small, enjoyable activities into daily routines—like pursuing hobbies or spending time in nature—can profoundly replenish one's energy.     💪 The Virtue of Self-Care   Mensch advocates for consistent self-care practices, illustrating that it doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Whether it's appreciating the little things or committing to a creative outlet, she underscores the importance of doing what you love—for its own sake. She emphasizes, “Self-care is dedicating time to the things you enjoy,” ensuring that listeners understand the heart of rejuvenation lies in personal enjoyment, not obligation.     🌍 Unique Paths to Recovery   Each person's path to recovery from burnout is different, and Mensch highlights that flexibility in one’s approach is essential. Just as Olympic athletes must balance intense training with necessary recovery, professionals must embrace their own unique rhythms. Mensch encourages listeners to view themselves as athletes in their personal and professional lives, recognizing the need for rest alongside hustle. To prevent burnout and create the life you love, creating “moments of joy” in life can help ignite that passion and sustain high-performance. Remember, happiness is a choice.     ✨ The Power of Community   Community plays a critical role in combating burnout. Mensch discusses her involvement in group programs and retreats, noting that connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide immense support and healing. Offering retreats in beautiful locations like Bali, she invites listeners to participate in an immersive experience that accelerates personal growth and resilience.Victoria Mensch's inte

    23 min
  6. 15 AUG

    What Shedding 315 Pounds Taught Drewbie Wilson About Crushing Sales Goals

    If someone told you that losing a hundred pounds could be your gateway to mastering sales, would you believe them? Drewbie Wilson didn’t just believe it; he lived it. His journey is a testament to the power of confidence, empathy, and relentless perseverance. In this podcast episode of Grow Your Impact, Income & Influence, let's delve into the compelling story of Drewbie Wilson and how losing weight became the cornerstone of his success in sales. ----more--------more----🏋️‍♂️ From 315 to 180: A Battle with Weight and Confidence ----more----Drewbie Wilson began his voyage weighing 315 pounds. His weight loss journey wasn't just about shedding pounds; it was about gaining confidence and redefining his self-worth. At various points in his life, Drewbie fluctuated from 315 to 215 to 280 pounds, ultimately settling around 200 pounds. But it wasn’t the weight that mattered most; it was the confidence that came with each pound lost. ----more----Confidence, as Drewbie explains, is a game-changer. When you start keeping promises to yourself, your brain rewires, building pathways that foster self-belief. This newfound assurance didn’t just change Drewbie's physical appearance, it transformed his outlook on life and business. It turns out, confidence is a physiological amplifier, leading to greater results in all endeavors, including sales. ----more--------more----📞 Call those Damn Leads: The Mantra for Doing the Work ----more----In the world of sales and marketing, leads are lifelines. One of Drewbie’s most significant takeaways from his experience was understanding the importance of doing the actual work. This realization crystallized in his mantra: Call the Damn Leads. This isn’t just about picking up the phone; it's about taking action and making connections, whether through calls, texts, or social media messages. ----more----Drewbie found success in the marketing and sales industry by embodying this mantra. When he initially started his marketing company, he generated leads but quickly learned that his clients were not acting on them. This frustration led him to create Call the Damn Leads, emphasizing that success comes from the less glamorous but necessary steps of closing the loop. ----more--------more----🌍 The Empathy-Confidence Connection in Sales ----more----Empathy and confidence are the two pillars of Drewbie’s sales philosophy. In his words, sales require understanding the client's perspective and having the self-confidence to guide them towards a solution. It’s about crafting rapport and breaking down walls of defensiveness that buyers often put up.The magic happens when humor is injected into the scenario. A light-hearted joke can diffuse tension and build a bridge of trust. After all, humor is a universal connector, and when buyers see salespeople as empathetic and human, they're more inclined to open up about their needs. This openness allows for genuine problem-solving, which is the essence of all successful sales interactions. ----more--------more----🚀 Simple, Not Easy: The Truth Behind the Success ----more----“Simplicity” is Drewbie's secret weapon. The tasks might be simple—like calling leads and sticking to diet plans—but simplicity doesn’t mean ease. The challenges are real, and it’s the relentless commitment to doing the straightforward, mundane tasks that pave the way for larger accomplishments.----more----Drewbie advocates for asking for more in sales conversations. This aligns with the idea that one's perceived value often needs external validation. If your product or service truly delivers, then asking for a higher price not only tests the market but also reinforces your confidence.----more----Drewbie’s story serves as a blueprint for anyone looking to balance personal and professional growth. Simple actions, repeated consistently, produce powerful results. Just like losing a hundred pounds is a pound-by-pound battle, mastering sales is a lead-by-le

    36 min
  7. 8 AUG

    Rising from the Ashes: Richard's Journey from Financial Ruin to Business Triumph

    What if everything you built in two decades came crashing down in a single day? This isn't just a hypothetical scenario but a reality that Richard Walsh, an entrepreneur, and best-selling author, faced head-on.Join us as we delve into his inspiring tale, navigating the treacherous waters of the 2008 financial crisis with six kids to support, only to rise again stronger. This podcast episode offers practical lessons on resilience, creativity, and strategic entrepreneurship that can empower anyone to unlock and reach their full potential. 🔍 The Collapse that Sparked Change In the 2008-2009 financial collapse, Richard Walsh experienced what many only dread. On November 5, 2008, he lost half a million dollars, marking the beginning of a financial freefall. For someone who had spent over 20 years building a business and achieving top performance, this was a devastating blow. But this crisis sparked a transformative journey of rebuilding from the ground up. 🧠 Mindset Matters: The Optimism Edge Unlike many who might be paralyzed by such a loss, Walsh possessed a unique, optimistic mindset. He doesn’t experience long-term depression, instead seeing challenges as solvable problems. This mental resilience was key in his strategic planning, allowing him to quickly pivot and re-strategize.His immediate response involved taking actionable steps, even if initially those actions weren't perfectly targeted. This proactive stance kept him moving forward rather than wallowing in despair. It enabled him to overcome challenges and seize opportunities, illustrating how innovative ideas can change the way we navigate adversity. 📈 Rebuilding Brick by Brick Walsh didn't reinvent the wheel overnight. He began with foundational changes, focusing on price adjustments for his services, which he found were typically underestimated by many contractors. By re-evaluating pricing strategies, he provided guidance and helped businesses realize they could charge significantly more than they thought possible, often double.He then wrote a book titled Escape the Owner Prison, aimed at teaching business owners how to scale, regain control, and fast-track growth while enjoying life. This book underscored his philosophy that a balanced life and business, where one doesn’t have to sacrifice personal happiness for professional success, is achievable. 🛠 Building a System for Success One of the critical steps Richard implemented was creating robust systems. He mapped out job functions clearly, ensuring everyone knew their roles and responsibilities, thus reducing workplace chaos and cultivating an increase in productivity. This systematic approach to business enabled employees to navigate and thrive in their lanes without being overwhelmed by unpredictable tasks.He also focused on the hiring processes and how to manage staff effectively. By fostering an environment where staff were not constantly pinballing between jobs, he created a more stable and efficient working environment. ✨ The Power of Creativity and Innovation Walsh didn’t stop at rebuilding his contracting business; he leveraged his creativity to diversify his endeavors. His transition from creating water features to high-end custom swimming pools exemplifies how innovation can be seamlessly applied across different business ventures. Each step of his journey reflects and emphasizes the importance of framing it as a question to ask—“How can I?”—rather than settling on “This can’t be done.”This mindset paved the way for his coaching career, guiding other entrepreneurs to reclaim their lives while scaling their businesses. His mission now targets helping 10,000 business owners gain freedom, profit, and impact. 🚀 Richard Walsh Today: Coaching and Beyond Richard’s trajectory from devastating loss to influential coach and author is both inspiring and instructive. His ability to maintain a positive outlook and methodically rebuild showcases a blueprint that can be

    30 min


This podcast showcases the stories, struggles, and breakthroughs of coaches, consultants, authors, bloggers, YouTubers, influencers, service providers, and entrepreneurs of all types.

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