Holistic Moms | Daily Habits, Mom Stress, Holistic Wellness, Mom Rage, Mom Guilt, Anxious Mom, Biblical Mindset, Intentional

Shan Wright | Wellness Mentor, Christian Mom Mentor, Holistic Nurse, Accountability Coach, Speaker
Holistic Moms | Daily Habits, Mom Stress, Holistic Wellness, Mom Rage, Mom Guilt, Anxious Mom, Biblical Mindset, Intentional

Hey Mama, are you overwhelmed by the lack of time in the day to do ALL the things? Do you want more balance with prioritizing all the balls you juggle? Are you feeling disconnected from God, husband and even kids, because patience, presence and peace seem out of reach? Do you want a healthier body, mind, spirit AND home, but don’t even know where to start? I’m so excited you are here! This podcast will help you be intentional with your precious 24 hours, feel more connected to God and your family, find peace and security in who you are and how to care holistically for ALL the people AND YOU! Hey, I’m Shan Wright, daughter of the King, wife, mom to 4, RN, Wellness coach. I know very well what it feels like to want to live well, but completely overwhelmed, anxious and about to lose it with my very #blessed full life! I let these feelings take control which led to more chaos, more frustrations and deeper disconnections to my people and myself. After realizing I can’t pour from an empty cup and postpartum anxiety, I sought the Prince of PEACE and tracked my way to whole body wellness. By courageously taking action into simple holistic solutions for accountability and intentional living, I found the way to peace and I’m so excited to share it with you! If you are ready to: ..... cancel the stressed out life ......learn how to live intentionally as a mom wearing many hats ......find holistic health, time and home management solutions ......Resulting in more confidence, more peace, and more joy raising Kingdom Kids -----> this podcast is for you! Let’s get our heads out of the goldfish and laundry bins and courageously tap into this beautifully hard motherhood journey….TOGETHER! Come on, we got this! Really, God’s got this! Go, heat up that coffee (agaaain) turn your listening ears on, let’s chat mama! * * CONNECT: EMAIL: hello@theshanwright.com WEBSITE: www.theshanwright.com INSTAGRAM: Instagram.com/theshanwright/ FB community: bit.ly/holistichacks disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

  1. 9 HR AGO

    152 // Breathe & Be Still: Replace Toxic Thoughts with Faith for EVERY Challenge

    Hey Wellness Warrior Mama!  Welcome to another breath prayer episode, in the Breathe and be still series. Let's breathe and be still and know that He is Lord and you are safe, known, loved by Him. In light of the Bold Blueprint launching into the world and this message God has given me to help his daughters live with less stress, overwhelm, busyness and more peace, energy, purpose and intentionality— I share this breath prayer today. Because it takes courage to step forward out of the cycle of burn out, busyness or stress. It takes courage to step out of the status quo and declare you will live from peace and purpose and not fall to motherhood the world's way. It is a challenge that you can overcome! verse: 'the Lord said to my Lord, " sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." Acts 2:34-35 Get in a comfortable position, can do this anywhere at any time. Closing your eyes is a good way to focus, unless driving.  INHALE.... deep breath.....expand chest and lungs... each one taking deeper...speak words out audiblyEXHALE...breathe out audibly... let all the muscles and tension relax…speak words out audibly 3 min : inhale: Every challenge I face exhale: is already under God's feet  If you desire for less stress in your life and more time on things that matter- like spiritual wellness, then the Bold Blueprint is for you!! Doors are now opened for this 12 week course and 6 month coaching program for less stress and more peace in your holistic life. Check it out at www.theshanwright.com/bold or ask me questions at hello@theshanwright.com to see if it’s right for you! Shalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT…… 🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    6 min
  2. 4 DAYS AGO

    151 // Busy? Why Your Schedule Might Be Stealing Your Time & Purpose

    Hey Wellness Warrior Mama!  Today, we’re going to have a real, heart-to-heart conversation—one that might step on your toes a little bit, but I promise it’s coming from a place of love. Because I was once you. If you would say you are a high achiever, busy mama, then listen up... Today I'm talking directly to this person who says... "I’m a high achiever. I like to stay busy. I don’t really feel stressed out. What do you have to say to me?" You see this was me! I am such a high achiever and manage a full large plate very well....but that's not what it's all about... There is an Illusion of Busyness vs. True Productivity....And there is a trick of the enemy to keep you busy and distracted, away from producing fruit! If you desire for less stress in your life and more time on things that matter- like spiritual wellness, then the Bold Blueprint is for you!! Doors are now opened for this 12 week course and 6 month coaching program for less stress and more peace in your holistic life. Check it out at www.theshanwright.com/bold or ask me questions at hello@theshanwright.com to see if it’s right for you! Shalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT…… 🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    16 min
  3. 25 FEB

    150 // 3 Steps for Less Stress and More Time in the Bible with Erika Diaz-Castro

    Hey mama, If you want to read the Bible more, but have no time to do it, or don’t really have the desire to prioritize it then today’s conversation is for you. If you just love a good testimony of God’s redemption, grace and faithfulness, then today’s conversation is for you! I had an amazing conversation with Erika Diaz-Castro where we talked about everything from anxiety, new age and cancer to discipleship, near death experiences and how to read the Bible.  Erika is a Christ follower, wife, and mama. She founded Her Renewed Strength Co. to get more women in God’s Word. Through private coaching and Her Renewed Strength — The Podcast, she shares about all things Bible and theology to help Christian women grow in their faith. Erika is currently completing a Master of Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. When she’s not with her family or completing coursework, she’s probably reading, writing, and enjoying a good cup of coffee.If you desire for less stress in your life and more time on things that matter- like spiritual wellness, then the Bold Blueprint is for you!! Doors are now opened for this 12 week course and 6 month coaching program for less stress and more peace in your holistic life. Check it out at www.theshanwright.com/bold or ask me questions at hello@theshanwright.com to see if it’s right for you! Shalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT…… WITH ERIKA DIAZ-CASTROResources she mentioned: - The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism- The CSB Grace Bible for kids (with dyslexia)- Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum Year 1- Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum Year 1 Teacher Guide: EWebsite: Her Renewed Strength Facebook Community: herrenewedstrength.com/community Contact email: erika@herrenewedstrength.com 🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    40 min
  4. 21 FEB

    149 // LIVE COACHING: The Simple Method to Stop Stressing About Time

    Hey mama friend! Today I share a live coaching session with a mama just like you! She is feeling stressed by time and not having enough time to do all that she has to do. Listen in as I coach her on HOW to decrease time anxiety!  Here’s the truth: You don’t need more hours in the day. You need a better way to use them. you are exactly in the right place. That’s exactly why I created The Bold Blueprint—a 12-week faith-based course + coaching experience designed to help you take back your time, reduce stress, and finally feel at peace in your daily life. 🌟 Inside, you’ll learn:✅ How to break free from time anxiety and stop feeling behind✅ Simple, faith-centered strategies to prioritize what truly matters✅ How to create margin in your day—without guilt✅ Practical stress management techniques to stop the burnout cycle how to balance work, family and self with peace and purpose. This is NOT about adding more to your plate—it’s about doing less, but doing it with purpose and intention. Because you were made on purpose for a great purpose. You are amasterpiece and how you spend your time is how you spend your life! You were created to do big things in this life. This 12 week course + coaching will support you with building holistic healthy habits you will build a sustainable way of living that helps you stay calm, patient and present-  even when the to-do list is long.  If you are ready to be done surviving and ready to take bold (baby steps) into the purpose and life that God has planned for you then here is your encouragement to take that bold step and click HERE! The Bold Blueprint Beta Group is opened through Sunday!! (cheapest price it will ever be!!)  If you have questions, concerns, or need a private (free) Stress Relief Sesh, book that at bit.ly/chatwithshan Shalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT……  🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    16 min
  5. 18 FEB

    148 // The First Step She Took to Get Out of Burnout

    Hey mama friend,  If you’re feeling burnt out, exhausted, and stuck in survival mode, I want you to know—you are not alone. But I also need to tell you something that might challenge you a little… You don’t have to stay here. You might feel like you’re in the wilderness right now—running on empty, losing patience, snapping at your kids, feeling like there’s never enough time or energy to go around. But mama, God never meant for you to live in survival mode. He has more for you. Today, I want to speak straight to your heart, share a powerful testimony from a mom just like you, and give you a challenge: It’s time to take courage and step into your promised land. Then go register right now for the Find More Time Workshop 🥳 I'm hosting it on Tuesday, February 18th and 19th. ! If you desire to have more time, energy, peace while in the middle of motherhood while raising Kingdom Kids, then join me for this FREE 2 hour workshop (1 hour each day). I will show you how to decrease anxiety, overwhelm, stress and find divine time! PLUS, get in on the 2k Giveaway just for registering! Go to www.theshanwright.com/time to register today!   If you have questions, concerns, or need a private (free) Stress Relief Sesh, book that at bit.ly/chatwithshanShalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT……  🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    18 min
  6. 14 FEB

    147 // You Don't Have Time NOT To Do This One (SIMPLE) Thing!

    Hey mama, Are you feeling stressed, anxious and maybe even burnt out??  You want MORE time (alone maybe) and let’s be real—this isn’t just about managing and prioritizing time. You want to be present. You want to have fun with your kids, not feel like they are so annoying! You want more peace in your days instead of feeling like you’re barely keeping up. Here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be this way. I know, because I’ve been there. It wasn’t until I stopped trying to do everything and started focusing on doing the right things that everything changed. Now, I want to show you exactly how I did it. Join me for the Find More Time Workshop on February 18th & 19th! This 2-day, hands-on workshop is designed to help you stop feeling overwhelmed and finally take back control of your time. Here’s what you’ll learn: ✅ Why you always feel like you don’t have enough time—and what to do instead .✅ simple ways to reduce your stress to have more JOY instead of momrage and mom guilt .✅ The exact strategies to help you prioritize what matters—without feeling guilty. Oh and most importantly what the Creator of time has to say! This is NOT just another time-management course. We’re talking live coaching, real-life application, and simple shifts that will change the way you use your time—forever. Plus, we’re making it fun! 🎉💛 Quick, to-the-point teaching.💛 Easy-to-implement strategies for instant results.💛 A supportive community of moms who get it. And if you’re worried about missing it live—don’t stress. You’ll get access to the replay when you register! PLUS entry into the FUN giveaway!! I'm giving away over $2000 in prizes!! what?! Mama, you actually don’t have time to NOT come! Register now at www.theshanwright.com/time See ya there!! Shalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT……  🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    20 min
  7. 11 FEB

    146 // Don't Stress, You Don't Have to Be a Crunchy Mom to Be a Holistic Mom

    Welcome Warrior Mama! 💪  If you’ve ever felt like living a healthy, holistic life means you have to go all in—only organic food, no meds ever, DIY everything—let me tell you right now: That’s not true. You do not have to be a 'crunchy mom'—making sourdough from scratch, homeschooling your kids, and growing all your own food—to live a holistic, healthy life. Holistic wellness doesn’t mean perfection or fitting into a label. It simply means you recognize that all areas of your life are connected—your mind, body, spirit, emotions—and you make intentional choices to support your overall well-being. So today, we’re breaking down what being a holistic mom really looks like and how you can embrace it in a way that actually works for your busy life.And if that sounds dreamy, then go register right now for the Find More Time Workshop 🥳 It’s  BACK and even better!  I'm hosting it on Tuesday, February 18th and 19th. ! If you desire to have more time, energy, peace while in the middle of motherhood while raising Kingdom Kids, then join me for this FREE 2 hour workshop (1 hour each day). I will show you how to decrease anxiety, overwhelm, stress and find divine time! Go to www.theshanwright.com/time to register today!  If you have questions, concerns, or need a private (free) Stress Relief Sesh, book that at bit.ly/chatwithshan Shalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT……  🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    14 min
  8. 7 FEB

    145 // 4 Simple Ways to Spend Your Time That Reduce Stress

    Welcome Warrior Mama! 💪This episode is for you! Because it is about TIME and we ALL have the same amount of Time in the day!I want you to know that if you’ve ever felt like there’s just never enough time and your stress levels are through the roof, you are not alone. But here’s the thing—how we spend our time has a direct impact on how we feel. Today, I’m sharing 4 powerful ways to spend your time that will actually reduce your stress, bring you peace, and help you feel more present in your daily life. These aren’t more to-dos to add to your already packed schedule. Instead, think of these as intentional ways to pour into your life so you can pour out to others from a place of peace instead of exhaustion. And if that sounds dreamy, then go register right now for the Find More Time Workshop 🥳 It’s  BACK and even better!  I'm hosting it on Tuesday, February 18th and 19th. ! If you desire to have more time, energy, peace while in the middle of motherhood while raising Kingdom Kids, then join me for this FREE 2 hour workshop (1 hour each day). I will show you how to decrease anxiety, overwhelm, stress and find divine time! Go to www.theshanwright.com/time to register today!  If you have questions, concerns, or need a private (free) Stress Relief Sesh, book that at bit.ly/chatwithshan Shalom Shalom,  Xx, Shan  ……CONNECT……  🗓️ WORK WITH SHAN  🌱Natural GLP-1 for fat loss- coupon attached  🌱 Natural Supplements for less Anxiety 🎉 Join the Courageous Village  🥳  FREE Belief Poem for Kids Disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

    23 min



Hey Mama, are you overwhelmed by the lack of time in the day to do ALL the things? Do you want more balance with prioritizing all the balls you juggle? Are you feeling disconnected from God, husband and even kids, because patience, presence and peace seem out of reach? Do you want a healthier body, mind, spirit AND home, but don’t even know where to start? I’m so excited you are here! This podcast will help you be intentional with your precious 24 hours, feel more connected to God and your family, find peace and security in who you are and how to care holistically for ALL the people AND YOU! Hey, I’m Shan Wright, daughter of the King, wife, mom to 4, RN, Wellness coach. I know very well what it feels like to want to live well, but completely overwhelmed, anxious and about to lose it with my very #blessed full life! I let these feelings take control which led to more chaos, more frustrations and deeper disconnections to my people and myself. After realizing I can’t pour from an empty cup and postpartum anxiety, I sought the Prince of PEACE and tracked my way to whole body wellness. By courageously taking action into simple holistic solutions for accountability and intentional living, I found the way to peace and I’m so excited to share it with you! If you are ready to: ..... cancel the stressed out life ......learn how to live intentionally as a mom wearing many hats ......find holistic health, time and home management solutions ......Resulting in more confidence, more peace, and more joy raising Kingdom Kids -----> this podcast is for you! Let’s get our heads out of the goldfish and laundry bins and courageously tap into this beautifully hard motherhood journey….TOGETHER! Come on, we got this! Really, God’s got this! Go, heat up that coffee (agaaain) turn your listening ears on, let’s chat mama! * * CONNECT: EMAIL: hello@theshanwright.com WEBSITE: www.theshanwright.com INSTAGRAM: Instagram.com/theshanwright/ FB community: bit.ly/holistichacks disclaimer: Information given within the podcast is not intended for medical advice, rather advice and encouragement for developing wellness habits for healthy living.

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