No Borders Media

No Borders Media
No Borders Media Podcast

NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media (Toronto/Montreal) fb: soundcloud: mastodon: bluesky: instagram: threads: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

  1. What’s Going Down? A look at the upcoming year of resisting the far-right & fascism in the USA

    7 JAN

    What’s Going Down? A look at the upcoming year of resisting the far-right & fascism in the USA

    January 7, 2024 – On this episode of No Borders Media, we take a close look at US politics as we enter what will be a presidential election year. We explore the grassroots movements fighting for justice and dignity in the USA, and the disturbing continued normalization of far-right and fascist politics. To discuss these and other issues, No Borders Media speaks with It’s Going Down, an online community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements across North America. For more info about It’s Going Down, visit: Some of the topics covered in this interview with It’s Going Down include - local struggles against police militarization, including the inspiring Stop Cop City campaign - Palestine solidarity actions and the weaponization of anti-Semitism, - the dual cost of living and housing crises - anti-prison and prisoner justice struggles - queer, trans and drag defence solidarity actions - the mainstream right-wing’s strategy to demonize migrants - and, not surprisingly, Trump, Biden, and the upcoming US election We start our broadcast with an appreciation of Indigenous anti-colonial warrior Klee Benally, who sadly passed on just before New Year’s Day. —-- No Borders Media will be broadcasting regularly this year. Locally, in Montreal, you can hear us on the first Thursday of every month from 5-6pm, as part of Off The Hour on CKUT 90.3fm in Montreal. But, you can also listen to our own regular podcasts and broadcasts. Check out No Borders Media on soundcloud, and on our active social media, including facebook, instagram, bluesky, threads, twitter and mastodon, for links to upcoming and previous shows. No Borders Media shares and creates content in support of the struggles of the working class and oppressed peoples, and in opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Happy New Year, and let’s organize to make 2024 a year of resistance and revolt against the far-right and fascism. —-- - Interview recorded on January 3, 2024 - Broadcast on CKUT 90.3fm, 5-6pm, in Montreal, on January 4, 2024. - Podcast uploaded on January 7, 2024.

    1h 15m
  2. A Critical Engagement with Extinction Rebellion: Interview with Mei Chiu & Alex Shiraz


    A Critical Engagement with Extinction Rebellion: Interview with Mei Chiu & Alex Shiraz

    A Critical Engagement with Extinction Rebellion Quebec: Interview with Mei Chiu & Alex Shiraz -> Listen, download and share: On the eve of the Climate Strike, No Borders Media speaks with two people of colour members of Extinction Rebellion Quebec: Mei Chiu and Alex Shiraz. This extended interview is a critical engagement with Extinction Rebellion, which has become known in the UK , and increasingly in Quebec, for their disruptive non-violent direct actions to raise awareness about the climate crisis. The first half of the interview explores the origins, actions and organizing of Extinction Rebellion, including some reflections on intergenerational organizing and activist burnout. In the second half, we examine the left-wing critiques of Extinction Rebellion more deeply, including their seeming de-emphasis of anti-capitalism and anti-colonialism, the persistent white, liberal, middle class centering of environmentalism in the West, and the problematic tactic of pure non-violence. -> Listen, download and share: This interview was recorded, in-studio, on September 25, 2019 in Montreal. About Extinction Rebellion Quebec: ------- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

    1h 9m
  3. Indigenous Resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, with Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel


    Indigenous Resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion, with Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel

    Indigenous Resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion: No Borders Media feature interview with Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel -> Listen, download and share: On this episode of No Borders Media, we speak to two Indigenous warriors on the frontlines of resistance to pipelines and resource extraction: Kanahus Manuel and Mayuk Manuel of the Tiny House Warriors and the Secwepemc Women Warriors. They have actively resisted the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project, which would move tar sands crude and refined oil from Alberta to the British Columbia coast. Just outside the injunction zone around the proposed pipeline expansion at Blue River, British Columbia, north of Kamloops, Kanahus and Mayuk speak to No Borders Media by phone and address several topics including: an update about current opposition efforts against 518 km of Trans Mountain pipeline corridor on Secwepemc territory, the impact of man camps used to construct the expansion, the use of wheeled tiny houses as a tactic of resistance, a recent symposium in celebration of the life and ideas of Arthur Manuel, ongoing criminalization of Land Defenders, the various flawed consultation processes to try to force through pipeline approval, and solidarity between Indigenous land defence struggles across Turtle Island. -> Listen, download and share: --------- SHOW NOTES: This interview was recorded on September 15, 2019; Kanahus & Mayuk Manuel were speaking from Blue River (Secwepemc Nation). Music: "Wake-up Song" by George Manuel Jr, recorded live in April 2015 in Neskonlith (Secwepemc Nation). The dog heard in the background during the interview is named Tsetse, named after character from Secwepemc stories. Her name means "little sister" and she is a Norwegian Elk Hound cross. BACKGROUND: Symposium: Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy August 24, 2019 (Adams Lake, Secwepemc Nation) Kanahus Manuel on resistance to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline September 1, 2018 (No Borders Media) DONATE: Consider a donation to support the Indigenous resistance efforts against Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion: Tiny House Warriors Fundraiser Secwepemc Nation Youth Network ---------- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

    1h 17m
  4. Insurgent Politics & Hong Kong's Existential Crisis, An Anti-Authoritarian Left Perspective


    Insurgent Politics & Hong Kong's Existential Crisis, An Anti-Authoritarian Left Perspective

    Insurgent Politics and Hong Kong's Existential Crisis, An Anti-Authoritarian Left Perspective with Edward Hon-Sing Wong Listen, download and share -> In this No Borders Media audio dispatch, we get perspective on the protest movement in Hong Kong from Edward Hon-Sing Wong, a migrant justice and labour organizer based in Toronto, part of the Hong Kong diaspora. He authored the article Insurgent Politics against the Backdrop of Hong Kong’s Existential Crisis. In this feature interview, Edward provides background to the current protest movement, as well as an analysis of the dynamics of the insurgent politics and contested terrain of struggle withing the immense and disruptive protests. We also get a sense of the politics of the Hong Kong and Chinese diaspora in relation to the current insurgency, including the challenges organizing within Chinese communities, and countering "yellow peril" tropes. Background: - Insurgent Politics against the Backdrop of Hong Kong’s Existential Crisis (Edward Hon-Sing Wong) - Hong Kong protests: Imagining the end of the police - Lausan: Sharing decolonial left perspectives on Hong Kong Music: Hong Kong working class anthem "Half a Catty, Eight Taels" by Sam Hui. Photo by Deacon Lui ( Interview recorded on September 5, 2019. ----- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

    44 min
  5. Ellen Gabriel on continued land fraud by Canada on the Homelands of the Iroquois Confederacy


    Ellen Gabriel on continued land fraud by Canada on the Homelands of the Iroquois Confederacy

    Feature interview with Ellen Gabriel about continued land fraud by Canada on the Homelands of the Iroquois Confederacy Listen, download and share -> In this No Borders Media audio dispatch (recorded on August 30, 2019), we speak with artist and activist Ellen Gabriel of the Turtle Clan from Kanehsatà:ke. She speaks out about continued land fraud  by Canada on the Homelands of the Iroquois Confederacy. We get perspective and insight from Ellen about the recent land conflicts in Kanehsatà:ke, and the demands being made by the People of The Longhouse on Justin Trudeau and the federal government. For background on the demands made to the federal government by the People of the Longhouse, visit: (Music: "Yuck-Sue-Yaach" by the Snotty Nose Rez Kids) ----- Here are some other recent No Borders Media podcasts of interest: - Feature interview with Gord Hill, author of THE ANTIFA COMIC BOOK (October 18, 2018) - Exclusive: Kanahus Manuel on resistance to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline (September 1, 2018) - #MacdonaldMustFall: Interview with Krista and Natasha of Idle No More Kingston (January 4, 2018) NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact:   You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

    33 min
  6. Solidarity with the Migrant Caravan from Honduras to the USA; denouncing Canadian complicity


    Solidarity with the Migrant Caravan from Honduras to the USA; denouncing Canadian complicity

    Solidarity with the Migrant Caravan from Honduras to the USA; denouncing Canadian complicity. A feature No Borders Media interview with migrant justice organizers Stacey Gomez and Yurissa Varela -> Listen, download and share here: On this edition of No Borders Media, we explore in more detail the recent migrant caravan that courageously traveled from Honduras, through Guatemala, to the US-Mexico border. We speak with two migrant justice organizers - Stacey Gomez and Yurissa Varela - who are based in Halifax and Ottawa respectively, but also with strong links to Central America. Together, Stacey and Yurissa provide basic background about the caravan, including an eye-witness account from Veracruz, Mexico by Yurissa. They break down the lies and myths about the caravan perpetuated by the Trump administration, the far-right, and much of the mainstream media. Stacey and Yurissa describe the mutual aid between migrants, and solidarity expressed by supporters of the caravan during its journey. There is a focus on the situation of LGBTQ+ migrants, as well as the current women-led hunger strike in Tijuana by caravan participants. Importantly, we together breakdown Canadian state and corporate complicity in creating the displacement of Central Americans, such as the role of destructive mining companies like Goldcorp and Aura Minerals in Honduras and Guatemala. We also focus on debunking Canada's role as some sort of state that welcomes migrants, in the context of the continued imposition of the Safe Third Country Agreement with the USA, as well as the deportation of migrants who reside in Canada, such as Lucy Francineth Granados who was forcibly deported to Guatemala in April. This interview was recorded on December 3, 2018, by Jaggi Singh of No Borders Media. The interview ends with the track Pa'l Norte by Calle 13. -> Listen, download and share here: ------- Here are some other recent No Borders Media podcasts of interest: - Grassroots Black Canada & Opposing the Deportation of Abdoul Abdi (interview with El Jones) Listen here: - Mina Ramos (End Immigration Detention Network) on deaths in CBSA custody Listen here: - #OccupyICE and #AbolishICE actions in the USA; interview with Mapache from Occupy ICE San Antonio Listen here: - No Borders Media News Roundup Podcast #1 (Prison Strike, Trump Resistance, Opposing the Far-Right, and more!) with El Jones (Halifax), Jaggi Singh (Montreal), Syed Hussan (Toronto) & Harjap Grewal (Vancouver) Listen here: ------- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. You can find our podcasts at google play, itunes, stitcher and pocketcasts. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact:

    54 min
  7. We Will Outlive Them: For a World without Pogroms, for a Future without Fascism


    We Will Outlive Them: For a World without Pogroms, for a Future without Fascism

    We Will Outlive Them: For a World without Pogroms, for a Future without Fascism No Borders Media interview with Moishe & Sharona, on contemporary Jewish Anti-Fascism -> Listen, download and share here: On this No Borders Media audio dispatch, we get insight into contemporary Jewish Anti-Fascism with two individuals involved with the recent Outlive Them call to action (info: The call for anti-racist actions, between November 8 to 11, coincided with the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the violent precursor to the horror of the Holocaust. The actions this year had particular resonance due to the Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre in late October. For perspective on modern Jewish Anti-Fascism, No Borders Media spoke with Sharona and Moishe of Outlive Them. Moishe is also a member of the Muslim-Jewish Anti-Fascist Front. Together, Sharona and Moishe address the current epidemic proportions of worldwide anti-Semitism, solidarity between movements and peoples fighting oppression, Jewish histories of struggle and resistance, and militant tactics and strategies of anti-fascism. This interview was recorded on November 15, 2018, by Jaggi Singh for No Borders Media, and includes The Partisan Song, composed and sung in Yiddish by Emma Schaver. -> Listen, download and share here: -> Outlive Them: For a World without Pogroms, for a Future without Fascism: ------- Here are some other recent No Borders Media podcasts of interest: - Reflections on anti-racist strategy and tactics after the Bannon/Frum protest: Discussion with Sharmeen Khan, Maya Menezes & Rachel Small Listen here: - Feature interview with Gord Hill, author of THE ANTIFA COMIC BOOK: 100 Years of Fascism and Antifa Movements Around The World (Arsenal Pulp Press) Listen here: - No Borders Media News Round-up Podcast #4: The election of the CAQ & Racism in Quebec Listen here: - Resisting the right-wing Ford government and the far-right in Ontario: A conversation with Toronto-area left-wing activists Desmond Cole, Niloofar Golkar, Syed Hussan & Sharmeen Khan Listen here: - No Borders Media feature interview with members of Rose City Antifa (Portland, OR) Listen here: - Grassroots Black Canada & Opposing the Deportation of Abdoul Abdi (interview with El Jones) Listen here: - Butterfly Sabrina Gopaul, Jane-Finch Action Against Poverty, on community resistance to racism Listen here: ------- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook, twitter and soundcloud. You can also find our podcast at googleplay, itunes, stitcher and pockets casts. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact:

    1h 4m
  8. 58 000 étudiants en grève cette semaine au Québec; entrevue avec Kassie et Mathilde de la CUTE


    58 000 étudiants en grève cette semaine au Québec; entrevue avec Kassie et Mathilde de la CUTE

    Au moins 58 000 étudiant.e.s en grève cette semaine au Québec Entrevue avec Mathilde Laforge et Kassie Raymond de la Campagne sur le travail étudiant (CUTE), sur la grève de cette semaine pour demander la fin des stages étudiants non rémunérés -> Écoutez, téléchargez et partagez ici: Vous écoutez No Borders Media. Cette semaine au Québec, plus de 55 000 étudiant.e.s seront en grève, la plus grande grève des dernières années. Cette grève est différente dans la mesure où ce sont les étudiant.e.s stagiaires, issus principalement de programmes techniques et professionnels, qui sont le moteur de la grève. Ces stagiaires exigent la fin du travail non rémunéré et une juste compensation pour leurs stages. Les emplois occupés par ces stagiaires - dans l'enseignement, le travail social, les soins infirmiers, les sage-femmes et d'autres professions - représentent des emplois effectués majoritairement par des femmes. La grève de cette semaine est un effort féministe, inspiré par les campagnes «Wages for Housework» des années 1970s, autant que par les efforts récents pour résister au capitalisme néolibéral. Pour faire le point sur la grève de cette semaine, No Borders Media a discuté avec deux organisatrices et grévistes étudiantes impliquées dans les comités autonomes de la Campagne pour le travail étudiant (CUTE). À la veille de la grève, nous discutons avec Mathilde Laforge et Kassie Raymond, qui seront en grève cette semaine. Cette interview a été enregistrée le 18 novembre 2018. -> Écoutez ici: Pour plus d'informations sur la grève des étudiant.e.s stagiaires: - - ---------- NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media, basée à Toronto et à Montréal, est un réseau de médias autonome de gauche. Nous partageons et créons des contenus qui soutiennent les luttes des communautés en résistance, en mettant l'accent sur les luttes d'autodétermination des peuples autochtones, des migrants, des réfugiés et les personnes racisées de classe populaire, tous dans le contexte de l'opposition au capitalisme et au colonialisme. Nous sommes au début de notre projet de média indépendant. Pour rester en contact, envoyez-nous un courriel à ou recherchez No Borders Media sur facebook, twitter ou soundcloud. Beaucoup plus à venir dans les prochaines semaines et mois. fb: soundcloud: twitter: contact: Vous pouvez télécharger les podcasts de No Borders Media ici: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

    37 min


NO BORDERS MEDIA No Borders Media is an autonomous left-wing media network. We share and create content that supports the struggles of communities in resistance, with a focus on the self-determination struggles of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and working class people of colour in the context of opposition to capitalism and colonialism. Some current focuses include: migrant justice, resistance to borders, anti-fascism and anarchism. We are in the early stages our independent media project. To stay in touch send us an e-mail at or look for No Borders Media on facebook and soundcloud. Much more to come in the coming weeks and months. No Borders Media (Toronto/Montreal) fb: soundcloud: mastodon: bluesky: instagram: threads: twitter: contact: You can download No Borders Media podcasts here: google play: itunes: stitcher: pocketcasts:

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