169 episodes

We are a Calvary Chapel Church located on the beautiful Oregon Coast. We study through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter.

South Beach Church Pastor Luke Frechette

    • Religion & Spirituality

We are a Calvary Chapel Church located on the beautiful Oregon Coast. We study through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter.

    Why you need to serve with passion. (Mark 1:32-45)

    Why you need to serve with passion. (Mark 1:32-45)

    In a world filled with distractions and temptations, it's easy to lose sight of our purpose. But today, I offer a profound message that will help you rediscover your calling and lead a life of fulfillment.

    Inspired by the teachings of Jesus in Mark chapter one, I invite you to embark on a journey of service, humility, and unwavering focus.

    1. Identify Your Role:

    Jesus taught that he came "not to be served, but to serve." This principle applies to all of us. When you understand your unique role in life, you'll find a deep sense of contentment and purpose. Ask yourself: What am I called to do in my community, family, and workplace?

    2. Establish a Routine:

    Protecting your role requires a consistent routine. By setting aside time for prayer and connecting with your purpose, you'll minimize distractions. Develop a morning ritual that prepares you for the day ahead, grounding you in your mission.

    3. Know Your Route:

    Once you know your role, determine the path you'll take to fulfill it. This involves setting goals, planning, and seeking guidance from those who support you. Remember, every step you take should align with your purpose.

    4. Embrace Compassion:

    When you encounter people who are struggling, extend a helping hand with compassion. As Jesus did with the leper, show love and understanding to those who may be marginalized or broken. By serving others, you not only bring healing but also fulfill your own purpose.

    5. Value Purity:

    In the story of the leper, Jesus commanded him to be cleansed. This represents the need to purify ourselves from sin and negative influences. Seek forgiveness and allow the transformative power of the Holy Spirit to fill you. By embracing purity, you'll become a beacon of hope and healing for others.

    6. Share Your Testimony:

    Don't keep your experiences to yourself. Share your testimony of how God has worked in your life. By doing so, you inspire others to seek their own healing and embrace their purpose. Remember, your story can be a powerful tool to advance the kingdom.

    7. Stay Focused on Your Mission:

    In the midst of distractions, stay true to your purpose. Keep your eyes fixed on the goal and don't be swayed by temptations. Protect your time and energy by saying no to activities that don't support your mission.

    Embracing a life of service and purpose is not always easy, but it is infinitely rewarding. By following the principles outlined here, you'll discover the joy of fulfilling your role, making a difference in the world, and leaving a lasting legacy reflecting the love and compassion of the Lord.

    #calvarychapel #jesuschrist #service #godswill #joy

    Palm Sunday (Matthew 21)

    Palm Sunday (Matthew 21)

    Embracing Hope and Humility: The Triumphal Entry of Jesus

    As we embark on the journey of Holy Week, we are reminded of the profound significance of Palm Sunday, a pivotal event that marked Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This momentous occasion is not merely a historical account but a powerful testament to the hope and humility that should characterize our lives as followers of Christ.

    The Path to Glory: Humility and Authority

    As Jesus approached Jerusalem, he fulfilled the ancient prophecy by choosing to ride on a humble donkey. This act was a deliberate display of humility, reflecting his mission to serve humanity, not to conquer it. By entering Jerusalem in this way, Jesus demonstrated his unwavering commitment to God's plan and his disdain for earthly power and glory.

    Hosanna: A Cry of Hope and Adoration

    The crowds that gathered to greet Jesus burst forth in shouts of "Hosanna!" a Hebrew expression meaning "Save us!" These fervent pleas acknowledged both Jesus' status as the Son of David, the long-awaited Messiah, and their desperate need for redemption and salvation. The people's cries of hope and adoration echoed through the streets, reminding us of the yearning within every human heart for a Savior.

    The Foundation of Our Faith: God's Word and Spirit

    As we reflect on the triumphal entry, we are reminded of the importance of God's Word and the Holy Spirit in our lives. The prophecies that foretold Jesus' entry into Jerusalem gave hope to the people, providing a glimpse of the Messiah's coming. Similarly, the Scriptures serve as a guiding light for us today, offering hope and direction amidst life's uncertainties. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live in accordance with God's will, transforming our lives and making us more like Christ.

    The Palm Branch: A Symbol of Victory and Flourishing

    The palm branches that the crowds waved are a powerful symbol of victory and flourishing. In Scripture, the righteous are described as flourishing like a palm tree (Psalm 92:12). As we imitate Jesus' humility and strive to live in accordance with God's Word, we too can experience victory over sin and flourish in all areas of our lives.

    The True Source of Salvation: Jesus Christ

    The triumphal entry points us to Jesus as the true source of salvation and deliverance. The cries of "Hosanna" were not merely a plea for physical salvation from Roman oppression but a desperate longing for spiritual redemption from sin and death. Jesus came to save us from our sins and to offer us eternal life. By placing our faith in him, we can experience true salvation and become part of God's eternal kingdom.

    A Call to Hope and Humility

    The triumphal entry of Jesus is a powerful reminder of hope and humility. As we journey through life, may we embrace Jesus' example of serving others and seek God's guidance through his Word and Spirit. Let us strive to live lives that reflect the palm branch, flourishing in God's love and grace, and proclaiming the victory of Jesus Christ to the world.

    The Transformative Grace of God (Mark 1:24-34)

    The Transformative Grace of God (Mark 1:24-34)

    Embrace the Power of Jesus for Transformation

    In the depths of our struggles, spiritual warfare, and daily challenges, we yearn for guidance and liberation. The story of Jesus' miracles, as recorded in the Gospel of Mark, offers us hope and practical steps to navigate life's obstacles. This comprehensive blog post delves into the insights from a sermon on March 17th, providing suggestions to empower you on your journey.

    Encountering Divine Authority: The Power to Cast Out Darkness

    Like the man possessed by a demon, we can find ourselves bound by negative influences, addictions, and oppressive thoughts. Just as Jesus confronted the unclean spirit with authority, we too can command spiritual forces to flee in the name of Christ.

    1. Cultivate Faith and Belief:
    Jesus emphasized the importance of faith in his power. Believe in his ability to heal, deliver, and transform.

    2. Speak God's Word:
    The Word of God is a powerful weapon against darkness. Quote Scripture aloud, declaring your faith and defying spiritual forces.

    3. Share God's Word:
    Spread the gospel and share your experiences with others. By witnessing to the power of Jesus, you invite them to encounter his transformative grace.

    Experiencing Healing and Liberation

    Peter's mother-in-law, sick with a fever, received instant healing from Jesus' touch. Similarly, we can experience healing in all areas of our lives.

    1. Bring Your Problems to Jesus:
    Don't hesitate to share your struggles with Jesus. He is not distant but actively involved in your life.

    2. Embrace His Compassion and Love:
    Jesus' touch brings comfort and healing. Allow his love to permeate your being, providing strength and restoration.

    3. Respond with Gratitude and Service:
    As the healed woman served Jesus and others, express your gratitude by committing to serve God and your community.

    Walking in Authority and Receiving Deliverance

    Throughout the day, Jesus performed numerous miracles, including casting out demons and healing the sick. As you walk with Jesus, expect him to manifest his power in your life.

    1. Resist Spiritual Warfare:
    Recognize and resist spiritual attacks with the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit (Scripture).

    2. Expect the Unexpected:
    Don't limit God to your expectations. Trust in his ability to exceed them and work in unexpected ways.

    3. Share Your Struggles:
    Find support and encouragement by sharing your battles with trusted friends or a spiritual community.

    Seeking Transformation in Every Sphere

    Beyond physical healing, Jesus desires to transform every aspect of our lives.

    1. Embrace Humility and Service:
    Seek to serve others selflessly, like Jesus who washed his disciples' feet.

    2. Seek the Greater Life:
    Don't settle for a mediocre life. Pursue a life of purpose and fulfillment in Christ.

    3. Pray for Revival and Building:
    Intercede for a revival in your community and the building of God's kingdom.

    The Gospel of Mark reveals the transformative power of Jesus Christ. By embracing his authority, experiencing his healing, and walking in obedience to his Word, we can overcome challenges, experience liberation, and find hope in the midst of darkness. May today’s empower you on your journey to a transformed and victorious life in Christ.

    Mark 1:15-22

    Mark 1:15-22

    In the days of my darkest despair, as I stumbled through a life filled with pain and regret, I stumbled upon a truth that would forever alter my path. Like a divine whisper, it came to me: "Look, I'm going to use you. I'm going to restore you, and I'm going to use your story to minister to others."

    It was as if a ray of light pierced through the darkness, illuminating a path out of my abyss. I had fallen victim to the chaos and despair of a world without guidance. Like the people of Judges, I had done whatever seemed right in my own eyes, and it had led me down a perilous path.

    But now, I was given a second chance. God's love and forgiveness washed over me, filling me with a sense of hope and redemption. I realized that true freedom lay not in my own selfish pursuits, but in surrendering my life to God's will.

    With every step I took towards repentance, I felt a sense of healing and restoration. The chains that had bound me began to loosen, and I discovered a newfound purpose. God had taken my brokenness and transformed it into a powerful testimony that could inspire and encourage others.

    Like Peter, I had been awakened from a deep sleep. I had finally recognized the consequences of my actions, and I was determined to make things right. I sought out accountability, surrounding myself with people who would support and guide me on my journey.

    My repentance led to an outpouring of God's blessings. I experienced a renewed sense of joy and purpose, and I was empowered to share my story with others. Through my own experiences, I had learned the value of redemption, revival, and restoration.

    I realized that even in the midst of darkness and devastation, God's love and grace can prevail. And just as the Israelites in Judges had repeatedly turned away from God, but had always found forgiveness and restoration, so too could I.

    My story is a testament to the transformative power of God's love. It's a reminder that no matter how far we may stray, God is always there, waiting to welcome us back with open arms.

    Mark 1:12-20

    Mark 1:12-20

    This is the weekly teaching in the Gospel of Mark at South Beach Church.

    Intro to Mark

    Intro to Mark

    This is the intro to the Gospel of Mark at South Beach Church.

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