The Data Shark Podcast

Data Shark
The Data Shark Podcast

Omri Kohl is the co-founder and CEO of Pyramid Analytics, a Business and Decision Intelligence software company that produces a market-leading BI & DI platform for Fortune 500 companies. In The Data Shark Podcast, Omri is navigating through the BI space and his entrepreneurial journey. Get ready to learn more about the ins and outs of running a company with 200+ employees in one of the most exciting fields.

    מתוך 5
    59 דירוגים


    Omri Kohl is the co-founder and CEO of Pyramid Analytics, a Business and Decision Intelligence software company that produces a market-leading BI & DI platform for Fortune 500 companies. In The Data Shark Podcast, Omri is navigating through the BI space and his entrepreneurial journey. Get ready to learn more about the ins and outs of running a company with 200+ employees in one of the most exciting fields.

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