A. E. Housman

केवल सब्सक्राइबर
Modern-ish Poets: Series 1
Mark and Seamus discuss the life and work of Worcestershire lad A. E. Housman, whose imaginative poetic landscape of a vanishing England in A Shropshire Lad, with its expression of the agony of thwarted love which can find no resolution, became a runaway bestseller during and after the First World War. Further reading on Housman in the LRB: Hugh Lloyd-Jones https://lrb.me/lloydjoneshousmanpod John Bayley https://lrb.me/bayleyhousmanpod Adam Phillips https://lrb.me/phillipshousmanpod Frank Kermode https://lrb.me/kermodehousmanpod Paul Keegan https://lrb.me/keeganhousmanpod

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