Back2Business Podcast

Kurt Wilson & Di Forster
Back2Business Podcast Podcast

Behind every successful entrepreneur, there's a story; one of hustle and grind filled with the inevitable highs and lows.  Each fortnight we aim to inspire you on your entrepreneurial journey by bringing you fascinating guests from around the globe sharing top tips and advice on a range of subjects that have helped them on their way to fame and fortune in their chosen fields.  Your time is precious so there's no fluff here, just podcasts that are jam-packed with actionable insights to save you time, money and mistakes, and ultimately to help you succeed in life and business.

  1. 06/10/2022

    Going into Business with Sir Roger Moore and Myleene Class - Speaking with ex-musician turned restaurateur Jamie Barber

    Jamie Barber is one of the UK's top restauranteurs having successfully run several boutique restaurants including Mayfair’s Hush. Previous to this, he was a talented musician signed to George Michael’s music label as well as a lawyer. Recently Jamie has teamed up with friend, ex-pop star and businesswoman Myleene Klass to offer ‘My Supper Hero’ a food service delivered straight to your door that allows you to make tasty, healthy meals in 10 minutes. Jamie talks to Di and Kurt all about his career, including taking risks as well as how he managed his businesses throughout covid. KEY TAKEAWAYS  Jamie was in a band at university and it carried on into his legal career, he managed to convince his employers to send him to the Cannes Film festival and it was on the flight there he convinced George Michael to listen to his demo. 3 weeks later and he got a call, he was signed to George’s label Aegean. At 27 Jamie was working as Roger Moore’s lawyer and took a risk to offer to go into business with him, starting an amazing restaurant in Mayfair called Hush. After a lot of success stories, Jamie struggled when his Japanese-inspired Italian restaurant failed. He wasn’t mentally prepared for this setback and it hit him hard. This is year is looking to be Hush’s most successful year, Jamie attributes this to their ability to evolve whilst remaining consistent where it counts. It is a restaurant that has grown with him. My Supper Hero offers an alternative to takeaways, eating out and meal boxes. It’s a premium product but at an affordable price. Jamie and Myleene chose a membership model for their food service business. This allows people to have the flexibility they need whilst giving them a steadier stream of revenue. BEST MOMENTS  “You can only do that kind of stuff when you’re young…then if it goes wrong you can start again” “The fact that something went wrong, I just wasn’t mentally prepared for it” “Those periods where things don’t turn out like you intend, they’re tough but everybody has them” “It [the restaurant] hasn’t been so trendy that it dates” “She [Myleene] has an incredible work ethic, I don’t know how she fits it all in”   ABOUT THE GUEST Jamie Barber Jamie Barber is one of the UK's top restauranteurs having successfully run several boutique restaurants including Mayfair’s Hush. Previous to this, he was a talented musician signed to George Michael’s music label as well as a lawyer. Recently Jamie has teamed up with friend, ex-pop star and businesswoman Myleene Klass to offer ‘My Supper Hero’ a food service delivered straight to your door that allows you to make tasty, healthy meals in 10 minutes. My Supper Hero ABOUT THE HOSTS Kurt Wilson - Entrepreneur, Internet Veteran and Property Investor with multiple 7 figure businesses and property investments in the UK, GI, LT, BY and GR. CEO and founder of Advansys ( a global eCommerce, web development and online marketing agency headquartered in the UK. Di Forster - Entrepreneur, Property Investor and Mum with exceptional grit. Expert in all areas of Online Sales and Marketing (SEO, PPC and Conversion). Quit corporate life and now enjoys working with and helping others grow and scale their businesses. CONTACT INFO INSTAGRAM.COM/KURTWILSON.UK    INSTAGRAM.COM/DIFORSTER.UK     WWW.ADVANSYS.COM  KURT@ADVANSYS.CO.UK  DIANE@ADVANSYS.CO.UK

    1h 9m
  2. 15/07/2022

    Simon Leslie - Losing a $150 million business to COVID; and rebuilding it!

    Imagine this, one day you’re the CEO of a business turning over approximately $150 million, and then practically overnight everything just falls of a cliff. Our next guest co-founded and built the biggest Travel Media Company “Ink Global” and this is exactly what happened to him. He’s someone you’ve probably never heard of, but for sure you’ve held one of his inflight magazines whilst sat on an aeroplane [with a drink in hand]. Fast track forward to the present day his persistence and passion has allowed him to transform his business and fight another day.  Simon talks to Kurt and Di all about his unique journey to success, how to get back up again after a major setback, the strength behind powerful recruitment and why as an entrepreneur you always have to love what you do!   KEY TAKEAWAYS  When covid first hit, Simon didn’t realise the long-lasting impact it would have. But by May of 2020 airplanes started to take his magazine off flights. In over 30 years’ experience, nothing has ever stopped Simon doing business, until covid. One of the biggest challenges Simon struggled with throughout the pandemic, was the amount of people who were wasting time. This was a unique opportunity; it was a reset and not enough people took advantage. When you do things for the right reasons people want to help you more. Something Simon recognised when he asked many speakers to motivate and inspire his employees throughout the pandemic. The education system didn’t work for Simon. He didn’t enjoy school and he didn’t feel like it gave him what he needed at the time. There must be a better education system than the one we are currently using. It doesn’t equip children for the real world, the whole system needs changing. Simon believes in miracles, several times someone has been looking down on him to make unique and remarkable things happen, including a banking error which allowed his company to ride out financial difficulties. Deep down, Simon believes he lacks confidence. But, he believes you get good at sales, and most things in life, by practice and willingness to learn. Sales is about storytelling, asking great questions and practice. This is something Simon has mastered, alongside building incredible sales teams! Two of Simon’s most well known books “There’s No F in Sales” and “Equanimity”  have been about sharing his own knowledge, wisdom and experiences learnt by running a sales business. Simon has been inspired by different people across the years, he believes you can find inspiration in many different places and most recently his inspiration has come from his eldest son. Opportunities are always out there. It’s essential you are open and looking for them each day. You need to be awake and aware to recognise opportunities when they come along. BEST MOMENTS  “It’s the first time in my career that an event happened that stopped us doing business” “I don’t really believe in this work-life balance, I believe it’s all one thing” “Sales people are the backbone of this business” “Eventually rebel kids become entrepreneurs” “I understand the whole education system I just don’t agree with it” “It matters that you are prepared to learn, you are prepared to become a sponge to your profession” “It’s ok to not have all the answers, to doubt yourself”   ABOUT THE GUEST Simon Leslie Over the last few decades, Simon has learned one or two things about surviving – and thriving – in global business. His company, Ink, has helped some of the world’s largest brands advertise across hundreds of airlines and airports around the world, in media that’s been translated into over 17 languages. As a leader, and a salesperson, Simon has weathered a few storms, and overcome some massive hurdles. The thing that kept Simon going throughout all the years has been belief. Belief in himself, his product, his team. Books: https://www.

    1h 6m
  3. 14/04/2022

    Ben Rainey – DJ & Music Producer - Why Mindset & Self-Education are the Keys to SuccessDJ and Producer Ben Rainey

    Join Kurt and Di in this episode as they have an honest and engaging conversation with notable DJ and producer Ben Rainey. Ben has half a million listeners on Spotify, a large YouTube channel following and he also supported Joel Corey on tour! They talk about the mindset Ben champions that has that has got him to where he is today, the power of branding and why always striving to improve and educate yourself is the key to long-term success. KEY TAKEAWAYS  Even before DJing, Ben was teaching and educating others as well as constantly and consistently building his own skills, from speaking on podcasts, photography to teaching and making music. If you want something enough, you will work hard to make it happen. Ben has never given up on anything, he has always strived and pushed harder whenever he has come up against a challenge. Ben has ADD, he has navigated the world by making it work for him and how his brain works. He isn’t saying that his journey isn’t more difficult that someone who isn’t neurodiverse but he has found ways to manoeuvre the world and work with his strengths to succeed. The support and love Ben has had from his parents has helped him in all stages of his career and life. He attributes a lot of his success to the solid grounding they have given him. sometimes Ben can struggle with focusing on work, especially as he has so= many different ventures. He uses the Pomodo technique, where he tries to work in 30 minutes slots; this is something he would recommend to everyone not just those with ADD. There are three main ways to get a remix, A: the label ask you, B: The artist has asked for you C: Bootlegging it and hoping for the best! Ben wants to be in business for a long time but he is working to be financially free by his 30’s so that he can help others for free, give back and focus on family. BEST MOMENTS  “Sometimes when people say the things you’ve done, you don’t realise, it’s imposter syndrome” “You can’t buy experience” “Seeing your name on Spotify, on apple music, on all these platforms is insane” ABOUT THE HOSTS Kurt Wilson - Entrepreneur, Internet Veteran and Property Investor with multiple 7 figure businesses and property investments in the UK, GI, LT, BY and GR. CEO and founder of Advansys ( a global eCommerce, web development and online marketing agency headquartered in the UK. Di Forster - Entrepreneur, Property Investor and Mum with exceptional grit. Expert in all areas of Online Sales and Marketing (SEO, PPC and Conversion). Quit corporate life and now enjoys working with and helping others grow and scale their businesses. CONTACT INFO INSTAGRAM.COM/KURTWILSON.UK    INSTAGRAM.COM/DIFORSTER.UK     WWW.ADVANSYS.COM  KURT@ADVANSYS.CO.UK  DIANE@ADVANSYS.CO.UK

    1h 39m
  4. 11/02/2022

    Michael Jackson’s ex-Bodyguard Matt Fiddes talks about Mindset, Passion and Self-Education

    Join Kurt and Di in this episode as they interview the most respected expert in the international world of martial arts, personal trainer to the stars and trusted employee of international superstar Michael Jackson. Matt opens-up about his incredible life story, what it was like being so close to people like Michael Jackson and Uri Gellar as well as the many lessons he has discovered along the way.   KEY TAKEAWAYS  Matt didn’t have the greatest time at school. He got bullied and he found that the system and structure didn’t work for him either. He tried his best but the experience knocked his confidence. However, he recognises that if it hadn’t been for this experience, he never would have had the fire in his belly to achieve what he has. He began training in martial arts at 7, he had a natural ability for this and the praise he received cheered him on.  He went on to open Martial Art Schools as an adult and has now built the biggest chain of Martial Art Schools in the world! Mindset has always been key for Matt. He has always simply decided what he wanted to do and then done the work and actions needed to achieve it. You have to be passionate and have the mindset and self-motivation to self-educate. This is how anyone can become successful. Matt got into property at age 18. His journey continued when he met Uri Geller who pushed him harder and further. They are still good friends today. A phone call at 03:30am changed Matt’s life forever. He was introduced by Uri to Michael Jackson, this is how they met and for the next decade Matt was his personal bodyguard and friend. He learnt that there were two sides to Michael. There was the soft friendly side and then there was the strict, harsher side which Matt attributes to Michaels Dad, Joe Jackson. Michael Jackson knew how to keep himself in the media, a lot of the things he would be in the newspaper for or on the news, were on purpose. ‘Michael Jackson’ was a persona he took on when he was performing and in the limelight. He was a real marketer and a great businessman. Since Michael died, there has been an influx of rumours, some based on old rumours and some new. It’s unfair as he is not here to defend himself, Matt never saw anything that would elude to any of these allegations being true and he was by his side for over ten years. Michael didn’t have many vices, but Matt says his favourite meal was fish and chips and he adored KFC! Matt would often treat him when he would ‘sneak’ Michael out into the real world away from his entourage of security etc. We all have skeletons and family issues. It doesn't matter how famous or how rich you are these don't go away. There was a lot of complex issues going on in the Jackson family and still is. As an older and wiser man, Matt now understands that Michael didn't want to hear things he didn't like. Even if people were trying to help him, if they said something he didn't like then they were out of his inner circle.  BEST MOMENTS  “You find with a lot of successful people they have had this pain point which motivated them” “You’ve got to do the opposite to everyone else to be successful” “How can Michael Jackson have no money?” “The bigger the star, the bigger the target” ABOUT THE HOSTS Kurt Wilson - Entrepreneur, Internet Veteran and Property Investor with multiple 7 figure businesses and property investments in the UK, GI, LT, BY and GR. CEO and founder of Advansys ( a global eCommerce, web development and online marketing agency headquartered in the UK. Di Forster - Entrepreneur, Property Investor and Mum with exceptional grit. Expert in all areas of Online Sales and Marketing (SEO, PPC and Conversion). Quit corporate life and now enjoys working with and helping others grow and scale their businesses. CONTACT INFO INSTAGRAM.COM/KURTWILSON.UK    INSTAGRAM.COM/DIFORSTER.UK     WWW.ADVANSYS.COM  KURT@ADVANSYS.CO.UK  DIANE@ADVANSYS.CO.UK

    1h 39m
  5. 21/01/2022

    Neil Patel - Marketing Legend, Co- Founder of Crazy Egg & NP Digital & creator of Ubersuggest

    In this episode, join Kurt and Di as they speak to marketing-extraordinaire Neil Patel! Neil was called the number one marketer in the world by Entrepreneur magazine and has been listed in the top 100 of entrepreneurs by both Barack Obama and the United Nations. Neil has helped thousands of companies with his skills and research in marketing and in this episode, he speaks to Kurt and Di about all things marketing including: what best practice looks like, why experimenting is key, the best way to monetise and the importance of taking a holistic approach to your marketing.  KEY TAKEAWAYS  Neil has said many times over that entrepreneurship was in his blood. Every single person in his mother’s family was an entrepreneur. He began his entrepreneurship at an early age and at the age of 16 he launched his very first website ‘advice monkey’. Broke and frustrated after getting zero results from marketing companies Neil decided to learn marketing for himself. He got very good at it and this is what led to his first jobs in marketing and eventually starting up his own marketing agency.  In marketing, it’s important to test and experiment but also be patient. If you change too much at the same time or too quickly you then can’t isolate what has given you success. There is best practice in marketing, but after these core principles networking with other marketers can help you learn what new and experimental things are currently working out in the field. Keywords are still a big thing in the marketing world but the user experience is increasingly important alongside this. When you first begin looking at your marketing, it’s ok to go for the low hanging fruit. Focus on what works the best the fastest, you can then begin to implement more sophisticated tactics further down the line. Updating your content is essential. If you update your best content then you’ll notice your rankings will improve. Focus on giving away free tools too, this way you will be linked more and the more links you get the higher you will rank. If you are seeking advice, ensure you are getting it from the right person. Do they have experience in what you are asking them about? BEST MOMENTS  “Most importantly, I would experiment on my own”   “It’s not just about SEO, marketing is about everything, building a brand, creating content, building a community, optimising…there are so many aspects to digital marketing” “The biggest thing we learnt was to give it time, most people want their businesses to do well in the first year or two it really take 5-10 years” “Corporate brands are where the money is at, it’s not personal” ABOUT THE GUEST Neil Patel  New York Times Bestselling author. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.   ABOUT THE HOSTS Kurt Wilson - Entrepreneur, Internet Veteran and Property Investor with multiple 7 figure businesses and property investments in the UK, GI, LT, BY and GR. CEO and founder of Advansys ( a global eCommerce, web development and online marketing agency headquartered in the UK. Di Forster - Entrepreneur, Property Investor and Mum with exceptional grit. Expert in all areas of Online Sales and Marketing (SEO, PPC and Conversion). Quit corporate life and now enjoys working with and helping others grow and scale their businesses. CONTACT INFO INSTAGRAM.COM/KURTWILSON.UK    INSTAGRAM.COM/DIFORSTER.UK     WWW.ADVANSYS.COM  KURT@ADVANSYS.CO.UK  DIANE@ADVANSYS.CO.UK

    32 min
  6. 22/12/2021

    Shaun Wane - Head Coach of the National England Rugby Team: #allinthedetail

    An engaging and revealing episode where Kurt and Di speak to former Rugby player and now manager for the England Rugby team, Shaun Wane. They talk about Shaun’s difficult upbringing, the secrets to being a good manager and coach, why we should always stay as eternal students and how mindset is key in everything we try to achieve. KEY TAKEAWAYS  Shaun grew up in Wigan on a rough estate. It was a challenging upbringing; his Dad wasn’t the kindest man and he and his brothers would often go hungry. He says that until the age of 15 he didn’t have any good memories but it has made him a better Dad and provider himself. Shaun started playing rugby at just 5 years old, Things happen to all of us, it can be tragic and not our fault but it’s something we have to accept if we want to move forward, blame doesn’t help anyone. Shaun decided he wanted to do something with his life and choose the right path and it was this mindset that has brought him the life he has now. We should always be learning and developing ourselves as individuals. Even though Shaun is already very successful, he never stops learning and wanting to better himself in any way he can. Shaun has always believed Rubgy players behaviour outside of the game is just as important. Even things like manners and ignorance; he believes you can’t be ‘sloppy’ off the field, discipline is important in all areas of your life. Transitioning from a player to a manager can be a challenge for many people. Shaun had to educate himself, mostly by learning on the job. Shaun has always been a very logical person and has a good backing of common sense so he managed it relatively easily and very successfully. He approached it like a business and this mindset worked. Honesty, knowledge and positivity is how Shaun gets the buy in from his players. He says that if he can give the team the knowledge they need to win, then they can believe they will win and this is half the battle. Vision of the team is instrumental to winning. Shaun works backwards to then figure out who and what is part of this vision and this is one of the ways he decided who stays on the team and who to work with. BEST MOMENTS  “It’s up to the individual to carve their own path” “You have to be on it off the field and on it” “The perfect player for me is a well-mannered, respectful bloke who has a good work ethic” “When you have players underperforming, then you have a problem” “I never thought I would coach Wigan and I did, I definitely never thought I would coach England” “Every one of our players know how to win a game because we’ve worked hard” ABOUT THE GUEST Shaun Wane Former professional ruby player and head coach for the England national rugby league team. ABOUT THE HOST Kurt Wilson - Entrepreneur, Internet Veteran and Property Investor with multiple 7 figure businesses and property investments in the UK, GI, LT, BY and GR. CEO and founder of Advansys a global eCommerce, web development and online marketing agency headquartered in the UK. Di Forster - Entrepreneur, Property Investor and Mum with exceptional grit. Expert in all areas of Online Sales and Marketing (SEO, PPC and Conversion). Quit corporate life and now enjoys working with and helping others grow and scale their businesses. CONTACT INFO INSTAGRAM.COM/KURTWILSON.UK    INSTAGRAM.COM/DIFORSTER.UK     WWW.ADVANSYS.COM  KURT@ADVANSYS.CO.UK  DIANE@ADVANSYS.CO.UK

    60 min
  7. 19/11/2021

    CanO Water, Co-founder, Josh White - 'Water Taste’s Better Out of a Can'

    In this episode, Kurt & Di speak to a former DJ who co-founded an eco-business after witnessing the devastating effect plastic waste was having on the beaches of Thailand: One of Forbes 30 under 30, Co-Founder of CanO Water, Josh White. They talk about Josh’s journey to creation of water in a can, the wider conversation around plastic pollution and why any eco-business must be realistic; understanding that the nature of convenience and the mindset of the average person affects their ability to be eco-friendly. KEY TAKEAWAYS  Josh was previously a DJ but it was when he was travelling in Thailand with his two friends and saw the amount of plastic waste on almost every beach they went to that was the catalyst for change for him. Big brands the and his friends grew up loving were polluting these beaches. They wanted to know how and why this was happening and set out to change things. So, the three of them put water in a can! When they first came home from Thailand, they went back to their ‘normal lives’ but they couldn’t forget about what they had seen, they felt like they had to do something. Josh and his co-founders understood that tap water is best but recognised that it couldn’t be the only solution. There are always instances when we need water and a tap isn’t available. They researched using cans as this was the best on-the-go alternative to plastic. The infrastructure was already there and they are infinitely recyclable. They recognised the reality of the world and that convenience will always be a part of that. Josh has always cared about the environment but didn’t think it was something he would go into in a big way. It was the sheer shock of what he saw in Thailand that changed his mind set and put pollution firmly on his radar. He was part of the problem before and now he is trying to be part of the solution. Josh’s entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic came from his Dad’s values and ethos. It was instilled in him at a young age and is something that pushes him forwards in all aspects of his life now. Being named one of Forbes Under 30 was an incredible moment for Josh, he never thought he would receive this. It gave the business an opportunity to be taken more seriously, especially as in the beginning it was looked at as a ‘fad’ rather than innovation. In the early days, Josh was told he would never get CanO Water into Tesco. They were wrong and this is one of Josh’s proudest achievements, having his local shop selling his creation. Launching a product in the food and drink industry is extremely challenging. Josh’s advice for anyone wanting to do this is to not give up, lots of people will tell you to quit but don’t listen. If you believe in yourself and in your brand, you just have to keep going.  BEST MOMENTS  “We’re very curious boys who wanted to make a difference”“The three of us became obsessed with trying to solve the problem of pollution”“Tap water can’t be the only option”“What is the best on the go alternative that can compete against plastic?”“That obsession of wanting to be the best has always propelled me”“A lot of people don’t want to be the first but Forbes under 30 showed a lot of people that CanO Water is here to stay” ABOUT THE GUEST Josh WhiteCo-founder of CanO Water, the eco-friendly alternative to plastic bottled water. ABOUT THE HOST Kurt Wilson - Entrepreneur, Internet Veteran and Property Investor with multiple 7 figure businesses and property investments in the UK, GI, LT, BY and GR. CEO and founder of Advansys ( a global eCommerce, web development and online marketing agency headquartered in the UK. Di Forster - Entrepreneur, Property Investor and Mum with exceptional grit. Expert in all areas of Online Sales and Marketing (SEO, PPC and Conversion). Quit corporate life and now enjoys working with and helping others grow and scale their

    58 min


Behind every successful entrepreneur, there's a story; one of hustle and grind filled with the inevitable highs and lows.  Each fortnight we aim to inspire you on your entrepreneurial journey by bringing you fascinating guests from around the globe sharing top tips and advice on a range of subjects that have helped them on their way to fame and fortune in their chosen fields.  Your time is precious so there's no fluff here, just podcasts that are jam-packed with actionable insights to save you time, money and mistakes, and ultimately to help you succeed in life and business.

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