Crima Facie

Crima Facie

Crima Facie is hosted by Hindustan Times' crime reporter, Shiv Sunny (@shivsunny on Twitter) who will share thoroughly researched crime stories every week. Some stories will evoke shock while others might evoke amusement. But all the stories will offer a sneak peek into the criminal mindset and their circumstances. This is a Hindustan Times production, brought to you by HT Smartcast.


Crima Facie is hosted by Hindustan Times' crime reporter, Shiv Sunny (@shivsunny on Twitter) who will share thoroughly researched crime stories every week. Some stories will evoke shock while others might evoke amusement. But all the stories will offer a sneak peek into the criminal mindset and their circumstances. This is a Hindustan Times production, brought to you by HT Smartcast.

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