Episode 7: Delivering With Confidence - Unit Testing - Part IV

Tech Nuggets and Thoughts

In this episode we discuss these aspects of unit testing:

  1. jUnit, TestNG feature overview
  2. Mocha and Chai: bdd and tdd styles
  3. Cobertura and Istanbul, nyc
  4. Cucumber, Feature Files and verbosity
  5. Introducing Cucumber to teams
  6. Spock
  7. End-to-end testing / integration testing tools: Selenium, Appium
  8. End-to-end API testing: Postman
  9. Contract Tests: Pact, Spring Cloud Contract
  10. Smoke Tests, testing in production and reverting on failure.
  11. Mocking Tools: JMockit, Mockito and PowerMock, Wiremock
  12. Your acceptance tests are next layers integration tests.

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