Killer Tape

Killer Tape

Killer Tape is a biographical true crime podcast where killers, and hard core criminals, tell their own story, in their own words. In season one, David Berkowitz, AKA The Son of Sam,tells his own life story, from birth to arrest through an extensive audio archive recorded inside Attica Prison in March of 1980 by investigative reporter Jack Jones. This exclusive archive represents, not only the most extensive interview ever conducted with Berkowitz, but it is, also his first in depth interview following his arrest, and it is being released here, for the first time.


Killer Tape is a biographical true crime podcast where killers, and hard core criminals, tell their own story, in their own words. In season one, David Berkowitz, AKA The Son of Sam,tells his own life story, from birth to arrest through an extensive audio archive recorded inside Attica Prison in March of 1980 by investigative reporter Jack Jones. This exclusive archive represents, not only the most extensive interview ever conducted with Berkowitz, but it is, also his first in depth interview following his arrest, and it is being released here, for the first time.

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अफ़्रीका, मध्य पूर्व और भारत

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