10 episodes

Welcome to the Healthy Diary Podcast! My name is Angela Borges, a weight loss nutritionist on a mission to help you cut through the noise and find the answers you need to feel healthy, confident and happy in your skin.

If you’ve tried every diet under the sun, only to leave you feeling hungry, miserable and convinced you’ll never lose weight, I’m here to tell you there is a solution. It's not about willpower or discipline; it's about finding the approach that works for you as a unique individual.

In this podcast, I’ll be sharing evidence-based information and practical tips that cut through the BS of fad diets and misconceptions around weight loss. My goal is to empower you to make lasting changes that align with your lifestyle and goals, without restrictions, tracking or compromising your tight schedule.

So, if you want to look and feel great in your body but just haven't been able to make that happen, hit that subscribe button and let’s get this party started!

The Healthy Diary Angela Borges

    • Health & Fitness

Welcome to the Healthy Diary Podcast! My name is Angela Borges, a weight loss nutritionist on a mission to help you cut through the noise and find the answers you need to feel healthy, confident and happy in your skin.

If you’ve tried every diet under the sun, only to leave you feeling hungry, miserable and convinced you’ll never lose weight, I’m here to tell you there is a solution. It's not about willpower or discipline; it's about finding the approach that works for you as a unique individual.

In this podcast, I’ll be sharing evidence-based information and practical tips that cut through the BS of fad diets and misconceptions around weight loss. My goal is to empower you to make lasting changes that align with your lifestyle and goals, without restrictions, tracking or compromising your tight schedule.

So, if you want to look and feel great in your body but just haven't been able to make that happen, hit that subscribe button and let’s get this party started!

    The easiest way to lose weight WITHOUT tracking calories

    The easiest way to lose weight WITHOUT tracking calories

    Most women who want to lose weight get discouraged by the idea of having to track their calories and live on a restrictive diet. The idea alone just feels like too much time, effort and mental load to even begin. The good news is that there is a much more simple and sustainable approach to weight loss that doesn’t require calorie counting and that’s what I’m sharing with you today. 
    A meal plan that someone else created isn’t the answer. To effectively lose weight and keep it off for good, your food needs to fit into your lifestyle, nourish your body with what it needs and not be a source of stress.

    Although calorie counting isn’t necessary for weight loss, it is important to understand that if you want to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. That’s just how it works. So, if you’ve struggled to lose weight in the past, it may simply be because you were consuming more calories than what your body was using. 

    The Art of Listening to Your Body
    More important than any calorie counting is learning how to listen to your body’s cues. This will truly transform your relationship with food and help you achieve sustainable weight loss. If you feel like you can’t stop eating or that you need to finish everything off your plate, listening to your hunger and fullness cues is a skill that you can learn. If I did it, you can too.

    Embrace Nourishment
    Have you ever skipped meals due to a busy schedule or relied on coffee to suppress your hunger? Ignoring your body's signals can actually lead to overeating later on. By tuning in to your hunger cues and nourishing your body appropriately, you will prevent mindless snacking and stabilise your energy levels throughout the day.

    Honor Your Satisfaction
    Many of us were brought up in households where we had to finish all the food on our plates, regardless of hunger. But eating past the point of fullness can sabotage your weight loss efforts because you’re simply eating too much. By stopping when you feel content, you can avoid overeating and maintain a healthy balance in your eating habits. Again, this is a skill that you can learn. It just takes practice.

    The Power of Mindful Eating
    Practising mindful eating involves savouring each bite, paying attention to how your body responds, and being present during meals. By slowing down and connecting with your food, you give your brain the time it needs to register fullness, leading to more mindful food choices and healthier eating habits.

    Embracing Change for Lasting Results
    When you shift your focus from restrictive diets to honouring your hunger and fullness cues, and nourishing yourself with protein-rich foods, you will pave the way for effortless weight loss maintenance. 

    At the beginning, it will take some work to understand what your body needs and establish new eating behaviours.  But, with practice, these habits will help you lose weight and keep it off long-term. No tracking calories, just being in tune with your body and embracing a healthy lifestyle.


    Join my Free Facebook Community: Weight Loss Made Simple for High-Achieving Women 
    Instagram: @the_healthy_diary_
    Tik Tok:   @thehealthydiary 
    Website: https://www.thehealthydiary.co/

    • 24 min
    How Deanna lost 15kgs in 6 months without calorie counting

    How Deanna lost 15kgs in 6 months without calorie counting

    I often talk about the amazing success my clients achieve when they follow my methodology for losing weight and maintaining their weight loss easily. Today, I’m joined by my client and special guest, Deanna, to talk about her incredible life transformation and how she lost 15kg in 6 months without exercising or tracking calories.
    As a time poor mum of two working in a busy retail position, Deanna, like many of my clients, recognised that her health had gone down the priority list. Wanting to lose weight, she had previously struggled with unrealistic caloric restrictive diets that left her with low energy. She also struggled to find the right nutritional information and support to help her lose weight in a healthy way.
    In October 2021, Deanna decided to take action by prioritising herself and taking charge of her health and wellness. We started working together in the Lean Body & Strong Mindset program and within three months, Deanna lost 7kg with ease. She then continued on her own to lose another 8kg using the same principles she learned in the program and has successfully maintained her results, completely transforming her life for the better.
    Overcoming Mindset Barriers

    One of the significant hurdles Deanna faced in the past was her mindset, struggling with consistency and often making excuses like starting again on Monday. She had also struggled with emotional eating, which is something we worked on together to help her understand the underlying issues of her eating habits. By learning how to tune into her body’s hunger and fullness cues, she was able to eat the food she loves, go out with friends, enjoy her social life and still achieve the weight loss results she wanted.

    A Transformation More than Weight Loss

    The impact of Deanna's transformation went way beyond weight loss. She found inner peace, happiness, and a newfound confidence that radiated in her relationships and interactions. Deanna's journey has also positively influenced her whole family, now inspiring her children and husband to prioritise their health and overall well-being.

    Creating A Sustainable Lifestyle 

    It’s one thing to lose 15kg, but Deanna has maintained her weight loss, which is something many women struggle with. The key here is that the changes Deanna made to her lifestyle were sustainable. She still eats her favourite foods but incorporates healthy habits into her daily life, making weight loss maintenance easy.

    I hope you find Deanna’s story inspiring and feel encouraged by hearing what is possible for you when you apply the right strategies. Remember, it's never too late to prioritise your health and well-being.


    Apply for the Lean Body & Strong Mindset Program

    Join my Free Facebook Community: Weight Loss Made Simple for High-Achieving Women 
    Instagram: @the_healthy_diary_
    Tik Tok:   @thehealthydiary 
    Website: https://www.thehealthydiary.co/

    • 17 min
    How to approach weight loss after your 30s

    How to approach weight loss after your 30s

    A lot of women ask me why their approach to weight loss isn’t working anymore. They were able to manage their weight in their younger years, but now in their thirties, forties and older, those strategies no longer work for them. 
    Many women in this age group find that what used to work for them in their twenties no longer produces the same results. So today I’m sharing some key factors that impact weight loss for women over 30 and how you can approach weight loss in a healthy and sustainable way.

    As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our weight loss journey. Factors such as lifestyle and priorities, muscle mass loss, hormonal changes, and stress play a significant role in how our bodies respond to diet and exercise. For women over 30, understanding these challenges is the first step towards developing an effective weight loss strategy.

    Lifestyle and Priorities
    As you get older, your lifestyle and priorities are naturally going to change. With increased responsibilities, children and sedentary jobs, we tend to become less active than we were in our younger days. Finding time for self-care and exercise is a challenge for many women, but with some planning, you can make it a priority. 

    Muscle Loss
    As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass, which can lead to a decrease in metabolism. Incorporating resistance training and a high-protein diet can help preserve muscle mass and support your weight loss efforts.

    Hormonal Changes
    Hormonal fluctuations, especially during perimenopause and menopause, can impact the way your body responds to energy in and out. The symptoms of hormonal changes can also disrupt sleep, which has a spiralling effect on your appetite, making you feel more hungry and crave more carbohydrates. At this stage in your life, it’s important to prioritise your hormonal health through food and lifestyle choices. 

    Unfortunately, our society has normalised stress as being something we all live with each day but chronic stress can sabotage your weight loss efforts. When you’re stressed, you’re more likely to develop unhealthy eating habits and disrupted sleep patterns. Make sure you take this aspect into consideration and put strategies in place to help you unwind your nervous system in a healthy way. 

    Approaching Weight Loss After 30

    When it comes to weight loss for women over 30, a holistic approach focusing on overall health and sustainability is key. Rather than just focusing on the number on the scales and your physical appearance, choose sustainability over speed. Crash diets will only lead to further weight gain and more stress on your body. 

    Other aspects to consider after 30 are incorporating regular resistance training, prioritising quality sleep, and adopting a high-protein diet. These factors can help to enhance your metabolism and support muscle mass preservation. 

    It’s also important to shift your mentality from “all or nothing” to focusing on consistency. Things will happen in life, your schedule will be interrupted, and your plans will have to change and that’s okay. Remember, it's not just about losing weight; it's about gaining vitality, confidence, and longevity. Embrace the journey, prioritise your overall health, and you will begin to see lasting results.


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    • 21 min
    My weight loss consistency formula

    My weight loss consistency formula

    When it comes to sustainable and long term weight loss, consistency is key. It doesn’t matter which diet or exercise routine you choose to follow, the only way to lose weight and maintain your weight loss is by being consistent. 
    One of the biggest challenges women face when trying to lose weight is staying consistent. From working with hundreds of women and through my own experience on the dieting cycle, the difficulty in staying consistent often comes down to three things: Not knowing why you want to lose weight in the first place, not having clarity or structure and having a short term approach to weight loss. 
    Today I’m sharing the seven strategies within my weight loss consistency formula to help you stay the course and reach your goal of living a healthier, happier life. 
    1. Understand Your 'Why'
    Simply wanting to lose weight is not a strong enough motivator to stick to any weight loss plan. Whether it's to improve your health, boost your confidence, or prevent illness, connecting to your why will help you stay focused and committed on the days when motivation wanes.

    2. Define What Consistency Means to You
    Consistency looks different for everyone, and it's essential to define what it means to you personally. Rather than following someone else’s expectations or rules, create your own definition of consistency. This might be daily walks, weekly meal prepping, or increasing your water intake. Identifying your unique consistency goals paves the way for sustainable habits.

    3. Establish Routines and Structures
    Structure and routine provide the framework for consistency. Planning your meals, scheduling workout sessions, and organising your day with intention can help you stay on track with your health goals. By creating a roadmap for your week and setting clear objectives, you create a sense of control and direction that supports consistent behaviours.

    4. Tackle One Thing at a Time
    A lot of women trying to lose weight are tempted to overhaul their entire lives overnight. But this will only lead to overwhelm and burnout. Instead, focus on tackling one aspect of your health journey at a time. By prioritising the most impactful changes and integrating them gradually, you can build momentum and avoid the pitfalls of trying to do too much, too soon.

    5. Focus on Daily Processes Over Outcomes
    While having a weight loss goal is important, fixating solely on the end result can be discouraging. By shifting your focus to the daily processes and habits that lead to success, you can celebrate small victories along the way. Whether it's making healthier food choices, staying active, or practising self-care, honouring your daily commitments builds confidence and reinforces consistency.

    6. Change Your Identity:
    The way you think about yourself plays a significant role in your ability to maintain consistency. By envisioning and embodying the identity of the person you aspire to be—the one who effortlessly makes healthy choices and prioritises self-care—you will begin to align your actions with that goal. This shift in mindset empowers you to approach challenges with a new perspective and reinforces positive habits.

    7. Practice Gratitude:
    Gratitude is a powerful tool for cultivating a positive mindset and fostering resilience on your weight loss journey. Taking time to appreciate the little blessings in your life can shift your focus from limitations to possibilities. By practicing gratitude daily, you nurture a sense of abundance and reinforce your commitment to self-care and health.

    Remember, consistency isn’t about perfection but choosing to show up even when you don’t feel like...

    • 32 min
    30-minute meal prep for busy women

    30-minute meal prep for busy women

    One of the biggest challenges women face when trying to lose weight is feeling like they don’t have enough time. Life is already so busy with work, family and everything else in between - who has the time or energy to spend hours in the kitchen preparing nutritious meals?  
    Without a plan, being time-poor can easily lead to making quick food decisions that don’t provide you with the nutrition you need. This not only costs more money but also perpetuates the cycle of weight gain. This is why being organised is key. On my weight loss journey, meal prepping was the game changer that helped me save time, eliminate last-minute food decisions and set myself up for success to maintain my weight loss effortlessly. 
    When I first started meal prepping, I used to spend up to 4 hours in the kitchen on Sundays getting ready for the week ahead. But when I started my business, I simply didn’t have the time. This is when I changed my approach to meal prepping and established my three-phase meal prep process. 

    Instead of spending hours in the kitchen, this process means you’ll be organised for the week in only 30 minutes. 

    Meal planning
    The first phase is the preparation phase, where you focus on planning your meals for the week. Keep things simple by deciding on 1 breakfast option, 2 lunches and up to 3 dinners for the week, depending on your family’s needs. Then create your shopping list. I recommend doing this toward the end of the week.

    Grocery Shopping 
    Now that you have your well-crafted shopping list, aim to breeze through your shopping trip in under 40 minutes. I recommend shopping for groceries after a main meal to avoid unnecessary purchases. 

    30 Minute Meal Prepping
    The final phase involves putting together your meals for the week. Focus on preparing two meals at a time, such as breakfast and lunch, using ingredients that require minimal cooking. Efficiency and nutrition are key in this phase.

    The No Prep Meal Prep Method
    If you want to make your meal prep even more fast and simple, there are some smart shortcuts you can take to prepare nutritious meals in just 15 minutes. For vegetables, try using salad mixes or frozen vegetables, for carbs, pre-cooked rice and pasta are great options, as well as wraps, bread and chickpeas. 

    There are also plenty of easy protein sources such as rotisserie chicken, cans of tuna and pre-marinated meats. Using these ingredients will make meal prep super fast while still providing you with nutritious meals. 

    Keep your snacks simple
    If you don’t want to spend hours preparing healthy snacks, opt for protein-rich snacks on the go like protein bars, cheese or tuna packs to keep yourself fueled throughout the day. Don’t overcomplicate things by trying to prepare snacks too much. Just keep it simple and make sure you have healthy options available.

    Meal prepping isn't just about saving time – it's about transforming your relationship with food and simplifying your nutrition. Planning ahead also eliminates decision fatigue, knowing you’ve already got a nutritious and delicious meal ready to go.


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    Instagram: @the_healthy_diary_
    Tik Tok:   @thehealthydiary 
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    • 21 min
    7 eating habits of a naturally thin person

    7 eating habits of a naturally thin person

    We all know someone, whether they’re a friend, a colleague or a family member, who seems to just stay thin without any effort. No matter what they eat or what they do, they maintain their weight naturally. Let’s be honest, it’s frustrating to watch while you’re going on diet after diet and unable to maintain your weight loss. 
    I used to be that person who tried everything and couldn’t keep the weight off, but now, after developing healthy skills and habits, I maintain my weight effortlessly, without tracking calories, diet restrictions or exercising like crazy. 

    Research shows that there are specific habits that naturally thin people have. One of the most important things that will help you learn and develop these habits for yourself is your mindset. To be a naturally lean person, you need to think and speak like a naturally lean person. 

    Say No to Diets
    Naturally thin people don’t follow strict diet protocols. Instead, they focus on consuming real, nutrient-dense foods without severe restrictions. They tend not to cut out food groups or practise extreme dieting practices but focus more on fostering a healthy relationship with food. They enjoy their food!

    Listen to Your Body
    One of the most powerful skills you can learn on your weight loss journey is to listen to your body’s hunger cues. This means eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you feel full. This is something that a lot of women struggle with but, from experience, I can tell you that this is a skill you can learn. Paying attention to what your body is saying is essential for sustainable weight management.

    Prioritise Whole Nutritious Foods
    Research tells us that naturally lean people mostly cook at home and centre their meals around a source of protein. Doing this means that you know exactly what is going into your meals and your food intake is more nutrient-dense. It’s also important to strike a balance between nutritious choices and occasional indulgences to feed your soul, which is something naturally lean people do.

    Planning, Planning, Planning
    Successful people plan. So to be successful at maintaining your weight loss, it’s important to plan your meals and incorporate meal prepping into your routine. Planning ahead reduces decision fatigue, saves you time and sets the tone for a week of healthy eating.

    Consistent Meal Choices
    Eating the same meals consistently helps you reduce decision fatigue and prevent unnecessary overwhelm. By sticking to a few favourite meals, naturally lean people simplify their food choices and focus on nourishment.

    Start with a Balanced Breakfast
    Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day. Naturally thin people understand the importance of a balanced breakfast rich in protein to kickstart their metabolism and maintain energy levels.

    Stay Active Throughout the Day
    In addition to planned physical activity, naturally thin individuals engage in fidgeting and incidental movements, boosting calorie expenditure. Think about how you can stay mindful of daily movement to contribute to your overall well-being.

    Incorporating these 7 habits into your lifestyle can pave the way for a healthier, more sustainable weight management journey. By adopting the practices of naturally thin people, you can nurture a positive relationship with food, prioritise nourishment, and enjoy effortless weight maintenance.


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    • 23 min

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