142 episodes

Join Terri Levine, Chief Heart-repreneur® on "Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants" to learn her unique process around digital marketing for coaches and consultants.

If you are a coach or consultant struggling to make 6 figures in your business then this podcast is for you!

Terri is a master business consultant and trainer who has identified the mindset shifts and unique processes (along with insider insights) that help new and established coaches and consultants create more income quickly and scale their businesses to new levels all while reducing the amount of hours worked.

Tune in weekly for incredible insights, mindset shifts, and action steps that work to propel you forward in your own coaching business!

Also, be sure to join Terri's Heartrepreneurs Facebook Group to get access to additional tips and a wealth of training material for expanding your coaching business including direct feedback from Terri herself at https://heartrepreneur.com/FBGroup

Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants Dr. Terri Levine

    • Business

Join Terri Levine, Chief Heart-repreneur® on "Digital Marketing for Coaches & Consultants" to learn her unique process around digital marketing for coaches and consultants.

If you are a coach or consultant struggling to make 6 figures in your business then this podcast is for you!

Terri is a master business consultant and trainer who has identified the mindset shifts and unique processes (along with insider insights) that help new and established coaches and consultants create more income quickly and scale their businesses to new levels all while reducing the amount of hours worked.

Tune in weekly for incredible insights, mindset shifts, and action steps that work to propel you forward in your own coaching business!

Also, be sure to join Terri's Heartrepreneurs Facebook Group to get access to additional tips and a wealth of training material for expanding your coaching business including direct feedback from Terri herself at https://heartrepreneur.com/FBGroup

    #137: Craft Irresistible Offers

    #137: Craft Irresistible Offers

    Creating an effective offer can be a challenge for many entrepreneurs. Many create offers only to realize later that people aren’t interested in them. In today’s episode, Dr. Terri Levine delves into the art of crafting irresistible offers that truly resonate with your prospects.
    One essential tool in this process is the lead magnet, a free item or service offered for free in exchange for contact information. Learn how to leverage lead magnets effectively to draw your audience in and establish credibility and trust.
    Additionally, gain valuable tips on how to gather crucial information through strategic questions on your landing page. This approach not only eliminates guesswork but also fosters a deeper understanding of your target audience, enabling you to tailor your offers more effectively.
    Watch the full episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/vOIW5jlY9kI
    Key Highlights From The Episode:
    [00:53] Today’s topic: Making a Powerful Offer
    [01:02] What’s an offer?
    [02:01] How to craft an offer that your prospects genuinely want
    [03:31] What is a lead magnet, and how can you leverage it?
    [05:26] Gathering information from your potential clients
    [06:16] Example of questions to help you gather client’s information on your landing page
    [08:42] The significance of gathering information from your potential clients
    [10:48] Get help Website: https://heartrepreneur.com/
    Golden Nuggets:
    • An offer provides a simple solution that addresses your potential client’s problems, and in return, you receive payment.  [01:02]
    • Your chances of making more money and providing greater transformation for people will significantly increase if you learn to craft an offer that genuinely resonates with your prospects. [01:17]
    • A lead magnet is a free item or service that you offer, benefiting both you and the potential client. [03:31]
    • Your lead magnet should address a narrow issue that, when solved, introduces the potential client to your broader, wider issue. [03:49]
    • Gathering client information on your landing page is crucial because it enables you to understand who is reaching out to you. [06:38]
    • You don’t have to guess the problems of your target audience; all you need to do is ask the right questions, and people will willingly share their exact problems with you. [07:50]
    • Having a fantastic product or service isn’t enough; you must also showcase it in a way that appeals to your target market. [11:27] 
    Let me help you grow your coaching business: 
    Grab this free training and see my revolutionary process in action! Join me and my Inner Circle Students for a behind-the-scenes Live Group Coaching Call: www.6figsin6months.com
    If you want to join me in one of our connect and collaborate sessions. Go to https://calendly.com/michelle-31qw/30min, and select a date & time!
    Oh yeah, feel free to join our free Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1024921757544017.
    Want More!?
    Listen to the podcast version of this content on your favorite podcast platform: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts
    Watch all the episodes and more to gain more insight on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@coachterri/videos.
    Please connect with me on social:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentorterri
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartrepreneurTerriLevine
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilevine/ 

    • 12 min
    #136: Rules for Growing a Community

    #136: Rules for Growing a Community

    Growing a community, whether for a podcast or on social media platforms, comes with significant challenges. In this insightful episode, Dr. Terri Levine discusses essential rules for cultivating a thriving community. She emphasizes the paramount importance of authenticity in community growth. Rather than resorting to traditional sales pitches and promotions, she advocates for genuine interaction and connection.
    The journey of growing a community begins with a strategic approach to finding the right audience. Dr. Terri Levine advises identifying 5-10 social media groups that have your target audience. Next, she highlights the importance of actively and genuinely interacting with members of your community. By focusing on building relationships rather than pushing promotions, you can establish trust and foster a supportive community environment
    Dr. Terri Levine also emphasizes the significance of creating and sharing highly engaging content tailored to the interests and needs of the community. Moreover, she underscores the power of engaging content in attracting and retaining community members.
    Tune in to uncover more valuable insights on growing your community.
    Watch the full episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/q5dUQ6nTbLw
    Key Highlights From The Episode:
    [00:55] Today’s focus; Basic rules for growing a community
    [01:03] Why authenticity is crucial when growing your community
    [02:30] Facebook: Heartreprenuers with terri levine
    [02:58] #1 Find 5-10 social media groups which have your target audience
    [03:43] #2 Start interacting with members of the community
    [04:42] #3 Attract more members to your community by posting highly engaging content
    [05:11] Types of content ideas 
    [05:20] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=mentorterrilevine
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentorterrilevine/
    [07:25] Building relationships in everything you do
    [10:11] #4 Retain people as members of your community
    [11:41] Clients case studies
    [12:50] A recap of the episode
    Golden Nuggets:
    • When growing your community, focus on being authentic and avoid sales tactics and promotions. [01:03]
    • When searching for social media groups with your target audience, prioritize those with high engagement. [02:58]
    • Using questions as content ideas significantly enhances engagement. [05:13]
    • The content you post should be relevant to the interests and needs of the people you serve. [06:08] 
    • Treat everything you do as building relationships. [07:25]
    Let me help you grow your coaching business: 
    Grab this free training and see my revolutionary process in action! Join me and my Inner Circle Students for a behind-the-scenes Live Group Coaching Call: www.6figsin6months.com
    If you’d like to join a member of my team on a complimentary coaching call please go to: https://calendly.com/michelle-31qw/30min?month=2024-06
    Oh yeah, feel free to join our free Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1024921757544017
    Want More!?
    Listen to the podcast version of this content on your favorite podcast platform: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts
    Watch all the episodes and more to gain more insight on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@coachterri/videos.
    Please connect with me on social:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentorterri
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartrepreneurTerriLevine
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilevine/ 

    • 14 min
    #135: How to Design a Personal Brand That Stands Out

    #135: How to Design a Personal Brand That Stands Out

    Have you ever wondered why you can’t get more followers? Many individuals are stuck in their businesses because their brands struggle to attract followers.
    In this episode, Dr. Terri Levine guides listeners through navigating brand issues and crafting a personal brand that stands out and offers transformation. She reveals that a brand is more than just a logo or color scheme; it’s about behavior change. She emphasizes that to create a powerful brand, you must focus on the transformation you’re offering.
    Additionally, she breaks down the process of finding your core unique positioning statement and guides listeners on how to create a brand mantra that instantly connects people to your brand. Tune in now and discover the transformative power of branding.
    Watch the full episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/DwtiltZEYhQ?si=z6nEmyyOEIsOeqqB
    Key Highlights From The Episode:
    [00:33] Introduction to the show
    [02:16] What exactly is a brand?
    [03:54] How to find your core unique positioning statement
    [04:07] Step #1 Identify one skill
    [04:13] Step #2 Pick one external market
    [04:24] Step #3 Drill it into a specific submarket
    [06:54] Creating a brand mantra
    [08:58] Step #4 Write a clear bio
    [09:56] Step #5 Design an effective banner
    [10:35] Facebook: Mentorterrilevine
    [10:39] Step #6 Make your profile picture fit your vibe
    [11:38]  Step #7 Tell your story with a pinned post
    [13:40] Get Dr. Terri Levine’s free training to grow your brand: Terri@heartrepreneur.com
    Golden Nuggets:
    • A valuable brand gains followers daily and monetizes content with ease. [01:17]
    • A brand is about behavior change. [02:38]
    • If you want to create a powerful brand for yourself, you need to focus on the transformation that you’re offering. [03:29]
    • The more niche down you are, the more memorable you’ll be. [05:08]
    • A brand mantra is a single word or catchphrase that people can immediately associate with your brand [07:02]
    • Consider your brand mantra as the anchor that keeps the ship steady while your content serves as the net, drawing people in and bringing them back to you. [08:45]
    • When writing a bio, start with your brand mantra. Then, write one sentence explaining what you do, who you do it for, and what makes you different. [09:25]
    • Your profile picture should show your face very clearly. [10:48]
    Let me help you grow your coaching business: 
    Grab this free training and see my revolutionary process in action! Join me and my Inner Circle Students for a behind-the-scenes Live Group Coaching Call: www.6figsin6months.com
    If you want to join me in one of our connect and collaborate sessions. Go to https://calendly.com/heartrepreneur/mcm-live-connect-and-collaborate-session, and select a date & time!
    Oh yeah, feel free to join our free Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1024921757544017
    Want More!?
    Listen to the podcast version of this content on your favorite podcast platform: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts
    Watch all the episodes and more to gain more insight on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@coachterri/videos.
    Please connect with me on social:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentorterri
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartrepreneurTerriLevine
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilevine/ 

    • 14 min
    #134: You Should Productize Your Service

    #134: You Should Productize Your Service

    Many people start freelancing businesses, such as coaching and consulting, appreciating the personalized nature of the work. However, freelancing often leads to burnout, and its earning potential can be limited.
    Productizing your service streamlines your business model, making the value you offer easy for potential prospects to understand. Moreover, it helps you create the freedom you want in your business.
    Join Dr. Terri Levine in this episode as she breaks down the concept of productized services. Discover the benefits of productizing your service, from enhanced scalability and efficiency to creating the time freedom you desire in your business.
    Additionally, she offers actionable insights and strategies for productizing your service and gives an example to guide you through the process.
    Watch the full episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/ZGUdI9Ay0iQ
    Key Highlights From The Episode:
    [00:33] Episode introduction
    [01:10] What is a productized service?
    [01:26] The benefits of productizing your service
    [03:38] How to productize your service
    [04:32] Example of how to productize a service
    [09:30] Get Dr. Terri Levine’s help in productizing your service: terri@heartrepreneur.com
    Golden Nuggets:
    • A productized service is a prepackaged service that is provided at a predetermined cost and has a predetermined scope. [01:10]
    • Productizing your service makes it more predictable and effective for you and your clients by helping you scale and streamline it. [01:26]
    • When you don’t have a fixed business plan, your customers control you. [02:18]
    • To maximize your business, you need to automate and delegate [04:12]
    • Once you identify your service’s niche, it’s critical to adhere to it. [05:06]
    • If you want to create a productized service, you first need to identify which parts of your company processes are repetitive and then package those parts into a more scalable offer. [08:04]
    Let me help you grow your coaching business: 
    Grab this free training and see my revolutionary process in action! Join me and my Inner Circle Students for a behind-the-scenes Live Group Coaching Call: www.6figsin6months.com
    If you want to join me in one of our connect and collaborate sessions. Go to https://calendly.com/heartrepreneur/mcm-live-connect-and-collaborate-session, and select a date & time!
    Oh yeah, feel free to join our free Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1024921757544017
    Want More!?
    Listen to the podcast version of this content on your favorite podcast platform: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts
    Watch all the episodes and more to gain more insight on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@coachterri/videos.
    Please connect with me on social:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentorterri
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartrepreneurTerriLevine
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilevine/ 

    • 10 min
    #133: How To Leverage Email as a Coach or Consultant

    #133: How To Leverage Email as a Coach or Consultant

    Email remains an indispensable cornerstone of digital communication in the coaching and consulting industry despite the emergence of new communication platforms. By building a large email list, you can increase your conversion rates to as high as 27%.
    In today's episode, Dr. Terri Levine reveals actionable strategies for growing your email list. Additionally, she discusses the steps to attract more prospects and enhance your website's conversion rates.
    Furthermore, she shares additional tips for enhancing website and email conversion rates, such as leveraging social proof and using an exit pop-up.
    Watch the full episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/O2Ywip7j9q8
    Key Highlights From The Episode:
    [00:34] Intro
    [00:55] Is email dead?
    [01:09] How to grow your email list
    [01:38] The steps to take if you don't have enough prospects and your website doesn't convert
    [01:55] Step #1 Creating the right email offer
    [02:54] Website: https://heartrepreneur.com/
    [04:06] Step #2 Improving your email conversion
    [04:55] Additional tips for enhancing your website and email conversion
    [05:47] Website: https://heartrepreneur.com/
    Landing page: https://www.6figsin6months.com/
    [06:13] Recap of the episode
    [07:01] Facebook group: https://web.facebook.com/groups/1024921757544017
    Golden Nuggets:
    • To grow your email list, you need to create an offer that people truly want. [01:09]
    • When sending an email, always consider its purpose and the desired action you want the recipient to take. [02:43]
    • In the coaching and consulting industry, email conversion rates are typically very low. However, by building a large email list, you can increase your conversion rates to as high as 27%. [04:31]
    • Never use the word 'subscribe' on your website; instead, use a value-based button. [05:12]
    Let me help you grow your coaching business: 
    Grab this free training and see my revolutionary process in action! Join me and my Inner Circle Students for a behind-the-scenes Live Group Coaching Call: www.6figsin6months.com
    If you want to join me in one of our connect and collaborate sessions. Go to https://calendly.com/heartrepreneur/mcm-live-connect-and-collaborate-session, and select a date & time!
    Oh yeah, feel free to join our free Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1024921757544017
    Want More!?
    Listen to the podcast version of this content on your favorite podcast platform: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts
    Watch all the episodes and more to gain more insight on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@coachterri/videos.
    Please connect with me on social:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentorterri
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartrepreneurTerriLevine
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilevine/ 

    • 7 min
    #132: How to Build and Sell Courses Successfully

    #132: How to Build and Sell Courses Successfully

    When coaches and consultants embark on the journey of building and selling courses, they aim for both freedom and profit in their business endeavors. However, they often encounter challenges in achieving these goals because many people don’t go through the courses.
    So, how do you build, sell, and profit from a digital course? Tune in to this enlightening episode, where Dr. Terri Levine uncovers the biggest challenge facing course creators today and sheds light on why so many individuals purchase courses but never complete them. Additionally, she explains why offering discounts is an ineffective strategy for attracting customers.
    She introduces a revolutionary approach to course creation through micro courses. A micro course is a digital course designed to solve a specific problem for your audience, and it can be completed in under 60 minutes.
    Micro courses not only solve the problem of low completion rates but also open doors to building a lifestyle business that generates profits while providing you with freedom and flexibility. As Dr. Terri Levine puts it, “Micro-courses lead to macro freedom.”
    Watch the full episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/jwkSL1mex0Q
    Key Highlights From The Episode:
    [00:50] What’s in for you in today’s episode: How to build and sell courses
    [01:10] The biggest problem with courses right now
    [02:02] The issues that arise when individuals purchase your course but fail to go through it
    [02:10] #1 Buyers fail to achieve results because they haven’t gone through the lessons
    [03:16] #2 You miss out on the benefits of word-of-mouth marketing
    [03:25] Why discounts are a poor way to get customers 
    [04:17] The solution to building and selling courses
    [04:23] What are micro courses?
    [05:04] Why micro courses are a big opportunity for coaches and consultants
    [06:09] Get help and support in creating your micro course
    Email: Terri@heartrepreneur.com
    Golden Nuggets:
    • When buyers don’t go through your course, they fail to achieve results, leaving you with no tangible testimonials. [02:11]
    • If you’re struggling to get good testimonials, it’s likely because individuals aren’t fully engaging with your course material. [03:02]
    • Discounts are a poor way to attract customers because every time you discount, you attract lower-quality customers. [03:25]
    • A micro course is a digital course designed to solve a specific problem for your audience and can be completed in under 60 minutes. [04:23]
    • Micro courses are the first step in building a lifestyle business that generates profits while providing you with freedom. [05:03]
    • “Micro courses lead to macro freedom.” ~Dr. Terri Levine [05:57]
    Let me help you grow your coaching business: 
    Grab this free training and see my revolutionary process in action! Join me and my Inner Circle Students for a behind-the-scenes Live Group Coaching Call: www.6figsin6months.com
    If you want to join me in one of our connect and collaborate sessions. Go to https://calendly.com/heartrepreneur/mcm-live-connect-and-collaborate-session, and select a date & time!
    Oh yeah, feel free to join our free Facebook community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1024921757544017
    Want More!?
    Listen to the podcast version of this content on your favorite podcast platform: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts
    Watch all the episodes and more to gain more insight on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@coachterri/videos.
    Please connect with me on social:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentorterri
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartrepreneurTerriLevine
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilevine/ 

    • 7 min

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