HURT ME TV By Universal

I leave it up to the listeners own understanding 💯

  1. 30/08/2021


    Some say 5 will die and blood will never last, then they turn and say to another that your 6 is falling or you're not staying true to your blue. Others will say that it takes 031 seconds to be born blood, then they turn and say 5 poppin, 6 dropping crip killa to my crucifixion, influencing those who are blind to reality. Sound travels at the rate of 1,120 feet per second. Every second your poisons wisdom reaches the ears for the babies to hear. I be Universal Peace God Allah and I bring 130, which is knowledge and understanding to the Universal Cipher. I tell you 5, I tell you 6, I tell you gangstas that 031 says that all of you within this Universal Cipher must understand the knowledge and the foundation of yourself. You all must understand and know that 5 is power and man, arm, leg, leg, arm and head. You all must also understand that 6 is the equality that you must B & C in order to be most powerful, in order to beat poverty, prison and death of mind, body and soul. You all must Cee things for what they are, not for what they appear to be. 5 plus 6 equals 11, 11 is love, peace and happiness, 11 is your cure and it is also the poison you all must feed the devil who poisoned you with division and ignorance. Gangstas, your 6 is falling, y'all ain't staying true to your blue, y'all ain't staying true blue to your blood. Do you not know that blood runs through all of your veins and that your blood is blue on the inside and red on the outside? Blood is red and blood is blue and together they make purple. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Check this out. In the beginning of it all, Crips were Cribs, another name for a home and Blood was used to describe a fellow black person. Home and Black belongs to the Universe and are the foundation of peace and equality. Both Bloods and Crips were formed by civilized black people for protection purposes, protection from hating, violent beasts. Black man, why do you now take on the image of those whom you were protecting yourselves from? Wake up Blackman, stop being puppets and be God that you are. Be God, recognize the equally of you and all others and look out for the babies and fools that are under the spell of the Devil puppet master.

    9 min
  2. 18/08/2021


    Good evening, I'm James Lesans aka Universal Peace God Allah. I have a serious question for you all. Was the way that we were raised appropriate or inappropriate if we were raised as babies in homes, by parents: Where the mother held a career, as the father does and neither was never around accept for when they had days off of work, leaving us to be raised by baby sitters? Where the mother was unsure of who the father was or was separated from the child's father, unemployed on public assistance, always around but never around because she's always dropping the child with Ms.Johnson, living in a protected reality, protecting herself from the despair of being broke and broken by indulging in drug use, chasing the bag in different men's pockets and partying every weekend, always leaving the child with whomever she can drop the child off with? My answer is yes, those ways were inappropriate because both the father and mother were absent in the early stages of the child's life. The child needs to be raised by a father who works and provides financial, mental and emotional support to the mother. At the same time, the child needs to also be raised by an at home mother who is adequately receiving the fathers adequate and fare financial, mental and emotional pay disbursements, enabling her to share those things with the child, tesching the child how a father should treat a mother, how a mother should respond to the father and treat that child, enabling the child to see the proper family love and structure. Without this love and family structure in the child's early stages in life, you only get a child who chases the love, attention and acceptance of the parents, ultimately resulting in the child mistrusting the parents as well as others around him or her, resulting in the child not trusting anyone in life to give them that initial love and support, accepting anything from people in life. My answer is based on my knowledge of the theory of the great Psychologist Erik Erikson. A speaks of this and states: The trust versus mistrust stage is the first stage of psychologist Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. This stage begins at birth and lasts until your child is around 18 months old. According to Erikson, it is the most important period of your child's life, as it shapes their view of the world as well as their overall personality. Erikson's psychosocial development theory has seven other stages that span throughout a person's lifetime. At each stage, people face conflicts that can result in gaining psychological strength or being left with a weakness. This first stage of psychosocial development consists of: Psychosocial Conflict: Trust versus mistrust Major Question: "Can I trust the people around me?" Babies are almost entirely dependent on their caregivers. So it should come as no surprise that how parents interact with their babies has a profound effect on both their physical and mental health. Erikson believed that early patterns of trust help children build a strong base of trust that's crucial for their social and emotional development. If a child successfully develops trust, they will feel safe and secure in the world. You're essentially shaping their personality and determining how they will view the world. Trust Believing in caregivers Trusting that the world is safe Mistrust Distrusting caregivers Fearing the world Unsure that needs will be met Children raised by consistently unreliable, unpredictable parents who fail to meet these basic needs eventually develop an overall sense of mistrust. Mistrust can cause children to become fearful, confused, and anxious, all of which make it difficult to form healthy relationships. This, in turn, can lead to poor social support, isolation & loneliness.

    10 min
  3. 30/06/2021


    Good morning. I'm Universal Peace God Allah. Today's date is the 29th or should I say, Today's Supreme Mathematics is Wisdom Born, all being born to wisdom. This morning I'm going to share my life's story with you all. From young, I've always looked like the weakest of the weak, so people would choose me as a target forcing me to put my foot down heavily in later years. I attended public school in Brooklyn New York but I've always managed to excel in my studies while being quiet and looking weak. With that being said, the other kids would choose to try to bully me. I put up with alot of bullying for along time. Not only was I bullied by other kids, I was also mistreated by those in my own family, specifically, my father's side. Because I had a speech impediment, a stutter, there was malicious rumors going around on my father's side of the family, rumors that I was dumb and was unable to read and write. While my father was alive, the same family who slandered and spread rumors about me would always run to him for money. But, then he died and his family went into his home and bank and stole everything from us, they even came to where I stayed and stole his car. His family told me that I didn't deserve anything. All of this was said and done to me and my brother over my father's dead body. A year later my mother passed away and my father's family held my fathers cemetery plot and tried to prevent my mother from being buried there with him. They didn't like my mother either. My mother was a professional, corporate woman, a Certified Public Assistant who had two children for one man, but my father's family would always tell me that I needed to leave my mother and go live with my father. My father's side was not the only transgressors, my immediate family members were bad also. Being that I was the oldest and named after my father, my father showed more favoritism towards me over my brother and my mother showed more favoritism towards my younger brother over me, which, I guess put me and my brother at odds. My family used me for years. I sold heavy drugs which kept my family's hands extended whenever they seen me. But everytime I went to prison they didn't even send me a letter nor a dime and when I would come home, they would even provide me with a roof over my head until I got back on my feet. But when I did get back on my feet they came back to me. I have a younger female cousin on my father's side. When I came home and needed a place to stay she tried to treat me like male Cinderella. She would have me baby sit her bae bae kids and use the money I was saving to get out on my own again and then when the money was gone, she wanted me gone too. But then when I got back on my feet here in Virginia, she called me and asked to use my address for cheaper insurance and I let her come and do that. I let her come into my home and use my address, and when I was out, she went behind my back and told my girlfriend all type of bullshit about my that caused conflict in my home, then she left.

    21 min



    Laugh now, cry later. You just wait, you dummy. You are the dumb waiter, a living dead like a mummy. Stay dumb baby Timbo, you the man, you the king. sleep, you and your bimbo, You'll awake when it sings. You can't think pass go, no. To be awake is to be sleep, just wait until you're below Laying, decaying six feet deep. Scripture and science tells, consciousness extends to the grave. You'll see that your heaven was really hell, Dumb, dead and blind with not one God to come to your aide. In one of my last videos I revealed scripture and scientific proof from a medical professional, both stating that consciousness doesn't stop after death and extends to the grave and still you choose worship the false gods and prophets of division coming in the forms of a pastor, money, fashion, sex, prejudice, fake love and hatred, refusing to recognize the equality and oneness of all, refusing to recognize that life is more than what you're looking at through your eyes. Jesus didn't die for your sins, he sacrificed himself unto true life just to show and prove that you were seeing illusions, that you wasn't really alive and was blind. He taught freedom, justice, equality and unity in order to build knowledge of self, knowledge that you are gods with power to escape that physical and mental hell on both sides of the earth. Jesus saw you in darkness and offered you light, but most of you choose to remain in the dark, thinking its the light. You'll find out that what you were seeing in this life was light darkness when your still conscious and even more lost in the dark light of the grave. You'll look around and find that the sun of man, the all wise and civilized have left you lost and stuck in the darkness of tge wilderness. The bibles says:  “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. 40“As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Matthew 13: 37-42. Islam makes it clear that “When a believer dies, when he enters the grave, Munkir and Nakeer comes to him and pose questions to him; they ask him: ‘Who is your god? What is your religion? And who is your prophet?’ The believer replies: ‘My Lord is Allah, my prophet is Muhammad, and my religion is Islam.’ “When a disbeliever dies, seventy thousand angels of Hell accompany him to the grave. In this condition the dead person will plead to them in a voice, which would be audible to all except humans and jinns: ‘If only I had been able to return to the world and had become of the faithful.’ And he says: ‘Send me back to the world, perhaps I may do good in that, which I have left.’ Angels of Hell would say: ‘By no means! It is a (mere) word that you speak,’ and one of the angels would say: ‘If you are sent back to the world, you will again do the same.’ When his dead body is interred and people go away from there, Nakeer and Munkar come to him in the most terrible form and they raise him up for questioning. They ask him: ‘Who is your god? What is your religion? And who is your prophet?’ Since the disbeliever had no sincere faith in them, he would stammer and fail to reply. Thus those two angels would lash him in a punishment that everything will be terrified of it. They would ask him: ‘Who is your god? What is your religion? And who is your prophet?’ He would reply: ‘I don’t know.’ There is only God, Allah, the light and sun of men and minds, the supreme intelligence, which is Islam or peace, I-SELF-LORD-AM-MASTER. ABRAHAM WA

    7 min
  5. 27/06/2021


    Good morning Just because your breathing doesn't mean you're alive. You may claim to be living, alive and capable of love, but I have a problem with your claim. My problem is this, If he or she falls for you he or she doesn't really love you because a fall represents the absence of balance and it won't last. you people will get into a relationship and sometimes go as far as marriage, claiming and agreeing to for better or worse,, saying that you love him or love her, then all of a sudden you decide to cheat or leave the relationship, stating that the love died. You never loved him or her to begin with. You only loved the benefit that the other person gave to you at the time, but when the benefit faded away so did you. True love is forever, unconditional, balanced and its selfles, so how could anyone fall for you or fall in love with you when falling for someone or falling in love with someone is based on a special interest or desire that a person has for another that they feel would benefit their life in some way? He or she would only love you if he or she is with you because you need them, and when he or she has no need nor want for you. Love is selfless, love is a sacrifice. We needed Jesus and his enightenment, Jesus nor enlightenment didn't need us. You know that never works. Anything that can cause you to fall in can cause you to fall out. If you want to experience love be selfless not selfish. Don't see a person, See your own good heart and character and at the same time observe the next person's needs. As shown and proven in my last video and podcast by way of scripture, God is man, man is God and God is true love which stands on Universal, Supreme duality and equality. The image of God and of love is not the image of division, its the image of unity. Peace to the Gods. Love is to love your cipher and accept the victory following equality. To love is not just to love your heaven, its also to love your hell in order for you to come out right. The image of God is balance. God sees good and evil individually, but due to being selfless not selfish, the good and evil are equal. Whats good to you may be evil to another, vice versa. Romans 14:14 says: nothing is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean. Matthew 7:1-2 says: Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. There's no true love between man and woman today because the Supreme intelligent mind of man, which is the sun of man and the self has been blinded by the flesh. In other words, the selfless character and nature of God has been forgotten when the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful. This is why true love nor God dwells with us anymore. Genesis 6:2 reveals this to those with understanding. Genesis 2:25 says that Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. Then Genesis 3:7 says when the man and woman went against God, went against their intelligence and ate the wrong food, their eyes closed to unity, intelligence, love and life and opened to division, emotion, lust and death. "And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves ❤

    8 min
  6. 26/06/2021


    Good evening everyone. Today I am relying on scripture and scientific research conducted by NYC LANGONE for supporting me when I state that man is God. The devil is lie and a lie doesn't exist. A lie is an illusion. A lie will cause conflict and war in recessive realities. People are ignorant, idiotic and extreme liars and deceivers As John 8:44 states: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” First of all, People who follow the bible will sit and refer to God as "HE", not she, but "HE". "HE" assigns the male gender to God. Second of all, they will sit there, read the book of revelations and acknowledge that God had woolly hair and feet the color of bronze. Woolly hair and bronze colored feet depicts the male God as a black man. After all of this, they turn and argue that God is a spirit, not a man and that man is flesh whom God lives in, then say that Jesus who is a physical man, is lord. By the way, in a religious context, Lord is a title that is used for different gods and deities. Lord often refers to the almighty or the creator of the universe Third of all, they will say that we are all children of God, but not once will they acknowledge nor admit that man is God. If you tell them that men are gods and that together all men outside of the fleshly tent and temple make up one God they would argue with you and tell you that you're crazy and that they know the lord Jesus and the Bible. Then they'll say get behind me Satan. These people are both ignorant and idiotic with ears and eyes but they can't see nor hear. Let me break this down. A person is not the body. The body is just a vehicle. The person is the spirit that lives inside of the body. If a person was the really the body and not the spirit, mind or self that lives in and moves the body, no one would attend funerals and say "He or she is gone" while they look on at the corpse laying in the casket. 2 Corinthians 5:1states: For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself. Scripture clearly states that a man is the intelligent spirit that is housed in the body and that men are gods with a little g and children of GOD. In John 10:30-34 it says: 30 Jesus said, I and the Father are one.” 31Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?” 33“We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.” 34Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods” ’ d ? 35If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside— 36what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?  Jesus acknowledges men as gods and himself as a son of God, which makes him a God. As Jesus states in John and as it is stated in 2 Corinthians men are gods and a man's body is his tent, the tent of God. You claim to know and believe Jesus, then you turn, count yourselves as powerless, putting your faith in a mystery God, praying to a mystery. Men are Gods with the ability to heal self. What did Jesus say to the two blind men. I'll tell you. In Matthew 9: 27-30, is the conversation between Jesus and the blind: As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to

    20 min


I leave it up to the listeners own understanding 💯

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