Strategist’s Corner

MFS Investment Management
Strategist’s Corner Podcast

Rob Almeida, global investment strategist and portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management, leads conversations with members of the MFS investment teams on a range of timely topics affecting the capital markets, focusing on those factors most relevant to long-term investors.


  1. 22 MAY

    The Evolution of the Consumer Staples Sector

    Rob Almeida and Genevieve Gilroy, consumer staples sector leader, explore the shifting dynamics in the consumer staples sector in this podcast episode. They also discuss the importance of a collaborative, global research platform with differentiating opportunities across categories and companies.   Chapters: 00:00 - 01:59 Setting the Stage 01:59 - 05:26 Role of a Sector Leader 05:26 - 06:40 Traditional Draws to Consumer Staples 06:40 - 10:14 Agents of Change and Lower Barriers to Entry 10:14 - 11:47 Innovation and the Landscape of Work 11:47 - 14:58 GLP-1s as a Driver of Risk and Opportunity 14:58 - 16:35 Compelling Categories 16:35 - 18:57 Understanding the Rising Price Environment 18:57 - END Consumer Staples in Summary   This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.   The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.   Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.   Distributed by:  U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER.  Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800.  This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and mark

    20 min
  2. 12 APR

    Signs of the Time: Making Sense of a World in Transition

    Rob Almeida is joined by Bill Gevov, MFS Senior Regional Consultant, in this podcast episode to discuss topics that are top of minds for many across the investment community, including the direction of interest rates, the impact of shifting global dynamics, and how investors may want to think about the effects of AI going forward.   Chapters: (00:00) Ask Me Anything (01:04) Gauging the Mood of Investors (05:37) Reconsidering International Equities (10:10) Understanding Recent Cycles (14:02) Today's Market Dynamics (18:05) The Equilibrium Between Capital Lenders and Borrowers (20:25) A Shifting Paradigm (23:09) AI as an Agent of Change (26:16) The State of Interest Rates and Fixed Income (30:52) Bringing It All Together (34:38) Celebrating 100 Years of the Mutual Fund   This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.   The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.   Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.   Distributed by:  U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER.  Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800.  This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances suc

    35 min
  3. 5 FEB

    Three Out of Four Ain't Bad

    Rob Almeida and Brad Rutan discuss how investors are pricing in a favorable outlook for the economy, interest rates, inflation and earnings and the implications for markets if some of those fail to live up to expectations.    (00:03) Where Have We Been and What Do We Know (05:42) What about Recession? (08:01) A Word on the Fed (11:01) The Delayed effects of Low Interest Rates (15:02) Globalization in Perspective (19:36) Thinking Through Artificial Intelligence (23:51) Understanding Today’s Credit Markets (28:50) Thoughts on the Year Ahead         This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.   The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.   Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.   Distributed by:  U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER.  Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800.  This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and market conditions, the total amount nor the calculation methods cannot be disclosed in advance. All investments involve risks, including market fluctuation and investors may lose

    33 min
  4. 01/08/2023

    Local Currency EMD: Uncovering a New Opportunity Set

    Emerging market debt portfolio manager Ward Brown joins Rob for this podcast to dig into the uniqueness of local emerging markets debt investing, the trajectory of EM economies and business cycles, and potential opportunities going forward.   (00:48) – Understanding Local Currency Debt (02:27) – A Practitioner’s Approach to EM Investing (05:04) - Understanding EM Business Cycles (08:09) - A View on the Global Economy and Central Banks (11:29) – How is this EM Cycle Different? (14:19) - The Importance of Country Selection in EM Investing   This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and market conditions, the total amount nor the calculation methods cannot be disclosed in advance. All investments i

    17 min
  5. 20/07/2023

    A Mid-Year Conversation on the Economy

    In this special mid-year podcast, Rob is joined by MFS Chief Economist Erik Weisman to discuss all things around the economy, including the rate of inflation, probability of recession, and other trends that may affect the financial markets and assets.   Chapters: (00:41) Where is the Recession? (04:53) A Word on the Central Banks (06:20) Reading the Labor Markets (08:45) Making Sense of Productivity (10:50) Thinking on the Financial Markets (13:10) Two Scenarios for Rates (16:02) An Economist's View on Technological Advancements (Alternatively, An Economist's View on AI) (20:02) The Bottom Line at Mid-Year   This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and market conditions, the total amount nor the

    22 min
  6. 26/06/2023

    Artificial Intelligence: The Next Technological Tectonic Shift?

    In this podcast, equity portfolio manager Brad Mak and Rob Almeida, global investment strategist, discuss how the commercial application of artificial intelligence may affect - enhance, be neutral to, or detract from - companies over the next three to five years.   (01:04) - AI's Potential Effects on Business Models (05:37) - Two Parallel Drivers of Secular Growth (07:38) - Finding Companies with a Sound AI Roadmap (10:55) - Impacts on the Real Economy and Portfolios (12:29) - New Tech as a Productivity Enhancer (14:35) - What is Different Now?   This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and market conditions, the total amount nor the calculation methods cannot be disclosed in advance. All investments in

    16 min
  7. 17/04/2023

    Taking a Low-Volatility Equity Approach in Good Times and Bad

    Portfolio manager Jim Fallon and Investment Strategist Rob Almeida discuss low-volatility investing, exploring their outlook on market volatility, why this approach makes sense as a strategic allocation and MFS’ approach. (00:37) Path of a Quant in a Fundamental World (03:22) The Genesis of Low Volatility Equity Investing (05:23) Today's Inflation: The Realities and Misconceptions (07:28) Capital Allocation during Periods of Inflation (10:14) What are Low Volatility Stocks? (12:19) Low Vol Equity Valuations (13:55) Active Management and Low Vol Stocks (17:14) Low Volatility as a Strategic Allocation (20:50) A PM's Passions beyond Investing       This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and market co

    23 min
  8. 21/03/2023

    Fixed Income 2023: Finding Opportunities and Managing Risks

    After a tumultuous 2022, Benoit Anne, Lead Strategist, and Brad Rutan, Investment Product Specialist, explore dynamics driving bond markets. In this podcast, they also discuss where they see opportunity, areas for caution and what the next cycle might bring.   (00:00) The Dynamics Driving Yields (03:38) Investor Concerns and Pitfalls (06:42) The Effects of Higher Costs (08:38) Fixed Income in Asset Allocation (09:25) Opportunities in European Investment Grade Credit (11:11) Deconstructing the Central Banks (15:00) Thinking about the US Fixed Income Markets (16:54) Selectivity is Key to Fixed Income Investing (22:39) Thoughts on Emerging Markets Debt (24:03) What to Know about Municipals (26:16) Dispersion, Correlation, and Macro Trends             This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne b

    30 min
  9. 02/02/2023

    From Asset Allocation to Zombie Companies: A Conversation with CEO Mike Roberge

    In the Strategist's Corner Season 2 premiere, CEO Mike Roberge joins Rob Almeida, Global Investment Strategist, in this podcast to chat about where we are in the economic cycle, the dramatically shifting investment landscape and how active managers can potentially capitalize on these shifts.   (00:00) - (00:37) Introduction (00:37) - (05:42) Looking Through 2023 into the Next Cycle (05:42) - (07:00) A Read on Policy and Rates (07:00) - (09:18) Companies Rethinking Capital Deployment (09:18) - (11:41) The Return of Asset Allocation (11:41) - (12:51) Reflections of a Veteran Investor (12:51) - (14:08) The Time Horizon Advantage (14:08) - (14:52) Renaissance of Active Management (14:52) Zombie Companies and the Role of Active       This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depen

    15 min
  10. 22/07/2022

    Episode 7 - Complacency to Capitulation: Navigating Risks and Finding Opportunities in Global Bond Markets

    Rob Almeida, global investment strategist, and global fixed income portfolio manager Pilar Gomez-Bravo explore risks in today's global bond markets and how we seek to capitalize on changing market dynamics to drive long-term value.     This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc., MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International Limited, a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management S.à r.l. – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International Limited, a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and market conditions, the total amount nor the calculation methods cannot be disclosed in advance. All investments involve risks, including market fluctuation and investors may lose the principal amount invested. Investors should obtain and read the prospectus and/or document set forth in Article 37-3 of Financial Instruments and Exchange Act carefully before making the investments.­ Unless otherwise indicated, logos, product and

    39 min
  11. 30/06/2022

    Episode 5 - Blue Suits and Greenflation: Exploring ESG Integration­

    Rob Almeida, global investment strategist, and fixed income ESG analyst Mahesh Jayakumar discuss in this podcast episode how ESG is simply another input into our bottom-up fixed income process, as well as what greenflation is and its impact.     This material is intended for investment professional use only and not intended for retail investors.­ ­ The views expressed are those of the speaker and are subject to change at any time. These views are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase any security, or as an offer of securities or investment advice. No forecast can be guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Please keep in mind that a sustainable investing approach does not guarantee positive results and all investments, including those that integrate ESG considerations into the investment process, carry a certain amount of risk including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Distributed by: U.S. – MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc. ("MFSI"), MFS Investment Management and MFS Fund Distributors, Inc.; Latin America – MFS International Ltd.; Canada – MFS Investment Management Canada Limited. No securities commission or similar regulatory authority in Canada has reviewed this communication; Note to UK and Switzerland readers: Issued in the UK and Switzerland by MFS International (U.K.) Limited ("MIL UK"), a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the company number 03062718, and authorised and regulated in the conduct of investment business by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. MIL UK, an indirect subsidiary of MFS®, has its registered office at One Carter Lane, London, EC4V 5ER. Note to Europe (ex UK and Switzerland) readers: Issued in Europe by MFS Investment Management (Lux) S.à r.l. (MFS Lux) – authorized under Luxembourg law as a management company for Funds domiciled in Luxembourg and which both provide products and investment services to institutional investors and is registered office is at S.a r.l. 4 Rue Albert Borschette, Luxembourg L-1246. Tel: 352 2826 12800. This material shall not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to professional investors (as permitted by local regulations) and should not be relied upon or distributed to persons where such reliance or distribution would be contrary to local regulation; Singapore – MFS International Singapore Pte. Ltd. (CRN 201228809M); Australia/New Zealand - MFS International Australia Pty Ltd ("MFS Australia") (ABN 68 607 579 537) holds an Australian financial services licence number 485343. MFS Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.; Hong Kong - MFS International (Hong Kong) Limited ("MIL HK"), a private limited company licensed and regulated by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (the "SFC"). MIL HK is approved to engage in dealing in securities and asset management regulated activities and may provide certain investment services to "professional investors" as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance ("SFO").; For Professional Investors in China – MFS Financial Management Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 2801-12, 28th Floor, 100 Century Avenue, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, 200120, China, a Chinese limited liability company registered to provide financial management consulting services.; Japan - MFS Investment Management K.K., is registered as a Financial Instruments Business Operator, Kanto Local Finance Bureau (FIBO) No.312, a member of the Investment Trust Association, Japan and the Japan Investment Advisers Association. As fees to be borne by investors vary depending upon circumstances such as products, services, investment period and market conditions, the total amount nor the calculation methods cannot be disclosed in advance. All investments involve risks, including market fluctuation and investors may lose the principal amount i

    22 min


Rob Almeida, global investment strategist and portfolio manager at MFS Investment Management, leads conversations with members of the MFS investment teams on a range of timely topics affecting the capital markets, focusing on those factors most relevant to long-term investors.

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