96 episodi

Podcast by Kobi Cohen

Balagan Kobi Cohen

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Podcast by Kobi Cohen

    C’est la vie with Jeff Becker

    C’est la vie with Jeff Becker

    It has been two months since the war was forced upon Israel by Hamas, but it seems that Israel doesn't have any Exit Strategy. While soldiers are dying, the world sees the photos from Gaza and the Gaza people suffering. They don't know these people are used as Human shields by Hamas and that the war can end quickly if Hamas surrenders and sends free all the people abducted.
    On the other hand, Netanyahu and his coalition refuse to take responsibility and keep painting his alliance without paying attention to Israelis' suffering. On November 30th, Israeli hero - Yuval Kestelman fought against two terrorists who murdered three people, wounded six more, and killed them. Sadly, he was killed in cold blood by a settler who executed him (There is documentation of the horrible event). Netanyahu had no words of empathy to his family and summarized it "At times of wars, accidents happen. That's life"...
    When it comes to his allies and himself, he will always ensure they are secure, but when it comes to his opponents or someone he has no political gain from, he will either ignore or make excuses as to why things are the way they are.
    After spending three and a shelf weeks there, I spoke to my friend Jeff Becker about recent events and the political atmosphere in Israel.

    • 45 min
    UN Resolution 181 and the War with Ido Dembin

    UN Resolution 181 and the War with Ido Dembin

    On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly voted in favor of the Partition Plan over British Palestine, also known as UN Resolution 181.
    The plan to divide the land between Israelis and Arabs was accepted by Zionist leaders and was turned down by the Arab Nations.
    Today it seems that more than ever, we should discuss the two-state solution, as from both ends of the Radical Left and the BDS supporters to the Israeli Messianic Right Wing, there is strong support for "From the River to the Sea - One State will be Free". 
    To discuss Israel's situation, The Partition Plan, and more related subjects, I was glad to host my friend Ido Dembin, Executive Director of Molad - The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy, once again.
    To read more about UN Resolution 181 - https://www.un.org/unispal/data-collection/general-assembly/
    Tor read more about Molad - http://www.molad.org/en/

    • 49 min
    Can we Restore Hatikvah (Hope)? With Uri Ashi

    Can we Restore Hatikvah (Hope)? With Uri Ashi

    Uri Ashi was one of the only people advocating for peace for the last couple of years. For over two years, he stood holding a sign with big letters saying, "Peace with the Palestinians is doable." 
    Even though he works in the High-Tech scene, Uri has dedicated his last years to research, writing, and advocating for the two-state solution. 
    His book Hatikvah (Just like Israel's National Anthem) covers the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and offers a solution. I reached out to Uri to see if he thinks we can still achieve Peace amid the Black Sabbath of October 7th. 
    To check Uri's website (Hebrew) - https://hatikvah.co.il/#book
    #Peace #Israel #HaTikvah

    • 33 min
    Tikkun Olam - Especially now with Roy Goldenberg

    Tikkun Olam - Especially now with Roy Goldenberg

    Tikkun Olam is one of the most essential values in Judaism. But how do we make this idea concrete by helping change the world for people with disabilities?
    Disabilities are color, gender, religion, or Nation blind, and some Israelis are working hard to provide solutions that are easy and simple to make. 
    TOM - Or Tikkun Olam Makers, is a global movement of communities that creates and disseminates affordable solutions to neglected challenges of people with disabilities, the elderly, and the poor.
    How do they do that? For that, I spoke to Roy Goldenberg, Israel Director at TOM.
    To learn more about TOM please check their website - 
    #TikkunOlam #Israel #DIsabilities

    • 28 min
    S3E20 - Update from Israel

    S3E20 - Update from Israel

    I traveled to Israel to check the pulse, be with my people and see for myself what was happening. Here is a quick update.
    I will have many exciting guests speaking in the next couple of episodes.
    Do you have any ideas or questions? Feel free to email me at kobi.cohen@gmail.com
    #Israel #BringThemBackHome #HamasisISIS #FreeGazafromHamas

    • 5 min
    The failure of the Iron Wall conception with Nir Reisler

    The failure of the Iron Wall conception with Nir Reisler

    In 1923, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Founder and Leader of Beitar (Revisionist Zionism) wrote an essay called The Iron Wall, which, in a nutshell, says - The Arabs will not accept our existence and make peace until we will have strong institutions of our own. They will understand they can not outtake us.
    For years, Israel has built its institutions and mainly its Military power, with one of the strongest armies in the world. Further than that, for years, Israel was able to minimize its casualties from Terror, which led us, Israelis, to believe that we could keep on living the way we did without seeking to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 
    The leader of this conception was Netanyahu, who bragged that the Arab countries are making "Peace for Peace", ignoring the threats from Gaza (And Lebanon and the West Bank, but that is for other episodes).
    What was right and wrong with the Iron Wall conception, and why did it fail under Netanyahu?! On this and more, I spoke to my friend, Nir Reisler, a Zionist Researcher.
    To read the English translation of The Iron Wall - http://en.jabotinsky.org/media/9747/the-iron-wall.pdf
    #Israel #Hamas #Peace #HamasisISIS

    • 35 min

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