Cells: A Genetic Blueprint or Molecular Machines?

Podcast: GLIMPSE Podcast

Cells: A Genetic Blueprint or Molecular Machines?

In this episode, Tim and Max interview two MIT professors for a live event with Taste of Science Boston. Taste of Science is a nationwide science communication festival that brings scientists into bars and cafes to talk about their research with the public and answer questions in a friendly, casual atmosphere. The GLiMPSE team collaborated with Taste of Science to turn one of their Boston events into a live GLiMPSE episode. Many thanks are due to the Taste of Science Boston team, and to Nightshift Brewing for kindly hosting us.


Find out about Taste of Science Boston here, or visit the website for this event here.

Visit Salil Garg’s lab website or find them on Twitter.

Selected papers from the Garg Lab:

“Single-cell variability controlled by microRNAs”

“Networks of enhancers and microRNAs drive variation in cell states”

Visit Iain Cheeseman’s lab website or find him on Twitter.

Selected papers from the Cheeseman Lab:

“A mitotic SKAP isoform regulates spindle positioning at astral microtubule plus ends”

“A Regulatory Switch Alters Chromosome Motions at the Metaphase-to-Anaphase Transition”


Transcript for this episode: Cell Biology Live transcript

Music Credits:

“Over Under”, “Allada”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

“Arizona Moon”, “El Tajo”, “Rue Severine”, “Vernouillet”, “Diatom”, “Bangolet”, “Mandel”
by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue)

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